Abstract:The present paper deals with the residue dynamics of carbendazim in spruce seedling and soil using 14C-carbendazim to control thesnow blights and molds of spruce under simulated early winter and snow covered conditions.The rate of 14C-carbendazim used was 2g/m2.The results showed that almost all the 14C-carbendazim was absorbed on the surface of the needles and that the degradation was so slowly that 22.78μg/g residue was still on the needle surface after 150 days(just as late snow-melting period).89%14C-carbendazim gathered in the surface soil of 0-6cm depth.The residue on the needle surface greatly oversteps the EC(50)(5.2μg/g).The results proved the controlling effects of carbendazim,forinstance,Thiophanate methy 1,and Thiadimefon in the field tests.