EFFECTS OF CULTURE ENVIRONMENT ON CALLUS GROWTH AND DL-TETRAHYDRO-PALMATINE CONTENT IN CULTURES OF CORYDALIS REMOTA Callus Cuture and Flavonoids Production of Saussurea medusa Effects of Culture Conditions on Callus Growth and Taxol Formation of Taxol Formation Cheng et L.K.Fu CALLUS CULTURE OF PEONY (FENGHUANG MOUNTAINS) MEDICINE ORGAN THE STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CELL DIFFERENTIATION AND SAPONIN FORMATION OF Panax quinquefolium L.CALLUS SUSPENSION The Influence of Different Factors on Cell Growth and α-tocopherol Content of Culture from Carthamus tinctorius Relation between Callus Growth and Flavonoids Accumulation of Ginkgo biloba Studies on Callus Growth and Phillyrin Accumulation of Forsythia suspensa 节节麦×普通小麦杂种的胚援救和胚愈伤组织再生植株 Regulation of callus culture and baicalin synthesis in Scutellaria baicalensis Phytohormoneinduced haploid and tetraploid cells ofcallus culture in the tissue culture of Vicia faba ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDIES ON MEMBRANED INCLUSIONS IN THE CELLS OF MERISTEMATIC REGIONS OF STEVIA REBAUDIANA CALLUS EFFECTS OF LIGHT QUALITY ON GROWTH AND PEROXIDASE IN CALLUS CULTURE OF ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS L. Effects of Physical and Chemical Factors on Callus Growth and Shikonin Derivative Formation in the Callus Cultures of Arnebia euchroma Studies on chemical constitutes from callus cultures of Stellera chamaejasme Studies on culture of Cistanche salsa callus and synthesis of phenylethanoid glycosides Studies on tissue culture of Corydalis adunca and contents of alkaloid The Physiological Effects of Elicitor Ginseng-oligosaccharides on oell Culture of Carthamus tinctorius Flavonoid glycosides from callus cultures of Dysosma versipellis