Advance in Raffinose Family Oligosaccharides Metabolism and the Key Enzymes in Plants Dynamic Changes of Inositol, Polysaccharide and Reductive Sugars in Pumpkin During Fruit Development Phospholipases in Signalling Transduction of Higher Plants Studies on the Chemical Coustituents of Clematis intricata Bunge Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Cynanchum thesioides K. Schum Innovation and Utilization for New Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata)Germplasms with Inositol-Enriched Functional Studies on Chemical Components of Gentiana tizuensis Franch.(Ⅰ) Advance in the Research of Phospholipase C Gene Family Research Advances in Inositol Phosphate Signaling in Regulating Pollen Development and Pollen Tube Growth Myo-inositol Polyphosphate Metabolism and Signaling in Arabidopsis Effects of Bushen Tongmai recipe on expression of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase in PCOS rats accompanying with insulin resistance Isolation and Ectopic Expression of BoGPIAP from Bambusa oldhamii Effect of Schisandra chinensis lignans on neuronal apoptosis and p-AKT expression of rats in cerebral ischemia injury model The Involvement of PLC-IP3 Signaling Pathway in Pollen Tube Growth Cloning and Functional Analysis of Glycine soja Bicarbonate Stress Responsive Gene GsMIPS2 Effects of chemical constituents of Crossostephium chinense on  insulin secretion in rat islets in vitro Role of PI3P and Its Relationship with H2O2 or Nitric Oxide in Darkness-induced Stomatal Closure in Vicia faba Effects of inositol and silver nitrate on the shoots proliferation of Jojoba cultured in vitro Chemical constituents from fruits of Dimocarpus longan Chemical constituents from fruits of Dimocarpus longan