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全 文 :Processing Technique of Instant Flavored Daylily
(Hemerocallis citrina Baroni)
Bin TONG1, Weihong YANG1, Jun JIA1, Wenlong HONG1, Yanli HAN1, Zhiqiang LI2, Yuning
1. Jiangsu Polytechnic College of Agriculture and Forestry, Jurong 212400, China;
2. Institute of Food Science and Technology, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China
Supported by the Fund for Independent Innovation of Agricultural Sciences in Jiangsu
Province (CX(12)3080).
*Corresponding author. E-mail: wyn705@163.com
Received: October 25, 2015 Accepted: February 18, 2016A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2016, 17(3): 751-755
Copyright訫 2016, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Storage and Processing
D aylily (Hemerocallis citrina Ba-roni) is flower buds of aperennial herb, which taste
delicious and are nutritional. It has
abundant pollen, and is rich in nutritive
sugars, proteins, Vc, Ca, fat,
carotenes and amino acids essential
for human body, and the carotenes
contained therein are several times
more than tomato. Daylily is cool and
sweet in nature, has the effects of
stopping bleeding, diminishing inflam-
mation, clearing heat, removing
dampness, helping digestion, improv-
ing eyesight and calming the nerves
as well as good effects on hae-
matemesis, hematochezia, urinary ob-
struction, insomnia and breast milk
stoppage, and could serve as a sup-
plement used after cure of diseases
and parturition. The roots of Hemero-
callis citrina Baroni are cool and sweet
in nature and usually used as a
medicinal material in the folk with ef-
fect of inducing diuresis to reduce ede-
ma; they are generally used for treat-
ing difficult urination, edema, clap and
acute mastitis, and for treating phthsis
and schistosome clinically due to their
anti-microbial and antischis effects [1].
Daylily is a kind of vegetable with high
nutritive value and multiple health-pro-
moting functions, contains 58 volatile
components and is suitable for most
people, especially for pregnant wom-
en, middle-aged and aged people and
overtired people [2]. It has been con-
sumed more and more year by year,
and exported from China to Europe
and America, Japanese, Southeast
Asia, etc., with strong sales momen-
However, daylily flowers from
June to August, exhibits very vigorous
respiration intensity after being picked
and begins to rot after 3-4 d, and fur-
thermore, due to the restriction from
storage condition, daylily has the
characteristic of very unbalanced sea-
sonal supply, which could not well
satisfy market demand. Fresh daylily
contains a kind of colchicine, which
could be oxidized into dicolchicine with
great toxicity in human body. There-
Abstract This study was conducted to investigate the recipe and process of instant
pickle by multiple steps with dry daylily as a raw material, and an orthogonal test
was adopted to obtain the optimal recipe and process. The pickling process of the
instant flavored daylily was conducted at an optimal crisp-keeping CaCl2 concentra-
tion at 0.050%, cooking time of 5 min, pickling time of 6 h and a salt concentration
of 4%. The effects of various factors on product taste were in order of salt concen-
tration>cooking time>pickling time>CaCl2 concentration.The obtained product has the
characteristics of strong fragrance, crisp delicious taste and unique flavor with stom-
achic effect.
Key words Daylily; Instant; Flavor; Processing technique
童斌 1,杨薇红 1,贾君 1,洪文龙 1,韩艳丽 1,李志
强 2,王毓宁 2* (1.江苏农林职业技术学院,江
苏句容 212400;2.江苏省农业科学院农产品加
工研究所,江苏南京 210014)
摘 要 探讨了以泡发后的干制金针菜为原
程中采用的工艺为:最适保脆浓度为 0.050%的
CaCl2,煮制时间为 5 min,泡制时间为 6 h,食
盐浓度为 4%。 各工艺条件的影响效果从强到
浓度。 制得产品的特点是成品香气特别浓郁,
关键词 金针菜;即食;风味;加工工艺
基金项目 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金(CX
作者简介 童斌 (1968-),男 ,上海人 ,博士 ,
副教授 ,主要从事果蔬采后处理与加工技术
的教学与科研工作 。 E-mail:364409176@qq.
com。 *通讯作者,硕士,副研究员,主要从事果
蔬保鲜与加工 、 植物活性成分研究 ,E-mail:
收稿日期 2015-10-25
修回日期 2016-02-18
Agricultural Science & Technology 2016
Table 1 Evaluation standard of the technological process of instant flavored daylily
Index Standard Penalty Score
Color and shape Normal color, fresh, glossy, uniform size, no scraps, impurities and foreign matter, no oil waterseparation phenomenon, clear soup without mildew and floating films 30
Abnormal color, not fresh, no gloss, black 1-6
Non-uniform specification and size 1-5
Oil water separation phenomenon Unclear soup with mildew and floating films 1-3, 5-10
With inherent fragrance (such as vegetable fragrance ), or with fermentation type fragrance
and compound fragrance of added ingredients (such as sauce fragrance and ester fragrance),
no other bad smell
Poor fragrance Incorrect fragrance With other bad smell (such as ammonia gas, hydrogen
sulfide, etc.)
