Abstract:The alkaloids from Tripterygium hypoglaucum (Levl) Hutch. and their structure are unknown, cxcept wilforine reported by the author in the last paper(1),This continuing inverstigation reports the structural indentifi-cation of wilforgine (2 ), wilfordine (4 ), wilfortrine (3 ) and cuonymine (5 ) fronl this plant by the chemical and spectroscopic methods. The "COSY" 1H--1H chemicalshift correlation provides the 1H scalar coupling relationships for the purpose of the complete assignment of 1H, and the relative configuration of them. In additon, the structure of willorgine and wilfortrine was not eluci- dated by 1H NMR spectra, although both have early been isolated from species Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f.