Spatiotemporal variation and related affecting factors of Gloiopeltis furcata biomass and length around Xiaoheishan Island, Shandong of China. Characteristics of soil denitrifying enzyme activity in riparian zones with different land use types in Chongming Island, Shanghai of China. Spatiotemporal distribution characteristics and  causes of sunny days’ heat island effect in Chengdu City of Southwest China. Applicability of traditional landscape metrics in evaluating urban heat island effect. Multi-gradients of land surface temperature in mountainous cities with rapid urbanization: A case study in central area of Chongqing City. The temperature dependence of soil organic matter decomposition and CO2 efflux: a review Effects of habitat fragmentation on the genetic diversity of Pachycondyla luteipes on islands in the Thousand Island Lake, East China Analysis on spatiotemporal changes of urban thermal landscape pattern in the context of urbanisation: a case study of Xiamen City Analysis of the Families of Cenozoic Spermatophytic Flora in Hainan Island GAPS AND THEIR NATURAL DISTURBANCE REGIMES IN THE TROPICAL MONTANE RAIN FOREST OF HAINAN ISLAND THE RESOURCE AND ECOLOGY OF POLYPORE SPECIES IN HAINAN ISLAND A Study on the Flora of Dajinshan Island in Shanghai,China Study on population genetic diversity of Camellia japonica in 5 islands between China and Japan Dynamics of plant litter and change of soil carbon and nitrogen contents in the process of the vegeta-tion restoration in hilly land in central Hainan Island Trial of Eucalypt Species/Provenances in the East Part of Hainan Island Eucalyptus tereticornis Provenance Trial The Insect Fauna of the Jianfengling Forest Area, Hainan Island--Thyrididae THE VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MACROFUNGI IN THE MT. JIANFENGLING REGION, HAINAN ISLAND THE SUMMARY REPORT FOR STUDIES ON THE TROPICAL FOREST ECOSYSTEM IN JIANFENGLING REGION,HAINAN ISLAND I.BIOLOGICAL GENE POOL I.ECOLOGICAL SERIES THE SUMMARY REPORT FOR STUDIES ON THE TROPICAL FOREST ECOSYSTEM IN JlANFENLING REGION, HAINAN ISLAND V.ECOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCE OF SHIFTING AGRICULTURE;Ⅵ.REGENERATION AND SUCCESSION;Ⅶ.CONCLUSION Cooling and Humidifying Effects of Five Landscape Plant Communities on Summer Days in Beijing A NEW SPECIES OF CAMILLIA FROM HAINAN ISLAND