1-5 1-10
Quality and taste Delicious, tender and crisp, proper sour, salty and sweet degrees, without burnt, bitter and as-tringent tastes and other bad flavor 40
Low crisp degree 1-4
Ultralow crisp degree, fibrous 1-5
Weak taste 1-5
Too sour, too salty or too sweet Burnt, bitter and astringent Otherbad flavor ( such as rancid
flavor and stale odor )
1 -5 3 -6
Fig. 1 Technologicalprocess of daylily
fore, for safe eating, fresh daylily
should be blanched with boiling water,
soaked in clear water for more than 2
h and fried after flushing to destroy
colchicine. The processing of daylily is
at a low level, mainly by steaming and
sun-drying, and excess sulfite is used
for keeping color in the conventional
production process, resulting in a SO2
content greatly exceeding the stan-
dard in products, while intake of ex-
cess SO2 would give rise to various
diseases [5]. Currently, single type and
low economic benefit of daylily prod-
ucts have hindered the income in-
crease of daylily planters and overall
development of daylily industry. There-
fore, the writer studied the key pro-
cessing technique of daylily, devel-
oped an instant daylily product with
improved quality and solved the prob-
lems restricting the development of
daylily industry.
Materials and Methods
Experimental materials
The raw materials included dry
daylily (produced from Suqian of
Jiangsu); and rod chilli, ginger, onion,
dried chilli, anise, cinnamon, salt,
monosodium glutamate and white
vinegar ( all of which were commer-
cially available, and satisfied the rele-
vant provisions about green food by
the Ministry of Agriculture) as auxiliary
materials. The packaging material was
transparent vacuum storage bags; and
the preservative was dehydroacetic
acid (food classification code:, maximum dosage of 0.3
g/kg for pickling vegetables).
Used instruments were pickle
jars, glass jars, pots, knives, and a DZ-
400/2S type vacuum package ma-
Technological process
Thetechnological process of
daylily was shown in Fig. 1.
Main points of the process
Raw material selection
Mildewed dried daylily was aban-
doned, and the dried daylily with tidy
shapes was used the raw material.
Raw material treatment
The selected daylily was soaked
in clear water for 2 h, the roots of the
soaked daylily were cut on a chopping
board (to ensure a better taste), and
the cut daylily was subjected to
A proper amount of water was
added into another pot and heated,
and the drained daylily was added into
the boiling water and cooked for 5 min.
Cooling and drainage
The hot daylily was added into ice
water to cool it rapidly, and the cooled
daylily was subjected to drainage.
Sauce preparation
Cooled boiled water (1 500g) was
added into a stainless steel container,
into which rod chilli (200 g), ginger (30
g), onion (50 g), dried chilli (20 g),
anise (5 g), cinnamon (5 g), salt (45 g),
monosodium glutamate (7.5 g) and
white vinegar (20 g) were added, and
the mixture was stirred uniformly[6].
The drained daylily was pickled in
the container filled with the sauce.
The vacuum package machine
was used for sealing. The pickled
vegetable was filled into packaging
bags (50 g per bag), with the caution of
not contaminating the bag openings
with oil and the auxiliary materials,
thereby preventing failed sealing. The
bags were evacuated and sealed un-
der a vacuum degree of 100 Pa, with a
heat seal width greater than 8 mm.
Rolling for shape formation
The bags subjected to vacuum
sealing were rolled to flat bag surfaces
for convenience of sterilization, and
meanwhile, unqualified bags were
screened out. This product has a long
shelf life, good portability, and a proper
salt concentration, and must be steril-
Agricultural Science & Technology2016
Fig. 2 Effects of different CaCl2 concentra-
tions on crispness of instant flavored daylily
Fig.3 Effects of different heating time on
quality of instant flavored daylily
Fig. 4 Effects of different pickling time on
quality of instant flavored daylily
Fig. 5 Effects of different salt concentra-
tions on quality of instant flavored daylily
ized as it is a kind of instant food.
Sterilization and cooling
Sterilization was performed at 90-
100 ℃ for 5-15 min followed by cool-
ing to room temperature rapidly.
All used instruments were en-
sured to be clear (cleaned with water
and detergents); all experimental in-
struments were used properly ( it was
necessary to turn off the switch of the
vacuum package machine and reposi-
tion it after it was used); samples were
prevented from exposing to air for a
too-long time during packaging; it was
necessary to sterilize the packaging
tools (by boiling in boiling water for 3-4
min); and the experimenters were re-
quired to wear lab coats.
