Anther Culture of Naked Oat and the Establishment of Its Haploid Suspension Cell Karyotype study of 8 kinds of Avena nuda The physiological mechanisms through which exogenous H2O2 increases the resistance of Avena nuda to salt stress Quality of mixed naked oats (Avena nuda) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) silage Effects of additives and crop ratio on quality of mixed naked oat (Avena nuda) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) silage EMBRYOGENESIS IN TISSUE DERIVED FROM YOUNG LEAF OF AVENA NUDA Effect of Irrigation Regimes on Phytic Acid, Protein, and Mineral Element Contents in Two Oat Cultivars Identification and Evaluation of Drought Resistance of Naked Oat (Avena nuda L.) under PEG-6000 stress at Germination Stage Exogenous nitric oxide elevated alkali tolerance of Avena nuda seedlings Effects of super absorbent polymer application rate on soil nitrogen of spring-sown naked oat in two irrigation systems Genetic Diversity in Naked Oatmeal(Avena nuda) Germplasm Revealed by AFLP Markers

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