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Influence of producing area and plant age on oxymatrine content in root of Sophora flavescens


全 文 :表 5 塞隆骨和虎骨钙、磷含量及比值
Table 5 Content of Ca and P , and their ratio
in bone of Sailong and tiger
名 称 Ca/ % P/ % C a/ P
塞隆骨 全骨( n= 18) 15. 27 7. 25 2. 102
头骨( n= 5) 15. 67 7. 44 2. 106
脊梁骨( n= 5) 14. 46 6. 80 2. 106
腿骨骨( n= 5) 16. 89 7. 69 2. 196
虎 骨 全骨( n= 18) 19. 85 9. 09 2. 184
头骨( n= 5) 19. 47 9. 04 2. 154
脊梁骨( n= 5) 19. 13 8. 88 2. 154
腿骨( n= 5) 20. 36 9. 36 2. 175
[ 1] Xie Z W . H andbook of Chinese T radi tional and H erbal
Drug s (全国中草药名鉴) [ M ] . Beijing: Peoples M edical
Publis hing House, 1996.
[ 2] Zh ang B C. Importan t s ignif icance of S ailon g bone replacing
t iger b on e [ J] . Chin J I nf T rad it Chin Med (中国中医药信
息杂志) , 1996, 3( 7) : 38-39.
[ 3] Liu Z G, Zh an g X D, Zh ang S Q , et al. Treatm ent of
rh eum atoid arthr itis 28 cas es by Sailong bone [ J] . Med J
Chin P A PF (武警医学) , 1999, 10( 1) : 29-30.
[ 4] Hai P. Exp erimental study on ant i-inflammatory ef fect of
S ailon g b on e [ J] . L iaoning J T rad it Chin Med (辽宁中医杂
志) , 2002, 27( 11) : 524-527.
[ 5] Zhou Q D. S ailon g bone replacin g t iger bone as drug [ J] .
W ild A nimal (野生动物) , 1998, 19( 5) : 38.
[ 6] Fell G S. Accuracy of t race element analys is in biological
s amp les [ J ] . T rend s A nal Chem , 1984 ( 7) : 9-13.
[ 7] U nderw ood E J . T race E lements in H uman and Animal N u-
t rit ion [ M ] . New York : Academic Press , 1977.
[ 8] Wlostow sk i T, Ch etnicki W , Baldyga W G, et al . Zin c,
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( 4) : 555-573.
Influence of producing area and plant age on oxymatrine content
in root of Sophora f lavescens
LI Hong-m in
, HU ANG Ren-quan
, HAO Jian-guo
, JIA Jing-fen
1* a
( 1. Colleg e of L ife Science, No rthw est Univ ersit y, Xian 710069, China; 2. T iancheng Drug and
Pharm aceutica l Division, X ian High T ech Indust ries Co . , X ian 710075, China)
  Abstract: Object The inf luence of producing area and plant age on oxymatrine levels in the dried
roo t of Sophora f lavescens Ait . has been invest igated to pro vide useful informat ion to opt imize the areas for
mass scale propagat ion, proper management and species conservat ion. Methods T he oxymatrine w as
quant ified by HPLC and various stat ist ical t reatments were carried out following SPSS 9. 0 and Micr oso ft
Excel. Results T he oxymatrine concentrat ions in the r oot samples collected f rom 17 provinces and reg ions
dif fered f rom 0. 494% to 4. 127% and the maximum oxymatrine content ( 3. 493%) w as r ecorded in the
roo t sample collected from Heilongjiang Province. Analy sis of v ariance indicates a highly significant dif fer-
ence in the oxymatrine content of ro ots co llected from different pro vinces, and the samples from the cold
arid northern high-lat itude areas had higher oxymatr ine than those f rom warm humid southern low-lat itude
areas in the mainland China . P lant ag e is po sit ively related to the total r oot biomass and oxymatrine con-
tent . Conclusion T he oxymatrine content in the ro ots o f S . f lavescens is quite dif ferent betw een different
areas and plant ag es. The S. f lav escens growing in the cold ar id no rthern high-lat itude ar eas had higher
oxymatrine concentrat ion.
