New Species of the Chinese Compositae Taxonomic Study on Genera of Tribe Lactuceae (Compositae) from China On Circumscription of the Genus Cicerbita Wall., and Two New Genera of Compositae from Sino-Himalayan Region A KARYOMOPHOLOGICAL STUDY OF THREE SPECIES OF GENUS SIEGESBECKIA Neo-Taraxacum Y. R. Ling & X. D. Sun, Genus novum et Addenda Subfamiliae Liguliflorae, Familiae Compositarum STUDIES ON THE POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF KALIMERIS GC-MS analysis of essential oil from Anthodiums of Chrysanthemum morifolium processed by microwave-airflow and steam calefaction Study on Steroids of Cacalia tangutica Study on chemical constituents in roots and rhizomes of Ligularia duciforms Study on chemical constituents from roots of Saussurea lappa Chemical constituents from flowers of Chrysanthemum indicum Advance on chemical compounds of Ainsliaea genus Chemical constituents of Rhaponticum uniflorum Chemical constituents from Saussurea polycolea Effects of water extracts from ten plants of Compositae against wheat Seedling Chemical constituents of Pluchea indica(Ⅱ) GC-MS analysis of essential oils from the red-core flos chrysanthemi (inflorescencs of Dendranthema morifolium) Phenolic Compounds Isolated from Rhizoma of Aster tataricus Chemical constituents in lxeridium gramineum Study on chemical constituents from cultivated Gynura nepalensis Chemical constituents of Ainsliaea latifolia