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Cytological Observation of Partial Sterility of Nucleic Male Sterile Line ms86-1 in Sesame (Sesamum indicum)


全 文 :植物学报 Chinese Bulletin of Botany 2014, 49 (1): 87–97, www.chinbullbotany.com
doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2014.00087
收稿日期: 2012-11-26; 接受日期: 2013-02-25
基金项目: 现代农业(芝麻)产业技术体系建设专项(No.CARS-15)
* 通讯作者。E-mail: zhy@hnagri.org.cn
郭伟1, 苗红梅2, 张体德2, 魏利斌2, 李春2, 张海洋2*
1南京农业大学作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室, 南京 210095
2河南省农业科学院河南省芝麻研究中心, 郑州 450002
摘要 芝麻(Sesamum indicum)核雄性不育系ms86-1姊妹交后代表现为可育、部分不育(即微粉)及完全不育(简称不育)3种
类型。不同育性类型的花药及花粉粒形态差异明显。Alexander染色实验显示微粉植株花粉粒外壁为蓝绿色, 内部为不均一
洋红色, 与可育株及不育株花粉粒的染色特征均不相同。为探明芝麻微粉发生机理, 在电子显微镜下比较观察了可育、微
粉、不育类型的小孢子发育过程。结果表明, 可育株小孢子母细胞减数分裂时期代谢旺盛, 胞质中出现大量脂质小球; 四分
体时期绒毡层细胞开始降解, 单核小孢子时期开始出现乌氏体, 成熟花粉时期花粉囊腔内及花粉粒周围分布着大量乌氏体,
花粉粒外壁有11–13个棱状凸起, 表面存在大量基粒棒, 形成紧密的覆盖层。不育株小孢子发育异常显现于减数分裂时期,
此时胞质中无脂质小球出现, 细胞壁开始积累胼胝质; 四分体时期绒毡层细胞未见降解; 单核小孢子时期无乌氏体出现;
成熟花粉时期花粉囊腔中未发现正常的乌氏体, 存在大量空瘪的败育小孢子, 外壁积累胼胝质, 缺乏基粒棒。微粉株小孢子
在减数分裂时期可见胞质内有大量脂质小球, 四分体时期部分绒毡层发生变形, 单核小孢子时期有部分绒毡层开始降解;
绒毡层细胞降解滞后为少量发育进程迟缓的小孢子提供了营养物质, 部分小孢子发育为正常花粉粒; 这些花粉粒比较饱满,
表面有少量颗粒状突起, 但未能形成覆盖层, 花粉囊腔中及小孢子周围存在少量的乌氏体。小孢子形成的育性类型与绒毡
关键词 芝麻, 核雄性不育, 微粉, 小孢子发育, 超微结构
郭伟, 苗红梅, 张体德, 魏利斌, 李春, 张海洋 (2014). 芝麻核雄性不育系ms86-1微粉发生的细胞学观察. 植物学报 49,
芝麻(Sesamum indicum, 2n=26)属于胡麻科胡
麻属, 是世界上最古老的油料作物之一。自20世纪40
年代以来, 国内外学者研究发现芝麻在产量、品质和
抗逆等方面均具有明显的杂种优势(Kumar and Abra-
ham, 1941; 王文泉等, 1995; Kumar et al., 1998; 郑
永战等, 2003; 张体德等, 2005)。Osman和Yermanos
1983年河南省芝麻研究中心将其引入后, 通过回交
并应用于二系杂交制种, 先后选育出豫芝9号等优质
高产杂交芝麻品种(屠礼传等, 1994, 1995; 郑永战
等, 2003)。但是, 对芝麻核雄性不育系ms86-1后代不
育株观察结果显示, 不育系后代中有少量不育植株能
散出微量花粉, 表现出微粉(即部分不育)特征。微粉
现象的发生对作物杂交制种纯度有一定影响, 因此受
机理, 前期我们对ms86-1不育系小孢子败育过程进
行了细胞学观察, 认为小孢子败育与绒毡层降解行
为异常有关(高鸿善等, 1992; 屠礼传等, 1995; Yang
et al., 2008; 张体德等, 2010)。目前尚未见对不育株
微粉类型的小孢子发生的系统研究报道。为此, 本研
究以ms86-1不育系为材料, 通过超微结构观察比较
特征, 明确不育与微粉小孢子发育的异同, 为揭示
1 材料与方法
1.1 实验材料
88 植物学报 49(1) 2014
心提供。2010年选用不育系保持系对不育株授粉, 共
配置50个组合, 用于微粉植株发生率调查。2011年5
1.2 花药育性Alexander染色
放入Carnoy固定液(乙醇:氯仿:乙酸=6:3:1, v/v)中固
染色(Peterson et al., 2010)。在显微镜下观察不同育
1.3 花药处理及观察
以花序由上而下, 摘取叶腋中间部位花蕾, 依据小孢
子发育主要时期(Yang et al., 2008)进一步将花蕾发
育过程划分为5个阶段(表1)。快速剥离新鲜花药, 于
4°C用2.5%戊二醛溶液抽气固定, 经0.2 mol·L–1磷酸
缓冲液(PBS, pH7.2)漂洗3次后固定于1%锇酸水溶
液中; 用PBS漂洗3次后, 经丙酮梯度脱水、浸透,
Epon812包埋后切片; 经过乙酸双氧铀和柠檬酸铅双
重染色等处理后, 在日立H-7650透射电子显微镜下
1.4 成熟期花药观察
摘取可育、不育及微粉株待开放花朵, 快速剥离花药,
常规制样(梁秀银等, 1994a)后于日立S-3000N扫描
2 结果与讨论
2.1 芝麻核雄性不育系后代育性类型
1 845株材料进行育性调查。开花当天, 不同育性类型
花药饱满、呈白色, 挤压时会明显散出大量花粉(图
1A); 不育株花药扁平、呈绿色, 挤压时花药无花粉散
出(图1B); 微粉株花药形态介于上述两者之间, 花药
部分为白色, 挤压时出现少量花粉(图1C)。与可育和
表1 芝麻小孢子发育各时期与花蕾长度的对应关系
Table 1 Correspondence relationship between the deve-
lopment stages of microsporogenesis and bud length in ses-
Bud length (mm) Pollen development stage
1 ≤2.0 Microsporocyte formation
2 2.1–3.0 Meiosis stage
3 3.1–4.0 Tetrad stage
4 4.1–7.0 Microspore stage
5 ≥7.1 Pollen maturation stage

