Relationships between urban green belt structure and |temperature-humidity effect. Photosynthetic response to different irradiances of undergrowth plants in tree-herb plantation Forest Biomass Estimation Using Remote Sensing Based on Canopy Density Simultaneous Equations Model Remote Sensing Estimation of Forest Canopy Density Combined with Texture Features Effects of the Different Structures of Green Belts on the Temperature and Humidity in River Corridors ON FOREST CANOPY DENSITY ESTIMATION RESEARCH BASED ON RS AND GIS WITH RIDGE ESTIMATION Correlation analysis of canopy density with remote sensing data for different forest stand An Investigation of the Effects of Environmental Factors on the Flowering and Seed Setting of Mikania micrantha H.B.K (Compositae) Effects of vegetation status in urban green spaces on particles removal in a canyon street atmosphere Interspecific relationships of bryophytes and vascular plants in two habitats of Hani Peatland in Changbai Mountain Evaluation of the tree form quality of middleaged Pinus tabuliformis plantation under different canopy densities in Huanglong Mountains, Northwest China. The water quality changes during rainfall in natural Picea schrenkiana var. tianschanica forest ecosystem in the Middle Tianshan mountains