Research progress on relationships betaine and drought/salt resistance of plants Effect of soil drought stress on osmotic adjustment ability of maple leaves Effect of soil water stress on water metabolism and osmotic adjustment substance of native tree species of Loess Plateau Cloning and sequence analysis of DHN1 gene from Salvia miltiorrhiza Characteristic in photosynthesis,transpiration and water use efficiency of Haloxylon ammodendron and Calligonum mongolicum of desert species Effect of soil drought stress on the shoot growth and water use efficiency of Quercus liaotungensis and Acer stenolobum var.megalophyllum Study on restoration strategies, characteristics and status of degenerated artificial Haloxylon ammodendron communities at the edge of Minqin oasis The clonal growing characteristic in the stoloniferous herb,Potentilla anserina Recent approach of functional proteins in plant PM under drought stress Genetic variability analysis of the halophilic species in Dunaliella by RAPD RFLP analysis of mtDNA between two types of cytoplasmic male sterility and theirassociated lines in rice Methodology on revaluation of syndrome therapeutic effect of post-marketing Chinese materia medica Research progress on evaluation methods of mouthfeel of oral drug delivery system HPLC fingerprint on roots of Polygonum multiflorum from different habitats Chemical constituents of Melastoma dodecandrum(Ⅱ) Changes of Endogenous Hormones and Anatomical Structure of Rhododendron stamineum During Cutting Propagation The Study on Serology of Cyloplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus from Thosea postornata Study on the Effect of Natural Control on M. matsumurae and D. spectabilis Reproductive Ecology of Distylous Fagopyrum dibotrys Molecular Characterization of an M-type Thioredoxin Gene in Dendrobium officinale Growth Effects of CO2 Concentration and Phosphorus on Maize and Soybean under Different Cropping Patterns Physiological Mechanism of Drought Tolerance of Maize Seedlings Sugar Metabolism and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Leaf of Lycium barbarum L.under Drought Stress Water Physiological Response of Seedling in Taklimakan Desert Highway Shelterbelt to Drought Stress Photosynthesis Physiological Characteristics of Dalbergia odorifera Seedlings under Drought Stress Effect of Water and Nitrogen Availability on the Generation and Scavenging of Reactive Oxygen Species in Leaves of Robinia pseudoacacia Seedlings Polystichum lanceolatum,a Newly Recorded Species of Dryopteridaceae from Henan Effect of Water Stress Simulated by PEG on Germination Ability of Chukrasia tabularis Seeds from Different Provenances Comparative Research on Drought Resistance of 8 Common Garden Ground Cover Plants in South China Phenotypic Variation of Natural Populations in Rhododendron purdomii in Qinling Mountains Drought Resistance Evaluation and Leaf Structures of Ten Species of Broad-leaved Ornamental Plants in Yan’an Urban Area Observation of the Interspecific Cross Process between Rhododendron ‘Nova Zembla’ and R.excellens Isolation and Expression of a Gene Encoding CBF/DREB1 Transcription Factor from Chorispora bungeana Protective Oxidation Effects of Rhododendron sp. To SO2 Stress Biochemical changes in anthers of "Dong A" genetic male sterile lines of cotton The responses of antioxidant defense system at different developmental stages of spring wheat to gradual drought stress in field Aquaporin activitiesin sunflower root system increased with increasing seedling age Water transportation and regulation in plants Effect of soil drought on the growth and water use efficiency of seabuckthorn Relationship between root morphology of wheat (T.aestivum) and survival percentage under repeated drought condition The analysis to dried soil layer of artificial