不育株结实性相比(图1D, E), 微粉株自交可结实, 但
籽粒极少, 蒴果较可育株小(图1F), 归为不育类型。
育性调查结果(表2)表明, ms86-1后代材料中包括可
育、不育及微粉3种育性类型; 其中可育与不育的比
例约为1:1, 与前人研究结果相似(Osman and Yer-
manos, 1982; Kumar et al., 1998)。在31个组合中,
微粉株占总株的比例平均为13.54%, 微粉现象较稳
定。Alexander染色结果显示, 可育株花粉粒为洋红
色, 花粉粒饱满, 染色均一(图1G); 不育株花粉粒为
蓝绿色, 染色均一(图1H); 微粉株花粉粒外壁为蓝
绿色, 中部为不均一洋红色, 各花粉粒之间色度不尽
相同, 与可育株及不育株花粉粒染色特征均不相同
2.2 芝麻核雄性不育系后代小孢子发育对比
2.2.1 小孢子母细胞时期
B1, C1), 与周边壁细胞明显不同, 细胞紧密排列在
孢子母细胞形态相似, 无明显差异。小孢子母细胞体
积大、核大且细胞质浓厚, 细胞器丰富(图2A2, B2),
液泡多(图2C2), 细胞间存在胞间通道(图2B2, 箭头
毡层构成(图2A3, B3, C3), 绒毡层细胞中液泡大, 细

2.2.2 减数分裂时期
可育小孢子母细胞细胞质浓缩, 且含有丰富的内质
网、线粒体等细胞器(图3A1, A2), 细胞代谢旺盛, 大
郭伟等: 芝麻核雄性不育系 ms86-1 微粉发生的细胞学观察 89

图1 芝麻核雄性不育系ms86-1不同育性类型花药、结蒴性及花粉粒形态
(A) 可育株花朵及花药; (B) 不育株花朵及花药; (C) 微粉株花朵及花药; (D) 可育株蒴果; (E) 不育株不能形成正常结蒴; (F) 微粉
株结蒴性差; (G) 可育株花粉粒Alexander染色; (H) 不育株花粉粒Alexander染色; (I) 微粉株花粉粒Alexander染色。Bar=50 μm

