Vascular Plant Resources and Their Diversity in Changbai Mountains CADMIUM TOXICITY AND TOLERANCE IN VASCULAR PLANTS Study on Compositions and Geographical Elements of Vascular Plants in Castanopsis fabri Community,Daiyun Mountain SOME NEW RECORDED PLANTS FROM HAINAN ISLAND A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE FLORA OF VASCULAR PLANTS IN SHENNONGJIA,CHINA Additions to the Flora of Anhui Province FLORAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HOUHE NATURE RESERVE IN THE SOUTHWEST HUBEI A STUDY ON COMMUNITIES OF AQUATIC VASCULAR PLANTS IN FOUR COUNTIES IN QINGHAI-XIZANG Interspecific relationships of bryophytes and vascular plants in two habitats of Hani Peatland in Changbai Mountain Research Progress in Vessel and Perforation Plate of Vascular Plants and Some Considerations for Future Research Review on 4-Coumarate:Coenzyme A Ligase (4CL) of Vascular Plants Studies on Early Devonian Flora of Sichuan Analysis of the distribution pattern of wild vascular plant diversity in Gansu Province, China LIFE FORM SPECTRUM OF VASCULAR PLANTS OF QUERCUS MONGOLICA COMMUNITIES IN NORTH EAST CHINA Flora in Dahaituo Nature Reserve and Its Relationship with Surrounding Reserves Flora of vascular plants of Jianfengling, Hainan Island A Comparison of Classifications of Families of Chinese VascularPlants among Flora Republicae Popularis Sinicae, Flora of China and the New Classifications Tree of life for the genera of Chinese vascular plants Flora Studies on Aquatic Vascular Plants in Wetland of Guangxi Province Beta diversity of vascular plants and its influencing factors on islands in the Thousand Island Lake Some Newly Recorded Vascular Plants from Shanxi SOME NEW RECORDED PLANTS FROM BEIJING SOME NEWLY RECORDED PLANTS FROM HAINAN ISLAND A Study of Pollen Morphology of Some Aquatic Vascular Plants in Honghu Lake, Hubei Biodiversity and water quality variations in constyucted wetlands of Yongding River system EFFECTS OF BIOLOGICAL CRUSTS ON THE GERMINATION OF FIVE DESERT VASCULAR PLANTS WITH DIFFERENT SEED MORPHOLOGIES Geographical Composition of Vascular Plants in Dashu Mountain in Hefei, Anhui Province

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