Robinnia pseudoscacia forestry land in the Yanan Experimental Area Effects of seed dressing in plant nutrient on the senescence of roots after anthesis and yield in dry land wheat on high yield The response of different crops to drying wetting cycle in field Oxidative damage and antioxidant responses during drought-induced winter wheat flag leaf senescence Near-infrared spectroscopy applied in classification of Ferulineae RFLP analysis of mtDNAs among three types of cytoplasmic male sterility and their F_1 hybrids in wheat Effectsof fertilizer application depth on senescence of flag leafafter anthesis and yield in dry land wheat THE STUDY ON DEVELOPMENTAL ANATOMY OF THE FLORAL NECTARY IN CORIANDRUM SATIVUM L. STUDY ON ROTATION AND WATER PRODUCTIVE EFFICIENCY INVOLVEMENT OF CALCIUM AND CALMODULIN IN THE REGULATION OF DEOUGHT RESISTANCE IN ZEA MAYS SEEDLINGS THE DEVELOPMENTAL MORPHOLOGY ON THE TRICHOMES OF THE LEAVESIN DENDRANTHEMA ZAZWADSKII(HERD.)TZVEL. STUDIES ON POPULATION STRUCTURE OF PAEONIA SUFFRUTICOSA ANDR,VAR.SPONTANEA REHD. THE LAWS OF ACCUMULATION OF DRY MATTER AND NUTRIENT UPTAKES OF STERILE HYBRID RAPE APPROACH TO GROWTH AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS IN OCTAPLOID PANICUM MILIACEUM L. RESEARCH ON HOT, DROUGHT RESISTANCE AND CULTIVATION TECHNIQUE OF VIBURNUM PLICATUM F. TOMENTOSUM AND LINDERA MEGAPHYLLA EFFECTS OF MINERAL NUTRITION ON DRY MATTER PRODUCTION AND WATER USE OF SPRINC WHEAT UNDER DIFFERENT SOIL MOISTURE CONDITIONS 中国特有植物海南草珊瑚管状分子的初步研究—草珊瑚属导管存在的例证 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LEAF EPIDERMIs OF ENDEMIC GENUS GYMNOTHECA IN CHINA AND ITS AFFINITE GNERA Biocontrol and induction of defense responses by the non-pathogenic Pythium spp. Effects of alternating temperature and time on diapause of Trichogramma dendrolimi ON THE ECONOMIC THRESHOLD OF MULBERRY THRIPS PSEUDODENDROTHRIPS MORI NIWA IN MULBERRY ORCHARD DURING EARLY AUTUMN EFFECTS OF SINPV ON THE INCREASE OF EXPERIMENTAL POPULATION OF COMMOM CUTWORM SPODOPTERA LITURA FABRICIUS THE STUDIES ON THE CHARACTERS OF THE DENDRARNTHEMA(DC.)DES MOUL.IN THE EAST-NORTH CHINA POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF PARAMICHELIA AND TSOONGIODEDRON FROM CHINA SEED MORPHOLOGY OF RHODODENDRON l.(ERICACEAE )FROM ZHEJIANG AND ITS TAXONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE 八倍体小偃麦与普通小麦杂交后代花药培养的研究 Characteristics of Environmental Effects in the Landscape Shelter Forest along the Aerodrome Road in Guangzhou A Revise of Stamen Number to an Endangered Plant:Rhododendron shanii Fang Inhibitory Effect of Algae Growth and HPLC Analysis of Allelochemicals from Stephania tetrandra Morphological Difference of Arabidopsis thaliana Ethylene Mutants Affected by Drought Stress Cloning and Analysis of Metallothionein Gene from Tamarix androssowii Response of seed germination of Rhododendron fortunei to drought stress Comparative expression analysis of Crlea gene in Catharanthus roseus under drought stress by real-time quantitative PCR Characteristics of Fruit Development and Flower and Fruit Drops of Artificial Population of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Effects of TDZ on Polyamines Concentration Changes during the Construction of Floral-buds in Derooted Seedlings of Dendrobium officinate Kimura et Migo in vitro Response of Alkaloids Content of Nature Phellodendron amurense from Different Vegetation Areas to Seasonal Change Hydroxymethylation of Lignin from Ethanol Pulping Screening and comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance indices of cotton at blossing and boll-forming stages Evaluation and identification on the drought resistance of broomcorn millet bred cultivars at adult stage Population characterization of rice landrace Acuce from Yunnan Province through phenotyping and genotyping