Figure 1 Morphologies of anthers, capsules, and pollen grains of different fertility types in sesame nucleic male sterile line
(A) Fertile flower and anthers; (B) Sterile flower and anthers; (C) Partial sterile flower and anthers; (D) Capsules formed fertile
plants; (E) Self-pollination without capsules in sterile plants; (F) Thin capsules formed in partial sterile plants; (G) Alexander’s
staining of fertile pollen grains; (H) Alexander’s staining of sterile pollen grains; (I) Alexander’s staining of partial sterile pollen
grains. Bar=50 μm

表2 芝麻ms86-1核雄性不育系姊妹交后代的育性类型及比例
Table 2 Ratios and types of flower fertility in sister-cross progenies of sesame nucleic male sterile line
Total plant number Fertile plant number (ratio) Male sterile plant number (ratio) Partial sterile plant number (ratio)
1 845 929 (50.35%) 666 (36.10%) 250 (13.55%)

90 植物学报 49(1) 2014

图2 芝麻核雄性不育系小孢子母细胞发育时期
(A1) 可育株花粉囊造孢细胞分裂产生的一团小孢子母细胞(Bar=5 μm); (A2) 可育株小孢子母细胞(Bar=1 μm); (A3) 可育株花粉囊
壁, 从外向内包括药室内壁、中层和绒毡层3层(Bar=5 μm); (B1) 不育株小孢子母细胞(Bar=2 μm); (B2) 不育株小孢子母细胞及胞
间通道(箭头所示)(Bar=1 μm); (B3) 不育株花粉囊壁(Bar=10 μm); (C1) 微粉株小孢子母细胞(Bar=1 μm); (C2) 微粉株花粉母细胞
(Bar=1 μm); (C3) 微粉株花粉囊壁, 与图A3、B3类似(Bar=10 μm)。PS: 花粉囊; PMC: 花粉母细胞; Ta: 绒毡层; Ml: 中层; En: 药
室内壁; N: 细胞核; CW: 细胞壁

Figure 2 Microsporocyte formation stage during microspore development in sesame nucleic male sterile line
(A1) Microsporocytes produced from pollen sac of the fertile plant (Bar=5 μm); (A2) A microsporocyte with a big nucleus inside
(Bar=1 μm); (A3) The anther wall of pollen sac of the fertile plant, which was composed of three layers, endothecium, middle
layer and tapetum (from outer to inner side)(Bar=5 μm); (B1) Microsporocytes of the sterile plant (Bar=2 μm); (B2) A micro-
sporocyte cell, with a large nucleus inside and the intracellular channels (arrows)(Bar=1 μm); (B3) The anther wall of pollen sac
of the sterile plant (Bar=10 μm); (C1) Microsporocytes of partial sterile plants (Bar=1 μm); (C2) A pollen mother cell (Bar=1 μm):
(C3) The anther wall of pollen sac of the partial sterile plant, similar to the above Figure A3 and B3 (Bar=10 μm). PS: Pollen sac;
PMC: Pollen mother cell; Ta: Tapetum; Ml: Middle layer; En: Endothecium; N: Nucleus; CW: Cell wall

量脂质小球开始出现(图3A2, 箭头所示); 绒毡层质
壁间形成空腔(图3A3, 箭头所示)。不育小孢子母细胞
内无脂质小球出现, 细胞壁开始积累胼胝质(图3B1,
B2), 绒毡层细胞形态无明显变化(图3B3)。微粉小孢
细胞壁外开始积累胼胝质(图3C1, C2)。绒毡层细胞
内空间大多被液泡充满, 中层细胞趋于圆形(图3C3)。

2.2.3 四分体时期
(图4A1, B1, C1), 细胞内存在大量的内含物(图4A2,
B2, C2)。此时, 可育绒毡层细胞开始降解, 能够为四
育绒毡层细胞中央被大液泡所占据, 未出现降解现象
(图4B3)。微粉绒毡层细胞发生变形, 与同时期不育型
小孢子的绒毡层细胞形态相似, 细胞内含有大的液泡