Experimental methods
Determination of optimal concen-
tration of crisp-keeping solution
A small amount of CaCl2 was
added in the pickling process to keep
the color of daylily and promote crisp-
ness of daylily. Five clean transparent
glass bottles were dried after cleaning,
and an equal amount of daylily was
added into each bottle, 2/3 of the vol-
ume of which were filled. Then, a 25%
NaCl solution was added into each
bottle at an amount of 2/3 of the vol-
ume of it, 0.000% , 0.050% , 0.100% ,
0.115% and 0.120% CaC12 solutions
were added into the bottles at an
amount of 1/3 of the volume of each
bottle, respectively, and the bottles
were sealed and shaken. All the bot-
tles were stood for 5 d at room tem-
perature, and then sensory evaluation
was performed according to crispness,
so as to determine a most proper
CaC12 concentration.
Effect of cooking on daylily
Cooking treatment was one of the
important steps in the processing.
Timing was performed, and taste was
recorded and graded at 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
and 7 min, respectively.
Effect of pickling time on flavoring
degree of daylily
The pickling time decided the fla-
voring degree, and the taste of daylily
was recorded and evaluated at 1, 2, 4,
6, 12 and 24 h.
Effect of salt concentration on taste
of daylily
The salt concentration decided
the taste of daylily, and the taste of
daylily was recorded and evaluated at
the salt concentrations of 1%, 2%, 3%,
4%, 5% and 6%.
Evaluation standard
The evaluation standard of the
technological process was shown in
Table 1.
Microorganism standard
The microorganism index during
daylily processing satisfied the na-
tional microorganism standard.
Results and Analysis
Orthogonal test
Determination of crisp-keeping
The petals of daylily are very thin
and get tender easily after heating,
thereby affecting the quality of prod-
uct. The conventional method for
keeping crispness of vegetable is
adding alums which has side effects
on human body[8-9]. Therefore, it is for-
bidden to use alums in production of
green food in China[10]. On the basis of
recipe 4, CaCl2 allowed to be used in
the production of green food was
adopted (at concentrations of 0.000%,
0.050%, 0.100%, 0.115% and 0.120%,
respectively) to perform crisp-keeping
treatment [11]. It was reported that
adding 0.050% CaCl2 in ingredients
could endow instant daylily with proper
crispness, and when the CaCl2 con-
centration was above 0.110%, the in-
stant daylily got hard. It could be seen
from Fig. 2 that the score was the
highest at the CaCl2 concentration of
0.050% , which could ensure proper
crispness of daylily as well as the best
Effect of cooking on daylily
The cooking treatment refers to
heating daylily to a proper degree, and
could affect the quality and shape of
product remarkably. In the experiment,
daylily was heated for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and
7 min, and after comparison, the qual-
ity of daylily was evaluated finally, ob-
taining the evaluation result shown in
Fig. 3. It was shown in Fig. 3 that
daylily was ripe with substantially intact
shape after being cooked for 5 min,
suggesting the best effect.
Effect of pickling time on flavoring
of daylily
Pickling time is of great signifi-
cance to the flavoring effect on daylily.
The experiment pickled daylily for 1, 2,
4, 6, 12 and 24 h, respectively and
carried out comparison, the flavoring
effect on daylily was evaluated, and
the evaluation result was shown in Fig.
Agricultural Science & Technology 2016
Table 2 Levels of experimental factors in processing technique of instant flavored daylily
A: CaCl2
concentration//% B: Cooking time//min C: Pickling time//min
D: Salt
1 0 3 2 2
2 0.050 5 6 4
3 0.100 7 12 6
Table 3 Results of L9 (34) orthogonal test of conditions for processing technique of instant
flavored daylily
No. A B C D Score
1 1 1 1 1 80
2 1 2 2 2 95
3 1 3 3 3 82
4 2 1 2 3 78
5 2 2 3 1 85
6 2 3 1 2 87
7 3 1 3 2 82
8 3 2 1 3 80
9 3 3 2 1 90
k1 85.667 80.000 82.333 85.000
k2 83.333 86.667 87.667 88.000
k3 84.000 86.333 83.000 80.000
R 2.334 6.667 5.334 8.000
Table 4 Variance analysis of taste of instant flavored daylily
Factor Square ofdeviance
Degree of
freedom F value F (0.05)
A 8.667 2 0.143 4.460
B 84.667 2 1.399 4.460
C 50.667 2 0.837 4.460
D 98.000 2 1.620 4.460
Error 242.00 8
4. It was shown in Fig. 4 that soaking
daylily in the seasoning sauce for 6 h
could flavor daylily properly with good
shape and quality, achieving the best
Effect of salt concentration on taste
of instant flavored daylily
It was shown in Fig. 5 that the
taste of daylily was the best at the salt
concentration of 4%.
