Methane Fluxes from Mangrove Communities at Dongzhai Harbour, Hainan Vegetation Development on Tropical Abandoned Fields, Hainan Island, China Estimation of Community Productivity and Net CO2 Accumulation of a Tropical Mountain Rain Forest in Jianfeng-ling, Hainan Island, China A Preliminary research on the Carbon Storage and CO2 Release of the Tropical Forest Soils in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China Caloric Values of Main Species in A Tropical Mountain Rain Forest at Jianfengling, Hainan Island Studies upon Grassland Vegetation on Coastal Sandy Soil at Wenchang County, Hainan Island Study on Biomass of Tropical Mountain Rain Forest in Jianfengling, Hainan Province Study on Dynamics of Litter Fall of Bruguiera sexangula Mangrove in Hainan Island,China A Study on Numerical Classification and Ordination of Tropical Grassland in Hainan Island Primary Analyses of Regeneration Communities on the Cutting Blanks of Tropical Mountain Rain Forest on the Jianfengling Ridge’ Hainan Island Cluster Analysis and Ordination of Forest Communities on Hong Kong Island Litter-Fall in Tropical Forest at Jianfengling Mountains, Hainan Island A Study of the Grassland in Hainan Island A Community Analysis of Endospcrmum chinense Forest, Hong Kong Island Influencing mechanism of several shrubs and subshrubs on soil fertility in Keerqin sandy land Indexing system and its quantitative expression for soil quality evaluation in Hainan island Models and methods for information extraction of complex ground objects based on LandSat TM images of Hainan Island, China New Records for Ferns from Hainan Island, China STUDY ON THE SPERMATOPHYTIC FLORA OF SOUTH CHINA SEA ISLANDS ENDEMIC PLANTS OF HAINAN ISLAND Population Structure of Shrub in the Southern Five Islands of Miaodao Archipelago and Its Response to the Environmental Factors Floristic Analysis of Pteridophytes in Jianfengling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island Preliminary Study on Vascular Plant Flora in Seashell Islands Nature Reserve of the Yellow River Delta Floristic analysis of seed plants in the Thousand Island Lake region SOME NEW RECORDED PLANTS FROM HAINAN ISLAND Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Sea Island Cotton based on Genetic and Penotypic Traits Genetic Diversity Analysis of the Sea Island Cotton(Gossypium barbadense L.)Mostly from Former USSR Using SSR Markers Study on Biomass and Net Primary Productivity of Podocarpus imbricatus Plantation in Jianfengling,Hainan Island Edge Effects in Two Secondary Tropical Montane Rainforests at Jianfengling, Hainan Island of China Study on the Regeneration Niche of Major Tree Species in Gaps in a Tropical Montane Rain Forest in Bawangling, Hainan Island Study on Fungi of Boletales in Jianfengling Tropical Forest Region, Hainan Island Insect Fauna at Jianfengling Forest Area, Hainan Island──Limacodidae THE Law for Vertical Structure and Succession Dynamics of Mangrove in Qinglan Harbour, Hainan Island An analysis of the flora of seed plants of Taiwan, China: its nature, characteristics, and relations with the flora of the mainland A New Species of the Genus Cycas from Hainan Island, China Heat island effect and human body comfortable degree in Zhengzhou city Landform-based pedodiversity of some soil chemical properties in Hainan Island,China Ecological regulation services of Hainan Island ecosystem and their valuation Latest forty two years‘ sea surface temperature change of Weizhou Island and its influence on coral reef ecosystem Studies on Polypore Fungi of Bawangling Natural Reserve,in Hainan Island Mangrove Plants’Adaptive Ability to Habitat and Their Horizontal Distribution in Qinglan Harbour, Hainan Island Biodiversity of Tropical Forest and Its Protection Strategies in Hainan Island,China SOME NEWLY RECORDED PLANTS FROM HAINAN ISLAND Genetic Analysis of Fiber Traits and Population Heterosis for F1 and F2 between Different Fruit-Branch Type Cultivars in Island Cotton SOME NEW RECORDED PLANTS ON HAINAN ISLAND One New Species of the Cyclobalanopsis(Fagaceae) from Hainan Island Spatial analysis of species diversity in the tropical vegetations along the vertical belt at Bawangling Nature Reserve,Hainan Island Primary study on vegetation succession of saline land in the bird island of Qinghai Lake A GIS, LANDSCAPE PATTERN AND NETWORK ANALYSIS BASED PLANNING OF ECOLOGICAL NETWORKS FOR XIAMEN ISLAND Plant Diversity Distribution of Mountains in Rural Landscapes£othe Combined Influences of Topography and Land Use NESTEDNESS: METHODS, MECHANISMS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION Community Dynamics During the Process of Vegetation Restoration on Nan’Ao Island, Guangdong Species Richness-Abundance Relationships in Four Tropical Forests on Altitudinal Gradient in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Estimation of nutrient level and fishery yield of Patinopecten yessoensis in mariculture area near the Zhangzidao Island of the north Yellow Sea Modeling urban sprawl effects on regional warming in Beijing-Tianjing-Tangshan urban agglomeration Ecological risk assessment of exploitation and utilization in Chuanshan Archipelago, Guangdong province, China Analysis of spectral characteristics of coral under different growth patterns Coordinated development evaluation of the ecosystem health and the tourism economy Zhoushan Islands Constrict factors and countermeasure of island tourism development Research on Urban Heat Island and its Environmental Effects of Rapidly Urbanized Regions Assessment of the current status & planning of the green space system of Chongming Island using landscape metrics and network analysis methods Characteristics of the community structure of mangrove communities of Techeng Island, Zhanjiang On the eco-system service function in island and its protection countermeasures Study on the dynamic change of landscape pattern and its landscape ecological effects in Haitan Island of Pingtan County The Study of Regeneration System from Different Sea Island Cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.)Cultivars “CONTINUOUS EXTENSION” OF THE CATHAYSIAN PALEOCONTINENT AND CATHAYSIAN FLORA ON THE EARTH A THIRD DISSERTATION ON CATHAYSIAN PALEOCONTINENT AND CATHAYSIAN FLORA A TECHNICAL SYSTEM FOR SCREENING OF TOBACCO SOMATIC CELL MUTANT RESISTANT TO CMV Relationship between Urban Forest Canopy Cover and Heat Island Effect in Xiamen Island Carbon Storage and Its Distribution of Eucalyptus urophylla × E.tereticornis Plantations in Hainan Island, Southern China Analyses of Heredity and Correlation between Boll Traits and Fiber Quality Traits in “0” Plant Type Island Cotton The Decision Analysis on the Aim Yield Traits of F1 between “O” and “Long-Fruit-Branch” Plant Type in Island Cotton Genetic Analysis of Yield Traits and Population Heterosis for F1 and F2 between Different Fruit-Branch Type Cultivars in Island Cotton Genetic Diversity of Sonneratia alba in China Detected by Inter-simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) Analysis Effect of Hillslope Gradient on Vegetation Recovery on Abandoned Land of Shifting Cultivation Genetic Diversity Analysis of Sea-Island Cotton Cultivars Using SRAP Markers Isolation,Characterization and Mapping of Genomic Microsatellite Markers for the First Time in Sea-Island Cotton(Gossypium barbadense) Community Structure and Tree Species Diversity Characteristics in a Tropical Montane Rain Forest in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island Distribution patterns of alien invasive plants and their influences on native plants of Hainan Island Ecological security early-warning in Zhoushan Islands based on variable weight model. Spatial-temporal evolution of urban thermal environment based on spatial statistical features.

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