2.2.4 单核小孢子时期
可育四分体细胞外围胼胝质被胼胝质酶酶解, 单核小
郭伟等: 芝麻核雄性不育系 ms86-1 微粉发生的细胞学观察 91

图3 芝麻核雄性不育系小孢子发育减数分裂时期
(A1) 可育株减数分裂末期小孢子(Bar=500 nm); (A2) 可育株小孢子细胞器, 有脂质小球出现(箭头所示)(Bar=2 μm); (A3) 可育株
绒毡层细胞, 细胞出现质壁分离(箭头所示)(Bar=10 μm); (B1) 不育株减数分裂产生小孢子细胞, 细胞壁开始积累胼胝质(Bar=10
μm); (B2) 不育株减数分裂时期细胞质内细胞器(Bar=2 μm); (B3) 不育株绒毡层(Bar=10 μm); (C1) 微粉株减数分裂产生正常小孢
子细胞, 可见清晰的细胞核和脂质小球(箭头所示)(Bar=10 μm); (C2) 微粉株绒毡层(Bar=5 μm); (C3) 微粉株绒毡层细胞形态规则,
具有大的液泡(Bar=10 μm)。Ta: 绒毡层; Ml: 中层; N: 细胞核; Nu: 核仁; Ch: 染色体; ER: 内质网; Mt: 线粒体; Pl: 质体; C: 胼胝
质; V: 液泡

Figure 3 Meiosis stage during microspore development in sesame nucleic male sterile line
(A1) Meiosis telephase of the fertile plant (Bar=500 nm); (A2) Organelles in microspore cytoplasm of the fertile plant, with the
appearance of the lipid globules (arrow) (Bar=2 μm); (A3) Tapetum of the fertile plant, with the plasmolysis appearance of cells
(arrow) (Bar=10 μm); (B1) A microspore of the sterile plant, with the accumulation of callose on the cell surface after meiosis
(Bar=10 μm); (B2) Organelles in microspore cytoplasm of the sterile plant at meiosis stage (Bar=2 μm); (B3) The tapetum of the
sterile plant (Bar=10 μm); (C1) A normal microspore of the partial sterile plant, with a clear nucleus inside and lipid globules
(arrow) (Bar=10 μm); (C2) Tapetum of the partial sterile plant (Bar=5 μm); (C3) A tapetal cell in regular form, with a big vacuole
inside (Bar=10 μm). Ta: Tapetum; Ml: Middle layer; N: Nucleus; Nu: Nucleolus; Ch: Chromosome; ER: Endoplasmic reticulum;
Mt: Mitochondria; Pl: Plastid; C: Callose; V: Vacuole

孢子释放出来, 呈近球形(图5A1)。细胞内有液泡形
成, 并由膜隔开为区域化特定亚结构(图5A2)。细胞壁
覆盖着大量基粒棒(图5A2, 箭头所示), 但不紧密。绒
A2)。绒毡层细胞破裂, 释放出大量前乌氏体和营养
物质(图5A3)。不育四分体细胞形态异常, 细胞相互分
离, 但细胞壁仍被少量胼胝质包裹。细胞形态不规则,
多呈中间狭长两端略宽的形状, 因胞内物质降解形成
空腔(图5B1, 箭头所示)。此时绒毡层细胞变形, 但轮
廓清晰, 细胞分泌旺盛, 高尔基体清晰可见, 未发现
乌氏体(图5B2), 且无明显降解现象(图5B3)。微粉四
C3)。中层细胞呈近圆形, 细胞内分泌旺盛, 可见高
尔基体存在(图5C2), 明显不同于不育花粉囊结构。
92 植物学报 49(1) 2014

图4 芝麻核雄性不育系小孢子发育四分体时期
(A1) 可育株四分体细胞(Bar=5 μm); (A2) 可育株四分体细胞内含物丰富(Bar=5 μm); (A3) 可育株绒毡层, 细胞开始降解(Bar=2
μm); (B1) 不育株四分体细胞, 细胞被胼胝质包围(Bar=5 μm); (B2) 不育株四分体细胞内含物丰富(Bar=5 μm); (B3) 不育株绒毡层
(Bar=10 μm); (C1) 微粉株四分体细胞(Bar=2 μm); (C2) 微粉株绒毡层细胞(Bar=2 μm); (C3) 微粉株绒毡层未出现明显降解, 中层
细胞变圆(Bar=10 μm)。Ta: 绒毡层; Ml: 中层; En: 药室内壁; C: 胼胝质; V: 液泡; Ve: 小泡; Pl: 质体

