Research Progress on Inheritance of Fruit Shape in Horticultural Crops The Comparison of the Mineral Elements,Endogenous Hormones in Different Shapes and Positions of‘Korla Xiangli’Pears Variation and Correla tivity Ana lysis of Fruit Shape of Cam e llia chekiangoleosa Study on Inheritance of Eggplant Fruit Shape Study on Inheritance of Eggplant Fruit Shape QTL Analysis for Fruit Shape in Eggplant Based on Genetic Linkage Map QTL Analysis for Fruit Shape in Eggplant Based on Genetic Linkage Map QTLs Mapping for Tomato Fruit Weight and Fruit Shape in Solanum lycopersicon × S. galapagense Recombinant Inbred Line Phylogeny of Euonymus inferred from molecular and morphological data Correlation between Damage of Curculio chinensis and Fruit Traits of Camellia meiocarpa Changes in Endogenous Hormone Contents and Cell Wall Component, Degrading Enzyme Activity and Their Relation in Lycium barbarum QTLs Mapping for Tomato Fruit Weight and Fruit Shape in Solanum lycopersicon × S. galapagense Recombinant Inbred Line Fruit shape and pericarp micromorphological characteristics of Polygonum section Persicaria from China Fruit Shape and Pericarp Micro-morphology of the Cyperus (Cyperaceae) in Shandong Fuzzy model for grape sugar content and fruit shape index with irrigation quota as parameter The Comparison of the Mineral Elements,Endogenous Hormones in Different Shapes and Positions of‘Korla Xiangli’Pears

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