Key words : Sop hora f lavescens Ait . ; o xymatr ine; HPLC; producing area; plant age
·448· 中草药 Chinese T raditional and Herbal D rug s 第 35 卷第 4 期 2004年 4月
a 收稿日期: 2003-06-19作者简介:李红民( 1972- ) ,女,陕西泾阳人, 1997年毕业于华中农业大学微生物专业,获理学硕士学位,现为西北大学生命科学学院讲师、植物细胞工程方向在职博士研究生。 E-mail : h lhm 2002@yahoo. com . cn
* 通讯作者
李红民1, 黄仁泉2 ,郝建国1 ,贾敬芬1*
( 1. 西北大学生命科学学院,陕西 西安 710069; 2. 西安高科集团天诚药业分公司,陕西 西安 710075)
摘 要: 目的 考察不同产地和植株年龄对苦参干燥根中氧化苦参碱含量的影响, 为选择合适的大规模人工种植
场地、合理的管理及物种保护提供可考的依据。方法 采用 HPLC 法测定苦参干燥根中氧化苦参碱的含量并采用
SPSS 9. 0 及 Microsoft Excel软件进行数据统计和分析。结果 从 17 个省、自治区采集的苦参根样品中氧化苦参
碱的含量差异很大( 0. 494%~4. 127% ) ,其中以黑龙江省采集的样品中氧化苦参碱的平均含量最高( 3. 493% )。方
的样品。而且,植株年龄与苦参干燥根中氧化苦参碱含量呈相关。结论 不同产地和植株年龄均会明显影响苦参根
中氧化苦参碱的含量; 生长在寒冷干燥的高纬度地区的苦参根中氧化苦参碱含量较高。
关键词: 苦参;氧化苦参碱; HPLC;产地; 植株年龄
中图分类号: R282. 6   文献标识码: A   文章编号: 0253 2670( 2004) 02 0448 05
    S op hora f lavescens Ait . is an indig enous
perennial herb in China. It is dist ributed thr ough-
out the mainland China, ranging fr om low to high
lat itudes. T he r oots, as a typical t radit ional Chi-
nese herb, are mainly used in the t reatment of
fever, pept ic ulcer , eczema, hemorrhoids, asth-
ma, tumors, bacillar y dysentery and as analo-
[ 1, 2] . T he her b is known to contain mo re than
ten kind of quino lizidine alkalo ids
[ 3]
, among which
oxymatrine is one of the majo r bio act ive compo-
[ 4]
. Due to it s highly pharmacolo gical act ivi-
ties, such as ant ipy retic, ant iulcer , nonsteroidal
ant i-inf lammato ry and antitumor [ 5- 10] , it has been
studied g reat ly and deveolped into several patent
medicines and some kind of medicinal herb pest i-
cides in the past ten year s[ 11- 14] . At pr esent , com-
plete chemical synthesis o f ox ymatrine has no t
been r eported and its commercial supply st ill de-
pends on the isolat ion fr om the roo ts of natur al
sources. In r ecent y ears, uncontrolled cont inuous
co llect ion of plant material f rom natural habitat for
the ex t ract ion o f alkalo ids has led to the sharp de-
plet ion of w ild S. f lavescens population. It is es-
sent ial to develop the large-scale cult ivat ion of this
plant . How ever , a few studies has been conducted
to evaluate the effect of producing area and plant
age on oxymatrine lev els in the root of S.
f lavescens gr ow ing in dif ferent pro vinces in China,
and to est imate the total root biomass and oxyma-
tr ine content . In this paper , variat ion in the oxy-
matrine content of the roo ts fr om dif ferent areas
and dif ferent ag es g row ing in a homogenous envi-
ronment has been determ ined.
1 Materials and methods
1. 1 Chemical agents
T he standard oxymatrine w as purchased from
Sigma Chem. Co. ( USA ) . Sodium dihydro-pho s-
phate, phosphor ic acid, methanol, and sodium
perchlorate w ere all HPLC g rade. Water w as dou-
ble-dist illed.
1. 2 Plant material and r oot collect ion
T he roo t samples w er e bought f rom medicinal
markets within differ ent pr ovinces in October,
2001, w hich were collected f rom dif ferent reg ions
in September in the ident ical y ear and air dried.
