Effects of understory removal on soil respiration and microbial community composition structure in a Chinese fir plantation Effects of Dissolved Organic Matter Input on Soil CO2 Emission and Microbial Community Composition in a Subtropical Forest Isolation and Expression of ClPAL Genes in Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) Impact of litterfall addition and exclusion on soil respiration in Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation and secondary Castanopsis carlesii forest in mid-subtropical China Impacts of Biochar Input on Soil Carbon Emission and Microbial Community Composition in Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation A NEW SPECIES OF THE OECOPHORIDAE INJURIOUS To THE CONE AND SEED OF CHINA FIR(LEPIDOPTERA:OECOPHORIDAE) EFFECTS OF ABOVEGROUND LITTER EXCLUSION AND ADDITION ON SOIL RESPIRATION IN A CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA PLANTATION IN CHINA SOIL SYSTEM RESPIRATION AND ITS CONTROLLING FACTORS IN CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA AND PINUS MASSONIANA COMMUNITIES OF SUBTROPICAL CHINA A Preliminary Study on 13C Enrichment of in Cunninghamia lanceolata Using Pulse Labeling Technique Antibacterial Property of China Fir/TiO2 Composite