Structure Character istics of Plant Commun ity in Sma ll-sized Sandof Be ijingWestern a t D ifferent Successiona l Stages Application of Numerical Classification to Study the Grazing Retrogressive Succession Stages of the Kobresia Vegetation on the Subalpine Meadow Litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics at different succession stages of typical mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest in Xiaoxing’an Mountains, China. Soil anti-erodibility of abandoned lands during different succession stages of plant community in hilly-gullied region of the Loess Plateau: Take Fangta small watershed as an example. Effects of human activities on organic carbon storage in the Kobresia hummilis meadow ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau N and P stoichiometric traits of plant and soil in different forest succession stages in Changbai Mountains. Comparison Study on Soil Chemical Characteristics in Tropical Natural Forests in Different Succession Stages Characteristics of the soil seed banks and relationships with the vegetation in restored wetlands in Sanjiang Plain, northeast of China A STUDY ON THE SOIL SEED BANKS AT THE DIFFERENT SUCCESSION STAGES OF SOUTH SUBTROPICAL FORESTS Change in population niche during vegetation community succession in the Yellow River Delta A STUDY ON JUDGMENT AND EVALUATION OF SUCCESSION SITUATION FOR FOREST COMMUNITY WITH SEVERAL DOMINANT TREE SPECIESIN SUBTROPICAL ZONE IN CHINA Species-area relationship at different succession stages of monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest in south subtropical area of Yunnan Province. Effect of Different Succession Stages on Soil Quality in Karst Degraded Mountain A comparative study on life-form spectra of evergreen broad-leaved forest in different successions in Jinyun Mountain