Biomass and Its Distribution of a Primeval Abies georgei var. smithii Forest in Sejila Mountain in Tibet Plateau A character study on the dead wood of primeval Abies of Sejila Mountain in Southeastern Tibet A Study on Eluviation Outputs of Nutrients of Abies georgei Forest Ecosystem of Mount Sejila in Tibet Studies on Nutrition Cycle of Abies georgei Forest Ecosystem of Mountain Segila in Tibet Ana lysis on Nutr ient Character istics in the Root System ofAbies georgei var. sm ith ii in Mount Sejila of Tibet The Character istics of Nutr ient D istr ibution in the Tree Crown ofAbies georgei var . sm ith ii Forest in Mount Sejila of Tibet CHARACTERISTIC ANALYSIS OF SOIL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ABIES GEORGEI VAR.SMITHII VIRGIN FOREST IN TIBET The Transpiration rate of Abies georgei and the Correlation with Enviromental Factors Spatial point pattern analysis of Abies georgei var. smithii in forest of Sygera Mountains in southeast Tibet, China. Characteristics of Soil Nematode Community in Clear Cutting Slash of Fir Forests in Southeast Tibet Fruiting Characteristics of Abies georgeivar. smithiiForest on the Eastern Slope of the Sejila Mountain in Tibet