Figure 4 Tetrad stage during microspore development in sesame nucleic male sterile line
(A1) A tetrad cell of the fertile plant (Bar=5 μm); (A2) Plenty of inclusions in tetrad (Bar=5 μm); (A3) The tapetum of fertile plants,
with the cells getting degraded (Bar=2 μm); (B1) A tetrad cell of the sterile plant, cells were surrounded by callose (Bar=5 μm);
(B2) Plenty of inclusions in tetrad (Bar=5 μm); (B3) The tapetum of the sterile plant without degradation (Bar=10 μm); (C1) A
tetrad cell of the partial sterile plant (Bar=2 μm); (C2) Deformed tapetal cells of the partial sterile plant (Bar=2 μm); (C3) Tapetum
of the partial sterile plant without any obvious degradation, and the middle layer cells in ovalshaped (Bar=10 μm). Ta: Tapetum;
Ml: Middle layer; En: Endothecium; C: Callose; V: Vacuole; Ve: Vesicle; Pl: Plastid

微粉小孢子细胞壁被少量胼胝质包裹, 绒毡层细胞不
易分辨, 具有明显降解的趋势(图5C3), 无乌氏体存

2.2.5 成熟花粉时期
可育小孢子绒毡层完全降解, 花粉囊腔内及花粉粒周
围分布着大量成熟的乌氏体(图6A1, A2)。花粉粒外壁
有11–13个棱状凸起(图6A2, 箭头所示), 表面存在大
量基粒棒, 形成紧密的覆盖层(图6A2, A3), 表面具有
萌发孔(图6A3, 箭头所示); 花粉粒内存在大量油脂
颗粒(图6A3)。不育小孢子绒毡层细胞肥大, 未见明显
降解(图6B1)。花粉囊腔内未见正常乌氏体, 仅有少量
畸形的泡状物质(图6B1, B3, 箭头所示)。花粉囊中含
有大量空瘪的败育小孢子, 呈哑铃状, 表面十分光
滑平整、无棱状凸起(图6B2, 箭头所示), 内容物完
全或部分降解, 细胞壁积累胼胝质, 外部缺乏基粒棒
郭伟等: 芝麻核雄性不育系 ms86-1 微粉发生的细胞学观察 93

图5 芝麻核雄性不育系单核小孢子发育时期
(A1) 可育株单核小孢子(Bar=10 μm); (A2) 可育株单核小孢子细胞壁(Bar=5 μm); (A3) 可育株花粉囊腔内的乌氏体和降解的绒毡
层(Bar=10 μm); (B1) 不育株败育小孢子(箭头所示)(Bar=5 μm); (B2) 不育株绒毡层细胞器(Bar=2 μm); (B3) 不育株绒毡层细胞
(Bar=10 μm); (C1) 微粉株中形态近似小孢子母细胞的异常细胞(Bar=10 μm); (C2) 微粉株绒毡层细胞器(Bar=5 μm); (C3) 微粉株
降解的绒毡层及败育小孢子(Bar=10 μm)。Ta: 绒毡层; Ml: 中层; En: 药室内壁; N: 细胞核; Nu: 核仁; C: 胼胝质; CW: 细胞壁; Ms:
小孢子: V: 液泡; Ub: 乌氏体; Gb: 高尔基体

Figure 5 Microspore stage during microspore development in sesame nucleic male sterile line
(A1) A microspore of the fertile plant (Bar=10 μm); (A2) The cell wall of a microspore of the fertile plant (Bar=5 μm); (A3) The
ubisch body and degraded tapetum in pollen sac of the fertile plant (Bar=10 μm); (B1) An aborted microspore of sterile plant
(arrow) (Bar=5 μm); (B2) The organelles in a tapetal cell of sterile plant (Bar=2 μm); (B3) The tapetum of the sterile plant (Bar=10
μm); (C1) The abnormal cell similar to the microsporocyte in partial sterile plants (Bar=10 μm); (C2) The organelles of tapetal cell
of the partial sterile plant (Bar=5 μm); (C3) An aborted microspore and the degraded tapetum of the partial sterile plant (Bar=10
μm). Ta: Tapetum; Ml: Middle layer; En: Endothecium; N: Nucleus; Nu: Nucleolus; C: Callose; CW: Cell wall; Ms: Microspore; V:
Vacuole; Ub: Ubisch bodies; Gb: Golgi body