T he air dried root samples w ere dried in an oven at
70℃ up to constant w eight , then w er e f inely pow-
dered in a blender .
1. 3 Determ inat ion of ox ymatr ine
Determination of ox ymatrine in the roo t sam-
ple w as carried out by the method of quant ification
against ex ter nal standard[ 15] .
1. 4 So lut ion preparat ion of authentic oxymatr ine
Standard oxymatr ine ( 5 mg ) w as w eighed ac-
curately and put into vo lumetric f lask of 50 mL,
and then dissolved and identif ied the volume w ith
mobile phase used in HPLC analysis.
1. 5 So lut ion preparat ion of sample oxymatrine
Powder o f dried roo t sample ( 500 mg ) w as
w eighed accurately and put into volumetric f lask of
50 mL and 30 mL mobile phase w as added, then
the volumetric flask w as vibrated in an ul tr asonic
g enerator for 30 m in, laid aside unt il the tempera-
ture of the solut ion was down to room tempera-
·449·中草药 Chinese T raditional and Herbal D rug s 第 35 卷第 4 期 2004年 4月
ture. T o f ilter the so lut ion using 0. 45 Lm filter
membrane after fix ing the volume with mobile
phase used in HPLC analysis, the f ilt rate w as used
as the solut ion o f ox ymatrine sample fo r HPLC
analy sis.
1. 6 HPLC analysis
Quant ificat ion of ox ymatrine content in the
roo t sample w as carried out by subject ing solut ion
of ox ymatrine samples ( 10 LL) to HPLC analy sis
equipped w ith a r everse phase column [ Zo rbax SB-
C18, 150 mm×4. 6 mm, 5 Lm) , Ag ilent , USA ] .
The sample w as eluted in an iso crat ic mode w ith
NaH2PO 4-H3PO4-NaClO4-MeOH-H2O ( 3. 3 g ∶
0. 85 mL∶10 g∶75 mL∶425 mL ) at a f low rate
of 1. 0 mL/ min and the column elute w as moni-
to red at 220 nm w ith a UV deterctor ( Waters 600
photodiode arr ay detector, Millipore, U SA ) and
Waters printer plo tter ( M illipore, Waters) . Oxy-
matrine content w as quant ified on the basis of
standard curve pr epared by inject ing known quant i-
ties of authentic oxymatrine.
1. 7 Plant ag e and calculation of roo t biomass
The plant ag e w as calculated on the basis of
seeding and the ro ot biomass w as obtained by
w eighing the intact root w hich w as dried in an oven
at 70℃ up to constant w eight af ter being collected
fr om the soil ver y carefully .
1. 8 Statistical t reatments
The various stat ist ical t reatments w ere carr ied
out following M icrosof t Excel pr ogramme and
SPSS 9. 0 for Window s.
2 Results and discussion
Signif icant variat ion in the oxymatrine content
w as found in the r oot samples w ithin the natur al
populat ion of S. f lavescens g row ing in dif ferent
pr ovinces in China ( Table 1 and 2) . Based on
ANOVA ( Analy sis of variance) , a highly signif i-
cant dif ference at 0. 01 level can be observed in
oxymatrine content of roo t col lected f rom dif ferent
pr ovinces. The values range f rom 0. 494% to
4. 127% ( coef f icien of variat ion= 53. 96% ) and the
max imum ( avg . 3. 493% ) oxymatrine lev el w as
recor ded in the roo t f rom Heilong jiang prov ince.
Further , considerable differ ences w ere also ob-
ser ved in oxymatrine content in the ro ot samples
f rom different geog raphical locations in the ident i-
cal province. T hese dif ferences may indicate the ef-
fect of g enet ic and epigenet ic variation on oxyma-
trine content in the roo t of S. f lavescens, although
l it t le or nothing w as known about it . Further-
more, the r esult suggests that there be opportuni-
t ies to select superior areas for high-yielding plant
cultivat ion by applying st rong select ion pressure.
