Short-term response of winter soil respiration to simulated warming in a Pinus armandii plantation in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River, China Effects of  chlorimuronethyl and urea on soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and soil inorganic nitrogen. Effects of extraneous inorganic nitrogen forms on the dynamics of soil amino sugars. Changes of nitrogen components in wastelands of copper mine tailings with the formation of natural plant communities Further reduction of nitrogen fertilizer application in paddy field under green manuring of Taihu Area, China. Distributional features of inorganic nitrogen in the Zhelin bay Effects of controlled release urea application on yield, nitrogen recoveryefficiency of rapeseed and soil inorganic nitrogen content
Effect of Inorganic Nitrogen Forms on Growth and Kinetics of Ammonium and Nitrate Uptake in Camellia sinensis L.
Soil nitrogen content and enzyme activities in rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere of summer maize under different nitrogen application rates. Distribution characteristics of soil nitrogen and its influence factors in different typical zonal soils. The Effects of Night Penning on Soil and Plants in the Process of Natural Vegetation Removal by Sheep Corral Bedding in Western Area of Guizhou Province EFFECT OF INORGANIC NITROGEN ON PHYTOPLANKTON SUCCESSION IN MARINE MESOCOSMS A study on bioremediation of eutrophication of mariculture waters by Gracilaria lemaneaformis Effects of nitrogen application and intercropping on spatio-temporal distribution of soil inorganic nitrogen in pea/maize intercropping field Coupling effect of inorganic nitrogen and cabbage waste onsoil nitrogen mineralization Simulation of effects of warming on carbon budget in alpine meadow ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau Plant nitrogen utilization and soil nitrogen status in rhizosphere of maize as affected by various nitrogen rates in wheat-maize rotation system Dynamics of soil inorganic nitrogen in middle mountain moist evergreen broadleaf forest under different disturbance intensities in Ailao Mountain Effects of partially replacement of inorganic N with organicmaterials on nitrogen efficiency of spring maize and soil inorganic nitrogen content under the same N input Effects of Exogenous γ-aminobutyric Acid on Inorganic Nitrogen Metabolism and Mineral Elements Contents of Melon Seedling Under Hypoxia Stress Effects of soil moisture and nitrogen addition on organic carbon mineralization in a high-yield cropland soil of the North China Plain Effects of different nitrogen nutrition on the growth and autioxidant characteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) stressed by drought Effects of nitrogen application rate on soil inorganic nitrogen distribution,microbial biomass nitrogen content and yield of wheat Accumulation of soil inorganic nitrogen in mono-harvesting farmlands of northeast China in late autumn Impacts of different land use types on soil nitrogen mineralization in Danjiangkou Reservoir Area, China A summary of soil microbial biomass nitrogen In situ study on influences of different fertilization patterns on inorganic nitrogen losses through leaching and runoff: a case of field in Nansi Lake Basin Dry-Season Dynamics of Soil Inorganic Nitrogen Pools in Primary Lithocarpus xylocarpus Forest and Degraded Vegetation in Ailao Mountain, Yunnan Province Early nitrogen deposition effects on CO2 efflux from a cold-temperate coniferous forest soil Effects of nitrogen form on the activity of nitrogen bacteria group and inorganic nitrogen in rhizosphere soil of winter wheat Atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the glacier regions of Northwest China: a case study of Glacier No.1 at the headwaters of Urumqi River, Tianshan Mountains Effects of Exogenous γ-aminobutyric Acid on Inorganic Nitrogen Metabolism and Mineral Elements Contents of Melon Seedling Under Hypoxia Stress Nitrogen acquisition strategies of Cunninghamia lanceolata at different ages Influence of Different Vegetation Types on the Soil Inorganic Nitrogen at Small Watershed in Northern Zhejiang Province

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