Effects of phosphorus application on changes in soil phosphorus under wheat/maize/soybean strip relay intercropping system Effects of nitrogen strategies on carbon and nitrogen metabolism of maize in wheat/maize/soybean relay intercropping system Effect of Wheat/Maize/Soybean and Wheat/Maize/Sweet Potato Relay Strip Intercropping on Bacterial Community Diversity of Rhizosphere Soil and Nitrogen Uptake of Crops Effects of different cropping modes on crop root growth, yield, and rhizosphere soil microbes’ number.  Nitrogen accumulation, allocation and translocation in wheat/maize/soybean relay intercropping system Effect of Wheat/Maize/Soybean and Wheat/Maize/Sweet Potato Relay Strip Intercropping on Soil Nitrogen Content and Nitrogen Transfer Effects of different planting modes on soil nitrogen transformation and related enzyme activities. The Reciprocity and Nitrogen Transfer in Inter-Cropping and Inter-Planting System of "Wheat/Maize/Soybean" Analysis of the nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency and N fertilizer residual effect in the wheat-maize-soybean and wheat-maize-sweet potato relay strip intercropping Production and N nutrient performance of wheat-maize-soybean relay strip intercropping system and evaluation of interspecies competition Study on yield and differences of nutrient absorptions of maize in wheat/maize/soybean and wheat/maize/sweet potato relay intercropping systems