Effects of temperature on Keratella quadrata life table demography and morphometric characteristics. Effects of Cd2+concentration on life table demography of Brachionus calyciflorus  under different Scenedesmus obliquus density. The population life table and periodic fluctuation of Cinnamomun micranthum, an endangered plant RPB2 gene reveals a phylodemographic signal in wild and domesticated grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Demographic history of Alectoris chukar pubescens based on mitochondrial DNA control region Structural dynamics of Juglans mandshurica, fraxinus mandshurica and Phellodendron amurense Ⅱ Process of leaf birth and death Demography of Larix gmclini seedling population in natural old-growth forests of north Daxinganling Mts Combined toxicity of copper and cadmium to cladoceran Moina marocopa. Survival Analysis of Populus pruinosa Population in the Upper Reaches of Tarim River Demography History and Genetic Divergence of Sibiraea laevigata(Rosaceae) Based on Chalcone Synthase Gene Sprouting and height in a Fagus engeriana population Acute toxicityand effect of Cd2+ on life table demography of Brachionus angularis and Keratella valga Effects of mercury concentration on life table demography of Moina macrocopa under different Scenedesmus obliquus densities. Demography and spectrum analysis of Juglans cathayensis populations at different altitudes in the west Tianshan valley in Xinjiang, China. Effect of aldrin on the life table demography of three successive generations of cladoceran Moina macrocopa Population genetic structure of the ground beetle Chlaenius pallipes from the Tsinling Mountains based on mitochondrial DNA analysis Leaf Demography of Quercus liaotungensis in Dongling Mountain Prediction on the population of Taiwan Prince Effects of lead concentration and algal density on life table demography of Moina macrocopa

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