(图6B2, B3)。微粉小孢子绒毡层细胞部分降解(图
6C1, C2), 花粉囊中含有大量空瘪败育的小孢子及少
量发育较好的小孢子(图6C2, 箭头所示)。败育小孢子
形态类似不育小孢子, 细胞壁皱缩、扁平, 形态不规
饱满, 表面有少量颗粒状突起, 但未能形成覆盖层,
无棱状凸起(图6C3, 箭头所示)。花粉囊腔中及小孢子
2.3 讨论
2.3.1 花药微粉现象
微粉, 即微量花粉, 又称育性不稳、部分败育、不完
全败育或半败育等 , 广泛存在于水稻(Oryza sa-
tiva)(何予卿和徐才国, 2000)、萝卜(Raphanus sa-
tivus)(苏小俊等, 2008)、油菜(Brassica campestris)
(Burns et al., 1991; 傅廷栋等, 1995; 孙晓敏等,
94 植物学报 49(1) 2014

图6 芝麻核雄性不育系成熟花粉粒发育时期
(A1) 可育株成熟花粉粒, 绒毡层完全降解(Bar=10 μm); (A2) 可育株花药药室, 花粉粒表面有棱状凸起(箭头所示)(Bar=10 μm);
(A3) 可育株成熟花粉粒外壁上具有萌发孔(箭头所示)(Bar=2 μm); (B1) 不育株绒毡层细胞未降解, 无乌氏体, 有胞状物分布(箭头
所示)(Bar=10 μm); (B2) 不育株败育小孢子细胞表面光滑, 无凸起(箭头所示)(Bar=5 μm); (B3) 不育株败育小孢子花粉囊腔有胞状
物分布(箭头所示)(Bar=10 μm); (C1) 微粉株绒毡层细胞发生降解(Bar=10 μm); (C2) 微粉株花药药室, 包括部分败育和败育两种类
型(箭头所示)(Bar=20 μm); (C3) 微粉株产生的部分败育小孢子, 无棱状凸起(箭头所示)(Bar=10 μm)。Ta: 绒毡层; Ml: 中层; En: 药
室内壁; CW: 细胞壁; Ub: 乌氏体; PG: 花粉粒; PAMs: 部分败育小孢子; AMs: 败育小孢子

Figure 6 Pollen maturation stage during microspore development in sesame nucleic male sterile line
(A1) A mature pollen of fertile plants and the tapetum having been absolutely degraded (Bar=10 μm); (A2) A scan electron mi-
croscope (SEM) photography of the fertile anther with a pollen grain, with the bulged strips on the wall surface (arrow)(Bar=10
μm); (A3) The germinal apertures present on the wall of a mature pollen grain (arrow)(Bar=2 μm); (B1) The tapetum of the sterile
plant without any degradation and ubisch bodies, besides of granules (arrow)(Bar=10 μm); (B2) A SEM photography of an
aborted microspore with the smooth surface, having no bulged strips (arrow)(Bar=5 μm); (B3) Aborted pollen cells with granules
in the sporangium cavity (arrow)(Bar=10 μm); (C1) The tapetum of the partial sterile plant after degradation (Bar=10 μm); (C2) A
SEM photography of the anthers of the partial sterile plant, with the appearance of the aborted microspores and partial aborted
microspores (arrows)(Bar=20 μm); (C3) The morphology of the unique partial aborted microspore without any bulged strips on
the rough surface (arrow)(Bar=10 μm). Ta: Tapetum; MI: Middle layer; En: Endothecium; CW: Cell wall; Ub: Ubisch bodies; PG:
Pollen grain; PAMs: Partial aborted microspores; AMs: Aborted microspores

环境因素有关(Burns et al., 1991; 傅廷栋等, 1995)。
芝麻微粉 (或部分败育 )现象最早由委内瑞拉学者
Malaguti和Mazzan(1958)提出, 并认为该现象是遗
传与环境共同作用的结果 (Malaguti and Mazzan,
1958) 。 Prabakaran(1998) 在进行芝麻 (S. mala-
郭伟等: 芝麻核雄性不育系 ms86-1 微粉发生的细胞学观察 95
baricum × S. indicum)种间杂交研究时发现后代出现
部分不育, 杂交及回交后代植株育性类型包括高度不
育、半不育及高度可育3种。近年来研究表明, 在芝
产生。本实验观察结果显示, 与不育株相比, 微粉株
花粉有一定的育性, 但可育度低, 结实性差, 每个蒴
果仅有5–6个籽粒, 而可育株蒴果多达60–70粒。通过
细胞学观察和比较, 本研究进一步证实了芝麻微粉现
象的存在(表2; 图1)。在微粉株中有少量小孢子母细
胞能够发育成较为正常的小孢子, 并能正常散粉, 花
粉粒具有萌发能力。虽属于不育类型, 但选用微量花
粉对不育株进行授粉, 却可以获得较高比例的芝麻不
育株后代, 部分组合后代的不育株率高达95%以上
供了新的材料和途径。因此, 研究微粉现象对于芝麻

