Effects of nitrogen management on maize nitrogen utilization and residual nitrate nitrogen in soil under maize/soybean and maize/sweet potato relay strip intercropping systems. Effect of ecological intensification nutrient management on the yield and nitrogen use efficiency of spring maize Maize growth and nutrient uptake as influenced by nitrogen management in Jilin province Effects of nitrogen management modes on yield formation and nitrogen utilization efficiency of summer maize Effects of nitrogen management on rice growth and grain yield under conservation tillage in rice-wheat cropping system Site-specific Nitrogen Management Increases Fertilizer-nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rice Effects of nitrogen management on yield and nitrogen utilization of double cropping late rice under total rice straw incorporation Effects of nitrogen management on NH3 volatilization and nitrogen use efficiency under no-tillage paddy fields Effects of irrigation and nitrogen management on nitrogen use efficiency and yield of hybrid rice cultivated in ditches under no-tillage Effect of nitrogen fertilizer managements on rice yield and nitrogen uptake in medium and low yield fields under the conditions of straw turnover Effects of water-nitrogen management patterns and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer combined application on grain yield and quality of hybrid rice Gangyou 725 in rapeseed (wheat)-rice planting area of Chengdu plain Effects of nitrogen management practices on nutrition uptake and grain qualities of rice Effects of Wheat Residue Incorporation and Nitrogen Management Techniques on Formation of the Grain Yield of Rice Yield and quality of silage corn (Zea mays) as affected by type and quantity of N fertilization Effects of Nitrogen Management Patterns on Grain Yield, Solar Radiant Use Efficiency in Super Hybrid Rice Variations of the grain yields and N absorption of spring maize in Heilongjiang Province Effects of Water-Nitrogen Management Patterns on Nitrogen Utilization Characteristics and Yield in Rice Cultivars with Different Nitrogen Use Efficiencies Short-term Effect of Different Water and Nitrogen Managements on Paddy Soil Nutrient, Enzyme Activity and Carbon Pool Under Wheat Straw-returning Fields Effects of Dry Matter Accumulation and Photosynthate Transporation of Stem and Sheath and Grain Production Under Different Water and Nitrogen Management in Rice Opinions on water-nitrogen relations and their synergic management Effects of Wheat-Residue Application and Site-Specific Nitrogen Management on Growth and Development in Direct-Seeding Rice Nitrogen uptake,utilization and rice yield in the north rimland of double-cropping rice region as affected by different nitrogen management strategies Effect of different water and nitrogen management on yield and nitrate content of amaranth and spinach Comparison of conventional and recommended water and nitrogen practices on spinach growth and water and nitrogen usage Effect of Panicle Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Yield and Population Quality in Mechanical Transplanted Super Rice Ningjing 1 with Different Seedling Ages Characteristics of Nutrient Uptake and Accumulation in Wheat and Rice with Continuous Cropping under Super-High-Yielding Cultivation Effects of Nitrogen Management on Yield and Dry Matter Accumulation and Translocation of Maize in Maize-Soybean Relay-Cropping System Wheat grain yield and nitrogen use characteristics under monoculture and intercropping with different nitrogen fertilization rates Effects of Wheat-Residue Application and Site-Specific Nitrogen Manage- ment on Absorption and Utilization of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potas-sium in Rice Plants Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization Timing on Lignin Synthesis of Stem and Physiological Mechanism of Lodging Resistance in Wheat  Fartilizer-Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Its Physiological Mechanism under Site-Specific Nitrogen Management in Rice