Isolation of Zygotes and Proembryos in Doritis pulcherrima Observations on the Behavior of Cytogenetics and Pollen Development of Alocasia odora (Lindl.) K.Koch Obtaining Homozygote of Taigu Genic Malesterile Wheat by Chromosome Elimination Isolation of Egg Cells and Zygotes in Oryza sativa Analysis of Transgenic Tomatoes with Expression of Antisense Polygalacturonase Gene Changes of Plastids Mitochondria and Their DNA in the Egg Cell Before and After Fertilization in Pharbitis Isolation of Fertilized Embryo Sacs and Zygotes and Triggering of Zygote Division in Vitro in Nicotiana tabacum EMBRYONIC FACTOR 19 Encodes a Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein that is Essential for the Initiation of Zygotic Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis Double Fertilization and Duration of Phases in Peanut (Arachis hgpogaea L.) A Single-Cell-Squashing Technique for Observation of Organelle DNA Distribution in Tobacco Zygotes THE EFFECT OF INDUCED MUTATION OF HETEROZYGOTES IN WINTER WHEAT Ultrastructrue of the Embryo Sac Before and After Fertilization in Day
Lily(Hemerocallis citrina
Ultrastructural Studies on the Development of Zygote and Proembryo in Plantago major APPLICATION OF CHEMICAL MUTATION ON ZYGOPHASE FOR CROP BREEDING Cytoskeleton and Early Development in Fucoid Algae POLYEMBRYOGENESIS IN APOMIXISPARENT Ⅳ OF RICE Cytological Observations on the Fertilization of the Fern Pteridium aquilinum var.latiusculum Ultrastructural Studies on the Development of Zygote and Proembryo in Plantago major Distribution of Membrane-bound Calcium and Activited Calmodulin in Isolated Zygotes and Young Embryos of Triticum aestivum A study on Breeding Corn Genetic Male Sterile Double Heterozygous Maintainer Research Progress on Early Embryogenesis in Angiosperms Sexual Reproduction in Higher Plants I: Fertilization and the Initiation of Zygotic Program The Maternal-to-Zygotic Transition in Higher Plants An investigation on the sexual reproductive cycle in Tapiscia sinensis Polymorphic microsatellite markers from expressed sequences tag in Nicotiana tabacum for obtaining the genes of preponderant expression in zygotes Studies on the Process of Sexual Reproduction in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica P.Beauv)——Ⅰ.Cytological Observations on the Fertilization in Foxtail Millet Observation on Enzymatically Isolated-embryo Sacs in Adenophora axiIliflora: Fertilization,Zygote and Endosperm Genetic diversity and differentiation in four kinds of economic abalone Ultrastructrue of the Embryo Sac Before and After Fertilization in Day
Lily(Hemerocallis citrina