The coupling development of economy and environment under the background of World Expo in Shanghai Effects of fertilization and grazing on species richness in an alpine meadow of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Effects of Water Stress on the Texture of Cooked Rice and the Grain Quality of Transgenic Rice Plants Carrying Antisense Wx Gene during Grain Filling Size-symmetric competition in a shade-tolerant invasive plant STUDIES ON THE REPRODUCTION AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC ECOPHYSIOLOGY OF THE EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANT, PLANTAGO VIRGINICA Relationship Between Growth Redundancy and Size Inequality in Spring Wheat Populations Mulched with Clear Plastic Film Effects of Plant Sizes on the Nitrogen Use Strategy in an Annual Herb, Helianthus annuus (Sunflower) Study on the fairness of resource-environment system of Jiangxi Province based on different methods of Gini coefficient Effect of potassium fertilizer and plastic film mulching on growth and size inequality in Lilium davidii var. unicolor Effects of Soil Moisture and Irrigation Patterns during Grain Filling on Grain Yield and Quality of Rice and Their Physiological Mechanism Density Effects on Plant Height Growth and Inequality in Sunflower Populations Determination of dominant factors of site with linear model theory: division of farmland shelterbelt sites in Hilly Areas of Chaoyang Instant response of individual size inequality indices to thinning regimes in plantation. THE DYNAMICS OF SIZE INEQUALITY IN SPRING WHEAT POPULATIONS UNDER SEMIARID CONDITIONS AND ITS PHYSIOECOLOGICAL BASIS Method of Evaluation and Adjustment of Recombinant Inbred Line Population and Its Application to the Soybean RIL Population NJRIKY Response of rice grain quality traits to free-air CO2 enrichment