The influence of habitat destruction on the ecological effect of metapopulation Advance on Mechanics Properties of Wood Single Fiber Root system distribution and biomechanical characteristics of Bambusa oldhami Lumbar Spine Subjected Stress Characteristic for Operators Using Chain Saw in Forest Harvesting and Finite Element Analysis Vine Diversity of Huping Mountain in Hunan Province Species Diversity and Ecological Characteristics of Vines in Hunan and Hubei Provinces Effects of Stalk Cell Wall and Tissue on the Compressive Strength of Maize Research and prospect on physio-ecological properties of ratoon rice yield formation and its key cultivation technology Effects of Dioscorea septemloba on bone metabolism in ovariectomized rats A NEW METHOD OF KARYOTYPE ANALYSIS——NATURAL KARYOTYPE STUDY ON THE COMPLIANCE METHOD FOR DETERMINE WOOD FRACTURE TOUGHNESS THE PARTICULARITY OF APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES OF LINEAR-ELASTIC FRACTURE MECHANICS TO WOOD AND FRACTURE PARALLEL TO GRAIN Effects of Qianggu Electuary on Ovariectomized Osteoporotic Rats Cure effects of Jiangu Fufang on osteoporotic model induced by ovariectomy Differential response to wind and shade in mother leaf of Potentilla reptans Investiga tion on Vines Biodiversity of ShunhuangMounta inNa ture Reserve in Hu’nan Prov ince