Table 1 Oxymatrine content in root of
S. f lavescens ( n= 8)
Pr ovin ces
Ox ymat rin e
content / %
Oxymat rine
content / %
Heilongjiang 3. 493 Sich uan 1. 087
Inner Mongolia 3. 129 Ghuzhou 1. 058
Qin ghai 2. 619 Henan 1. 054
Shanxi 2. 579 Jiangsu 0. 996
J ilin 2. 557 Shandong 0. 192
Gansu 2. 31 Hubei 0. 814
Liaoning 2. 249 Zhejiang 0. 764
Nin gxia 2. 203 Hunan 0. 662
Shaanxi 1. 452
   a T he root s am ples w ere purchased fr om medicinal markets
w ithin dif ferent provinces in Octob er, 2001, w hich w ere collected
f rom dif ferent regions in September in th e ident ical year
Table 2 Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Source of variat ion S S df MS F S ig
Betw een gr ou ps 109. 23 16 6. 827 62. 068 0. 000
Within groups 13. 089 119 0. 110
Total 122. 323 135
  More interestingly , this study also indicates
that the samples f rom the cold ar id nor thern high-
lat itude areas had higher o xymatrine concentr ation
than those f rom w arm humid southern low-lat itude
parts of the mainland China. T o invest igate the ef-
fect o f environmental variat ion on oxymatrine con-
tent in the roots of S. f lavescens, the roo t samples
f rom 14 provinces ( Their ex act geog raphical loca-
t ions are show n in Table 3. ) were picked out and
separated into thr ee groups according to their lon-
g itudes. From south to north, the f irst g roup con-
sisted of the roo t samples f rom Zhejiang , Shan-
dong, L iaoning , Jilin and Heilongjian Prov inces,
r espect ively; the second group samples w ere from
Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Shanx i and Inner
M ongo lia, respect iv ely ; the third group included
Guizhou, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningx ia and Inner
M ongo lia. F ig. 1. show ed clearly that the average
·450· 中草药 Chinese T raditional and Herbal D rug s 第 35 卷第 4 期 2004年 4月
oxymatrine content in the roots of S . f lavescens
was going up increasing ly with geographical loca-
tions mig rated f rom South to No rth, and high sig-
nif icant dif ference at 0. 01 level w as observed in the
mean of ox ymatrine content in every g roups based
on ANOVA ( T able 4) and LSD.
Table 3 Identical geographic locations
of sampled provinces
Provin ces   East longitude Nor th lat itude
Heilongj iang 121°11′-135°05′ 43°26′-53°33′
J ilin 121°38′-131°19′ 40°52′-46°18′
L iaoning 118°50′-125°47′ 38°43′-43°29′
Shandong 114°36′-122°43′ 34°25′-38°28′
Zhejiang 118°02′-119°05′ 27°08′-31°10′
Inn er Mongolia 97°12′-126°04′ 37°24′-53°23′
Shanxi 110°14′-114°33′ 34°34′-40°43′
Henan 110°21′-116°39′ 31°23′-36°22′
Hubei 108°21′-116°07′ 29°05′-33°20′
Hunan 108°47′-114°45′ 24°38′-30°08′
Inn er Mongolia 97°12′-126°04′ 37°24′-53°23′
Nin gxia 104°17′-107°39′ 35°14′-39°23′
Gansu 92°13′-108°46′ 32°31′-42°57′
S ichu an 97°21′-110°12′ 26°03′-34°19′
Guizhou 103°36′-109°35′ 24°37′-29°13′
Fig. 1 Variation of oxymatrine content
from South to North
Table 4 ANOVA for three selected groups
S ou rce of variation SS df MS F S ig
Firs t grou p Betw een groups 42. 512 4 10. 628 73. 193 0. 000
Within group s 5. 082 35 0. 145
Total 47. 594 39
S econd g roup Betw een groups 40. 649 4 10. 162 97. 780 0. 000
Within group s 3. 638 35 0. 104
Total 44. 286 39
T hir d group Betw een groups 25. 300 4 6. 325 46. 237 0. 000
Within group s 4. 788 35 0. 137
Total 30. 088 39
   This study also indicates that plant age be
po sit ively related to the total roo t biomass and
oxymatrine content . The ro ot biomass and oxyma-
trine content w ere going up year by year. How ev-
er, the rate of increase w as higher in the f irst thr ee
years ( Table 5) than that in the years soon at fer-
w ards.
