Relationships between coastal meadow distribution and soil characteristics in the Yellow River Delta The relationship between riparian vegetation and environmental factors in Heihe River Basin Topographic Correlates of Understory Plant Species Distribution in Nanling National Nature Reserve,Guangdong Quantitative Classification and Ordination of the Florae in the Nuclear Production Region of Zhongwei goats,Ningxia Quantitative Classification and Ordination Analysis on Vegetation in the Minqin Oasis-Desert Ecotone Studies on the Characteristic of Element Contents in the Dominant Plant Species of the Threegorges Region in China Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Plant Vegetation in the Bosten Lake Wetlands Relationship between tourism development and vegetation environment in Luya Mountain Nature Reserve: vegetation landscape types and ordination Bryophyte Communities from Abandoned Mercury Mine in Eastern Guizhou Province Relationships between Submerged Plants Community Composition and Hydro-Environmental Factors in Xizhuojiaying Wetland, Beijing A comparison of multivariate regression tree and two-way indicator species analysis in plant community classification Interrelation between Plant Species Diversity and Soil Factors in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Fenhe River Relationships between Vegetation Distribution, Species Diversity of Subalpine Meadow and Soil Chemical Factors in the Yundingshan, China Relationship between Sambucus williamsii Community Distribution and the Environmental Factors in Shanxi Spatial pattern of forest communities and environmental interpretation in Mulun National Nature Reserve, karst cluster-peak depression region Classification, species diversity, and species distribution gradient of permafrost wetland plant communities in Great Xing’an Mountains valleys of Northeast China. Ground vegetation as indicators of topsoil chemical properties in Dongguan, South China