Assessment of soil quality in relation to land use and landscape positi on on slope Landscape biodiversity of wetlands and their changes in 50 years in watersheds of the Sanjiang Plain GIS-based researches on urban green space on landscape gravity field with Ningbo city as an example Scale dependence in desert plant biodiversity The response of landscape metrics against pattern scenarios Landscape management practices for the control of non-point source pollution: methods and principals A conceptual framework for the study of urban river based on landscape ecology Research progress on the chemical ecology of scale insects Landscape fragmentation and soil bareness study in north Shaanbei Loess Plateau Relationship between landscape pattern and soil erosion of an agricultural watershed in the Mollisols region of northeastern China Effects of spatial grain size on landscape pattern of land-cover types in the rapidly urbanized region Response to classification numbers of vegetation types on correlative coefficients among landscape metrics Analysis on influence factors for scale effect of soil nitrogen in hilly region Impacts of eco-tourism development on landscape ecology with special reference to the Gudoushan nature reserve in Guangdong Province Application of road network theory in studying ecological effects of landscape fragmentation: a case study with the road network of Zhejiang Province The pattern analysis of landscape boundary network in the upper reaches of Minjiang River Dynamic analysis of the Guangzhou landscape eco-security pattern based on 3S technology Impact of cascade hydropower stations on suspended particulate matter in Xiangxi River Allometric Relationship of Current-year Shoots in Pinus tabulaeformis Analysis of Landscape Structure Characteristics in Beijing Ana lysis on Landscape Pa tterns of Urban Forest in Nanyang City Dynam ics Ana lysis on Landscape Pa ttern of Alpine-cold Desertif ied Area in theQinha i-Tibetan Pla teau:A Ca se Study in Guinan County, Qingha i Prov ince Study on the Pollen Morphology of Masson Pine and Other Pine Species and Varieties Landscape Dynam ics of Rocky Desertif ica ted Lands in KarstMounta inousReg ion of North Guangdong in Recen t 30 Years Research and Application of VRGIS in Forest Resources Managemen t Response of Chinese Wampee Axes and Maize Embryos to Dehydration at Different Rates Spatiotemporal Patterns and Dynamics of Species Richness and Abundance of Woody Plant Functional Groups in a Tropical Forest Landscape of Hainan Island, South China Is Mass-based Metabolism Rate Proportional to Surface Area in Plant Leaves? A Data Re-analysis Salt Tolerance Mechanisms in Soybean Comparative Development of Lint and Fuzz Using Different Cotton Fiber-specific Developmental Mutants in Gossypium hirsutum Relationships among the Stem, Aboveground and Total Biomass across Chinese Forests A Novel Flavonoid Glucoside from Anoectochilus roxburghii (Wall.) Lindl. nter-annual Changes in Eurasian Continent NDVI and Its ensitivity to the Large-scale Climate Variations in the Last 20 Years Application of 3S techniques in ecological landscape planning of Harbin suburb Regional ecosecurity pattern in urban area based on land use analysis:A case study in Lanzhou Landscape diversity and stability of Korean pine broad-leaved forest in Xiaoxing‘anling forest region Spatial variability of soil phosphorus in field scale The influence of human activity on the landscape patterns in Eastern Liaoning mountainous regions Quantitative analysis and fractal modeling on the landscape mosaic and its evolutionary process of Shanghai in the period from 1947-1996 Artificial neural network(ANN) model of landscape ecological planning in urban fringes Effect of human activities on spatial-temporal changes of landscape diversity in the Mountain Tai Study on the ecosystem reconstruction of the Yellow River Beach in Zhengzhou City Review on application of 3S and modeling methods in wetland landscape pattern researches A research on the landscape evaluation system of the riparian buffer of the Dongfenggang of Suzhou River Assessment of the current status & planning of the green space system of Chongming Island using landscape metrics and network analysis methods Study on the dynamic change of landscape pattern and its landscape ecological effects in Haitan Island of Pingtan County Cloning, Bioinformatic Analysis and Expression Patterns of Chaperonin Gene CCTδ from Musca domestica EFFECT OF THE SIMULATED ACID RAIN ON THE PROTECTING ENZYMES AND LIPID PEROXIDATION OF MEMBRANE IN COTTON COTYLEDON DISC VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF CHAETOGNATHS IN THE EAST CHINA SEA IN SUMMER OF 1978 ANALYSIS OF IMPACT OF HUMAN ACTIVITY ON LANDSCAPE STRUCTURE IN YELLOW RIVER DELTA──A CASE STUDY OF DONGYING REGION ANALYSIS ON LANDSCAPE PATTERNS OF LIAOHE DELTA WETLAND Effects of urbanization on forest vegetation,soils and landscape Studies on spatial pattern and dynamics for landscape elements in guandishan forest region,Shanxi,China FRACTAL PROPERTIES OF THE SPATIAL PATTERN OF Larix gmelini POPULATION:CORRELATION DIMENSION LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION Patch dynamics and scale transition analysis of grassland in restoration succession Ecological significance,characteristics and types of disturbance THE ANALYSIS OF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS FROM CARYA (CARYA CATHAYENSIS) KERNEL BREEDING OF A NEW SCARLET SAGE VARIETY SHENZHOUHONG AND ITS IDENTIFICATION BY SRAP Kakkalide Determination of Pueraria lobata Flowers RAPD Marker Analysis of Scab-resistant and -Susceptible Varieties (Lines) of Common Wheat Anatomical Study of Scape Development of Different Garlic Cultivars Pollen Morphologies of Typhonium Schott and Its Genetically Close Genera (Araceae) Responses of protection system in chloroplasts of rice seedlings to salt stress Research on exploiting wheat-maize grain yield theory and technology in the eastern low plain of Hebei Province Pig farm-cropland configuration under typical waste treatment modes- A case study of anaerobic liquid fermentation following solid-liquid separation of waste Vegetation change based on land use/cover in arid oasis: A case study of the Eighth Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Progress on ecological security evaluation of cultivated land Multivariate correlation analysis between landscape pattern and water quality The estimating of the spatial distribution of forest biomass in China based on remote sensing and downscaling techniques The source-sink landscape pattern change and its effect on phosphorus pollution in Yuqiao watershed Red fox habitat selection and landscape feature analysis in the Dalai Lake Natural Reserve in Inner Mongolia Temporal and spatial dynamic changes and landscape pattern response of Hemeroby in Dayang estuary of Liaoning Province, China Research on three small-scale agricultural ecological-economic systems in Shenzhen City based on emergy analysis Landscape connectivity analysis for the forest landscape restoration: a case study of Gongyi City Spatial relationships among Empoasca vitis (Gothe) and Toxoptera aurantii (Boyer) and natural enemies in tea gardens of autumn-winter season in Hefei suburban The diversity of scarab beetles in grassland cattle dung from North China Analysis on landscape pattern change and its driving forces of Yancheng National Natural Reserve Response of river water quality to background characteristics of landscapes inTaihu Lake basin Optimization strategies and an aesthetic evaluation of typical plant communities in the Shanghai Green Belt