Table 5 Root biomass and oxymatrine content
in relation to tree age
A ge/
Root biomass/
( g·g plant- 1)
Aver age rate of
increase/ %
O xymatrine content
( g·g plant- 1)
Aver age rate of
increase/ %
1 49 - 0. 279 -
2 78 59. 19 0. 679 143. 3
3 101 29. 49 1. 080 59. 06
   In conclusion, a signif icant v ar iat ion in the
r oot ox ymatrine content ex ists in S . f lavescens
plants depending on the geographical locat ions.
T he dif ference w ould appear to be related to ge-
netic variat ion among st plants g row ing in specif ic
natural habitat . Oxymatrine content w as increas-
ing with the increase in lat itude. On one hand, the
r esult of this wo rk may be useful for developing
simple, inexpensive and ef fective larg e-scale prop-
agat ion o f S . f lavescens to meet the demand of
o xymatrine. On the other hand, this information
can benef it the conservat ion of this species. Fur-
ther , S. f lavescens plant had long r oot and they
are likely to g row in sandy loam and they w ere re-
garded to be good at w ater and soil conserva-
t ion
[ 16, 17] , so this w o rk w ould also help to conserve
the genet ic div ersity at eco sy stem level.
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赵杨景, 杨峻山,王玉萍,刘 东a
(中国医学科学院 中国协和医科大学药用植物研究所,北京 100094)
摘 要: 目的 研究西洋参、紫苏籽和薏苡根水提物的化感作用。方法 以白菜和西洋参为测试植物, 观察西洋参、
紫苏籽和薏苡根水提物对其种子萌发和活力、存苗率、幼苗初期生长的影响。结果 西洋参茎叶水提物与高于 1%
浓度的须根水提物严重抑制白菜和西洋参的种子萌发及活力、存苗率、幼苗初期生长, 而紫苏籽和薏苡根的水提物
则促进实验植物幼苗根和芽的生长。高浓度的薏苡根水提物可使西洋参的存苗率显著降低。结论 3 种药用植物
中存在活性较强的化感物质, 其化感作用的正负效应和强度与它们的水提物浓度及植物受体种类有关。
关键词: 西洋参;紫苏籽; 薏苡根;水提物; 化感作用
中图分类号: R282. 21   文献标识码: A   文章编号: 0253 2670( 2004) 04 0452 04
Allelopathy of water extract from Panax quinquef olium, Perilla f rutescens,
and Coix Lacryma-j obi
ZHAO Yang-jing, YANG Jun-shan, WANG Yu-ping, LIU Dong
( Inst itute o f Medicinal P lant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Science and
Peking Union Medical Co llege , Beijing 100094, China)
Key words: Panax quinquef olium L. ; the seed o f Per illa f rutescens ( L . ) Brit t . ; the ro ot o f Coix
L acryma-j obi ; w ater ex tract ; allelopathy
  植物的化感作用在自然界中广泛存在, 而且与植
间的相互作用, 这种作用包括促进和抑制,即“相生”
“相克”作用, 这一现象在药用植物栽培中尤为常见。
的研究,现将西洋参 Panax quinquef olium L.、紫苏
P eri lla f r utescens ( L . ) Brit t . 籽 和薏 苡 Coix
L acryma-j obi L. 根水提物的化感作用报道如下。
1 材料和方法
1. 1 供试材料:西洋参为 4年生根和茎叶,种根来源于
·452· 中草药 Chinese T raditional and Herbal D rug s 第 35 卷第 4 期 2004年 4月
a 收稿日期: 2003-08-20基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目( 30070437)作者简介:赵杨景( 1945- ) ,女,研究员,主要从事植物与其生态环境关系研究。近十几年先后主持和参加了西洋参、人参、地黄、甘草、薏苡等多种药用植物栽培研究,曾获国家级、省部级科技进步成果奖 4项,发表研究论文 50余篇,出版专著《药用植物营养与施肥技术》,参编《中国药用植物栽培学》等, 1996年开始研究药用植物的化感作用。 
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