摘 要 :采用杂交育种技术,以姜科(Zingiberaceae)植物草豆蔻(Alpinia hainanensis K. Schumann)为亲本,母本于1975年从广东引种,具乳白色小苞片;父本于1983年从广西引种,具淡粉红色小苞片。经多年多代分离、筛选和鉴定,从其杂交后代中选育出花卉新品种升振山姜(A. hainanensis ‘Shengzhen’)。该品种具较强的丛生性、花序较长、小苞片粉红色的特点,观赏期长,观赏性状和适应性优于亲本,有较高的园林推广应用价值。
Abstract:A new hybrid with high ornamental characteristics, Alpinia hainanensis ‘Shengzhen’, derived from the generation of the hybrid combination of Alpinia hainanensis K. Schumann, was bred by using hybrid breeding. The female parent with milky white bracteoles was collected from Guangdong in 1975 and the male parent with rose pink bracteoles from Guangxi in 1983. The hybrid is better than the parents in ornamental characters and adaptability, such as tufted leaf shoots, long inflorescences, pink bracteoles and long blooming period, etc., which is of high value in landscape architecture.