Effects of complex pollution of CTAB and Cd2+ on the growth of Chinese sweetgum seedlings Nutrient Characteristics of Stem-Flow in Four Tree Species The Method for Liquidambar formosana DNA Extracting and the Optimization of PCR Procedure Changes of Intensities of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Free Radicals from Laccase-Treated Woods Genetic Variation and Selection of 14-year-old Liquidambar formosana Progeny Formation and Distribution of Resin Canals in Beautiful Sweetgum Stem(Liquidambar formosana) by Mechanical or Chemical Injury A new triterpenoid isolated from fruits of Liquidambaris Fructus Qualitative and quantitative methods of betulonic acid in fruits of Liquidambar formosana Study on the Technical of Cutting Propagation of Tender Branch for Broad-leaf Tree Species Chemical Constituents in Rhizospheric Soil Extracts of Pinus massoniana and Liquidambar formosana Genetic Diversity of Allozyme Markers of Liquidambar formosana Hance Structure and distribution pattern of dominant populations in the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Three Gorges Reservoir Area ANALYSIS OF GENETIC VARIATION OF PROGENY TRAITS IN LIQUIDAMBAR FORMOSANA Impact of litter addition and exclusion on soil respiration in a Liquidambar formosana forest and a nearby Cinnamomum camphora forest of central southern China Effects of eutrophic nitrogen nutrition on carbon balance capacity of Liquidambar formosana seedlings under low light. Factors affecting seedling regeneration of Liquidambar formosana in the L. formosana forests in hilly regions of Southeast Hubei, China

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