2.3.2 绒毡层细胞降解与微粉发生的关系
分泌胼胝质和孢粉素等物质, 可为小孢子发育提供必
需的营养成分(梁秀银等, 1994b; 傅建华等, 1999;
李懿星等, 2009)。Kavitha等(1998)对连续回交8代的
芝麻雄性不育系进行研究, 发现小孢子母细胞在减数
调性, 最终导致败育。可育株绒毡层细胞在四分体时
期之后逐渐趋于完全降解, 而不育株绒毡层细胞没有
出现同步降解迹象(Yang et al., 2008)。在微粉株单核
小孢子时期, 有少部分小孢子母细胞发育进程迟缓,
解, 并可能为发育落后的部分小孢子提供必需的营
形成的重要因素。本研究结果进一步证实, 绒毡层细
密切。在小孢子发育的减数分裂时期, 不育、微粉及
录组测序显示, 在花蕾发育早期(花蕾大小为2.1–3.0
mm), 数十个基因在不育、微粉及可育花药中的表达
水平有显著差异(10倍以上), 并得到了实时定量PCR
的验证(Wei et al., 2013)。依据花蕾大小与相应小孢
子母细胞发育时期(表1), 可以确定小孢子败育的发
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郭伟等: 芝麻核雄性不育系 ms86-1 微粉发生的细胞学观察 97
Cytological Observation of Partial Sterility of Nucleic Male Sterile
Line ms86-1 in Sesame (Sesamum indicum)
Wei Guo1, Hongmei Miao2, Tide Zhang2, Libin Wei2, Chun Li2, Haiyang Zhang2*
1National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095,
China; 2Henan Sesame Research Center, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, China
Abstract The progeny of the nucleic male sterile (NMS) line, ms86-1, in sesame (Sesamum indicum) display 3 types of
pollen: fertile, sterile, and partially sterile. The differences in the three fertility types are reflected in the morphologic fea-
tures of their anthers and pollen grains. Alexander’s staining revealed blue-green staining of outer walls of partially sterile
pollen grains, and the inner walls were unevenly stained magenta-red, which differed from the staining of fertile or sterile
pollen grains. To explore the mechanism of partial sterility, we compared the microsporogenesis of the three fertility types
by electron microscopy. The microspores of fertile plants metabolized vigorously at meiosis as massive lipid globules
accumulated in the cytoplasm. Tapetal cells began to degrade at tetrad stage, and some Ubisch bodies were secreted
from tapetal cells at microspore stage. A large number of Ubisch bodies were inside and around the pollen sac at pollen
maturation. The pollen exine surface, with 11–13 pieces of bulged strips, was covered with abundant bacula, which
formed a close cover. Sterile plants showed abnormal microsporogenesis at meiosis. Lipid globules did not appear in the
microspore cytoplasm, whereas callose began to accumulate around the cell wall at meiosis. Tapetal cells did not de-
grade at tetrad stage, and no Ubisch bodies were secreted at the microspore stage; A large number of aborted micro-
spores presented in the pollen sac, without any normal Ubisch bodies, in microspore maturation stage. The microspore
exine accumulated with callose except for bacula. In partially sterile plants, lipid globules were observed at meiosis. Parts
of the tapetal cells began to distort at microspore stage and then degraded at that stage. The degradation of tapetal cells
provided nutrition for the microspores with a developmental delay rhythm, and induced them to develop into normal pollen
grains. These pollen grains were relatively plump, with a few granules on the surface, while the covering layer was not
formed on the pollen exine. A few Ubisch bodies were observed in the pollen sac and around microspores. The fertility
types of microspores during microsporogenesis agreed with the normality or abnormality of tapetum degradation.
Key words Sesamum indicum, nucleic male sterile, partial sterility, microspore development, ultrastructure
Guo W, Miao HM, Zhang TD, Wei LB, Li C, Zhang HY (2014). Cytological observation of partial sterility of nucleic male
sterile line ms86-1 in sesame (Sesamum indicum). Chin Bull Bot 49, 87–97.
* Author for correspondence. E-mail: zhy@hnagri.org.cn
(责任编辑: 白羽红)