Analysis of orthogonal test
The orthogonal test design table
of instant flavored daylily, its results
and the variance analysis results were
shown in Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4.
The effects of all tested factors on the
taste of daylily were in order of salt
concentration >cooking time >pickling
time >CaCl2 concentration. It was
shown that treatment 2 obtained the
highest score by the evaluation from
gloss, shape, smell and state, i.e., the
best solution for the instant daylily was
a CaCl2 concentration at 0.050%, pick-
ling time of 6 h, cooking time of 5 min
and a salt concentration of 4% . If a
proper amount of sugar is added dur-
ing the processing, a better flavor
could be achieved.
Microorganism index
In the processing of daylily, the
total number of microorganisms was
not greater than 100 per gram, the
number of coli groups was not greater
than 6 per gram, and pathogenic bac-
teria were not detected.
Detection of product quality
The detection results of quality of
the processed daylily were shown in
Table 5.
Selection of packaging bag and
sterilization method
Different packaging bags and shelf
It could be seen from Table 6 that
ordinary bags had a retention period
shorter than vacuum bags at every
season. At the same temperature,
vacuum bags contain less oxygen than
ordinary bag, and could inhibit the re-
production of microorganisms in a cer-
tain period. Therefore, packaging with
vacuum bags could result in a longer
retention period. However, the precipi-
tated target has not been achieved in
experiments. In order to prolong the
retention time, sterilization treatment is
required under the premise of not influ-
encing the nutritive value and quality of
Effects of different sterilization
methods on retention period
Table 7 indicated that sterilization
at 110 ℃ for 3 min achieved the best
effect. The 3 sterilization methods all
could kill microorganisms producing
gases and acids, such as yeast, and
the finished products had good ap-
pearance and was in the vacuum sate
formed during packaging after 1 year.
Sterilization at 110 ℃ for 3 min could
be chosen from the point of nutriology
due to short heating time and little loss
of nutritive value. However, a too-high
sterilization temperature reduces the
crispness of products, has a high re-
quirement to packing materials and in-
creases production cost, so that it is
not suitable. As a result, sterilization at
85 ℃ for 8 min was determined as the
most suitable sterilization condition
comprehensively from retention peri-
od, packaging cost and production
cost, because this method has the ad-
vantages of lower temperature and
shorter time, resulting in less nutritive
loss and lower production cost. By
such method, the product not only
could satisfy the requirement of com-
mercial sterilization, but also could
keep good color and shape of pickle
and obtain improved fragrance and
This experiment brought forth new
ideas in the processing of daylily, and
adopted in the pickling process of in-
stant flavored daylily following param-
eters: a proper crisp-keeping concen-
tration of CaCl2 at 0.050% , cooking
time of 5 min, pickling time of 6 h and a
salt concentration of 4% . The effects
of various factors on product taste
Agricultural Science & Technology2016
Table 7 Effects of different sterilization methods on retention period of instant daylily
Sterilization time
min Phenomenon
60 30 Decline in quality after 4 months, followed by rancidity
85 8 Decline in quality after 10 months
110 3 Free of rancidity within 12 months
Responsible editor: Yingzhi GUANG Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
Table 5 Detection result of quality of processed daylily
Sensory index Detection result
Color Slightly-yellow color, glossy
Fragrance Unique fragrance of pickled vegetable
Taste Crisp, fresh, proper amount of salt, no foreign smell
Appearance of packagingbag No air by observation and hang touch, no expansion, clear bag surface, clear pattern
were in order of salt concentration >
cooking time >pickling time >CaCl2
concentration. The obtained product
has the characteristics of spicy crisp
delicious taste, good hygiene state,
proper salt concentration, unique fla-
vor and long aftertaste, and is a kind of
green food with health protection
function. This experiment changed the
conventional packaging methods.
Conventional methods always adopt
glass containers to package pickle,
while such packages are heavy and
could be damaged easily, resulting in
inconvenience to transportation, stor-
age, sell and eating. This experiment
overcame above defects by adopting
composite plastic flexible packaging,
and added in the pickling process a
small amount of CaCl2 which played a
role of protecting color and promoting
crispness, and the adopted vacuum
packaging could ensure the Vc content
in daylily and prolong retention period
very efficiently. In a word, the new
process of instant flavored daylily ac-
cords with the new trend of current
food industry, has the advantages of
simple operation, small investment
and high benefit, and is suitable for
both small and large factories.
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