Studies on the Dynamics of Seedling Bank in Gap of Tropical Montane Rain Forest in Bawangling, Hainan Island Patch Characteristics of the Vegetation Landscape in Hainan Island Species Diversity and Floristic Characteristics of Vascular Plants in Nanji Island, Zhejiang Provience THE STRUCTURE OF PINUS MASSONIANA COMMUNITY ON NAN‘AO ISLAND, GUANGDONG "Fertile Island" features of soil available nutrients around Halostachys caspica shrub in the alluvial fan area of Manas River watershed A REVIEW ON UNDERSTANDING THE GENETIC STRUCTURE OF POPULATION Flora of vascular plants of Jianfengling, Hainan Island Monthly variation of net-phytoplankton composition in Dongtou Island GIS-based Japanese scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) aquaculture suitability assessment:a case study with the islands of Dachangshan and Xiaochangshan, North Yellow Sea, China The spatial distribution and impact factors of net primary productivity in the island ecosystem of five southern islands of Miaodao Archipelago Vegetation Mapping of the Mond Protected Area of Bushehr Province (South-west Iran) Spatiotemporal Patterns and Dynamics of Species Richness and Abundance of Woody Plant Functional Groups in a Tropical Forest Landscape of Hainan Island, South China Seed Dynamics in Relation to Gaps in a Tropical Montane Rainforest of Hainan Island, South China: (II) Seed Bank Seed Dynamics in Relation to Gaps in a Tropical Montane Rainforest of Hainan Island, South China: (I) Seed Rain Vegetation Change and Soil Nutrient Distribution along an Oasis-Desert Transitional Zone in Northwestern China Vertical structure of lianas in a tropical montane rain forest in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island, China The cooling effect of Guangzhou City parks to surrounding environments Spatial distribution of root system of different riparian plant configuration modes Plant species diversity in relation to island size Dynamicss of temperature and humidity in underlaying surface of different landscape type in winter in Beijing City, China Effects of elk grazing on soil physical and chemical properties of grassland on Tiane Island Effect of Caragana microphylla on leaf traits of Setarria viridis in Horqin sandy land Geographical Distribution and Floristic Composition of Pteridophytes in Hainan Island Family flora of spermatophyte on Dongshan Island in Fujian Freshwater Diatoms from Kinmen Island in Fujian,China Analysis of Methylation at CpG Island of FIE in Rice by Bisulfite Sequencing Effect of Habitat Fragmentation on Bryophytes Diversity in the Thousand-Island Lake Region Study on Plant Species Diversity and Vegetation of Ung Kong Islands Detecting molecular signatures of natural selection in Morus alba populations from trans-Himalaya Diversity of symbiotic algae of the genus Symbiodinium in scleractinian corals of the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea Spatiotemporal variation of urban heat island in Zhengzhou City based on RS. A research review on "fertile islands"of soils under shrub canopy in arid and semi-arid regions Correlation analysis on the damage of Mikania micrantha to plant communities in Neilingdind Island of Guandong Province,China Impacts of urban cooling effect based on landscape scale: A review. Growth characteristics of Porites lutea skeleton in east sea area of Hainan Island, China and main affecting environmental factors. Origin and essence of island biogeography and metapopulation theory Maintenance and natural regeneration of Castanopsis sclerophylla populations on islands of Qiandao Lake Region Spatial structure of the surface temperature in Shenzhen, China Spatial characteristics and dynamic simulations of urban heat environment of cities in Pearl River Delta Chemical herbicide salfometuron-Ethyl to controll Mikania micrantha and its residue in the soil Impact factors and model comparison of summer stomatal conductance of six common greening species in cities of Northern China Species effect of Tamarix spp. and Haloxylon ammodendron on shrub ‘fertile island’ Changing nitrogen levels in surface sediments of island wetlands developing to land in the Yangtze River estuary Stauranthera grandiflora, a newly recorded plant from Hainan Island A new species of Machilus(Lauraceae)from Hainan Island Discussion of Tropical Forest Insects on Outbreak Characteristics DIVISION OF FOREST CLIMATIC REGIONS IN HAINAN ISLAND BY STEPWISE DISCRIMINATORY ANALYSIS ECOLOGICAL EFFICIENCY OF THE SEMI-DECIDUOUS MONSOONFOREST AT JIANFENGLING, HAINAN ISLAND Ⅳ.SOIL FERTILITY ANALYSIS ON SHIFTING CULTIVATION INVESTIGATION OF NIACROFUNGI IN THE MT.JIANFENGLING, HAINAN ISLAND Study on the Niche Characteristics of Main Tree Populations in Tropical Mountain Rain Forest at Jianfengling, Hainan lsland COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS OF TROPICAL MOUNTAIN RAIN FOREST IN JIANFENGLING, HAINAN ISLAND A New Species of Dalbergia Linn. f. and Two New Combinetion of Keteleeria and Ficus from Hainan Island Wild Plant Resources in Ung Kong Islands,Hong Kong New plants of Adenanthera from Hainan Island Anatomical observation of anomalous secondary structure in root of Rorippa islandica Asplenium ritoense Hayata (Aspleniaceae), new to Hainan Island A new species of Cycas (Cycadaceae) from Hainan Island Disjunct Distribution of Seed Plants Between Southwestern China and Taiwan Island of China The distribution of urea concentrations and urease activities in the coastal waters of Hainan Island during the spring Chemical forms and transformations of Pb and Cd in granitic latosol of Hainan Island Tropical Crop Genetics Resources Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Science; Key Open Lab of Tropical Crop Idioplasm Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Danzhou 571737, China Response characteristics of photosynthetic and physiological parameters in Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosus seedling leaves to soil water in sand habitat formed from seashells Study on Genetic Diversity and Relationship for the Hainan Island Landraces of Cucurbita moschata Shrub-mediated “fertile island” effects in arid and semi-arid grassland Species Diversity and Floristic Characteristics of Vascular Plants in Nanji Island, Zhejiang Provience NATURE CONSERVATION THEORY AND MACARTHUR-WILSON MODEL DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT OF ISLAND MARINE PROTECTED AREAS(IMPA):A THEORETICAL AND CASE STUDY The Relationship Between Biodiversity and Soil Fertility Chara-cteristics on Abandoned Fields in the Tropical Region of Southern China Characteristics of Sarcosperma laurinum Community and Species Diversity from Qi-ao Island in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province A Preliminary Survey of the Insects Pesting the Tropical Forage Crops of Hainan Island Preliminary study on introduction of three mangrove species to Qi’ao Island, Zhuhai city Effects of islanding on plant species diversity in Thousand-island Lake region Carbon storage of Pinus thunbergii and Robinia pseudoacacia plantations on Nanchangshan Island, Changdao County of Shandong Province, China. Edge effect of the plant community structure on land-bridge islands in the Thousand Island Lake. Vegetation recovery dynamics of tropical lowland rain forest in Bawangling of Hainan Island, South China Community structure of endemic woody plants in tropical montane rainforest of Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China Spatial pattern of trees in tropical lowland rain forest in Bawangling of Hainan Island, China Patterns of plant diversity within and among three tropical cloud forest communities in Hainan Island Urban heat island  effect based on urban heat island source and sink indices in Shenyang, Northeast China. Characteristics of net phytoplankton community and their relationships to environmental factors in the waters around Nansha Islands