The Chemical Constituents of Elsholtzia ciliata (Thund.) Hyland New Observations on Leptophloeum rhombicum from the upper Devonian of Hubei, China The Chemical Constituents of Antitumor from Sabina vulgaris Ant Studies on the Structures of Two New Triterpene Saponins C and D from Polygala japoni-ca Houtt Comparative Anatomical Studies on the Vessel Elements of Eight Genera in Magnoliaceae A Preliminary Observation on the Double Fertilization and Post-Fertilization Development of Ypsilandra thibetica Franch The Isolation and Identification of Hydyotanthraquinone Tannins from Bendo Eucalyptus Relationship between the Hydroxylation capacity of Digitalis lanata Plants and Cell Culture A New Species of Lepidodendroid Fructification -Achlamydocacpon sinensis Biochemical Studies on Hydrocyanic Acid Potential and Amino Acid in Sorghums Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Root of Libanotis buchtorimensis Fisch Dc. Comparison of Low Temperature Responses of Chilling-Sensitive and Chilling-Tolerant Rice Mitochondrial Membrane Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Hydrocarbon Fraction of the Essential Oils from Caryopteris tangutica and C. Glutinosa On the Chemical Study of the Volatile Oil ot Lysimachia Foenumgraecum Hance Observation of Androgenesis in Cultured Wheat Anthers at Meiosis, Tetrad, Early Uninucleate and Trinucleate Stage Studies on the Development of Mitochondria of Mung Bean Cotyledons During Imbibition Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Rhododendron capitatum Maxim Cytological Observations on Some Species of Dryopteris and Polystichum from China MODELING SEASONAL VARIATION OF CO2 FLUX IN A SUBTROPICAL CONIFEROUS FOREST USING THE EALCO MODEL REVIEW OF WINTER CO2 EFFLUX FROM SOILS: A KEY PROCESS OF CO2 EXCHANGE BETWEEN SOIL AND ATMOSPHERE INVOLVEMENT OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN BETACYANIN ACCUMULATION INDUCED BY DARK IN LEAVES OF SUAEDA SALSA RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CARBON AND NITROGEN AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION IN PLANTS UNDER GLOBAL CHANGE—FROM MOLECULE TO ECOSYSTEM PREDICTING SPECIES′ POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION—SVM COMPARED WITH GARP DROUGHT IMPACTS ON TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DROUGHT TOLERANCE AND TOLERANCE MECHANISMS IN WILD AND CULTIVATED DICHONDRA REPENS EFFECT OF ROOT EXCISION ON COMPETITIVE ABILITY AND YIELD OF WINTER WHEAT ANATOMICAL AND FUNCTIONAL HETEROGENEITY AMONG DIFFERENT ROOT ORDERS OF PHELLODENDRON AMURENSE DROUGHT EFFECTS ON CARBON EXCHANGE IN A SUBTROPICAL CONIFEROUS PLANTATION IN CHINA EFFECTS OF CALCIUM NITRATE STRESS ON ASCORBATE-GLUTATHIONE CYCLE METABOLISM IN LEAVES OF HYDROPONICALLY-GROWN GRA- FTED EGGPLANT SEEDLINGS INFLUENCE OF He-Ne LASER IRRADIATION ON PROTECTIVE ENZYME ACTIVITIES AND LIPID PEROXIDATION IN WHEAT SEEDLINGS BY DROUGHT STRESS DAMAGE SEASONAL CHANGES IN THE FOLIAR ANTIOXIDANT SYSTEMS IN CYCLOBALANOPSIS HELFERIANA AND TERMINTHIA PANICULATA IN THE HOT-DRY VALLEY OF THE YUANJIANG RIVER, CHINA EFFECTS OF TWIG SIZE ON BIOMASS ALLOCATION WITHIN TWIGS AND ON LAMINA AREA SUPPORTING EFFICIENCY IN RHODODENDRON: ALLOMETRIC SCALING ANALYSES CORRELATION BETWEEN FLORAL TRAITS OF CHRYSANTHEMUM (DENDRANTHEMA MORIFOLIUM) AND INSECT VISITORS COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON CRYSTAL IDIOBLASTS OF FIVE DESERT C4 PLANTS ACTUAL EVAPORATION OF BARE SAND DUNES IN MAOWUSU, CHINA AND ITS RESPONSE TO PRECIPITATION PATTERN A COMPARISON OF CO-INERTIA ANALYSIS AND CANONICAL CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS IN PLANT COMMUNITY ORDINATION RESPONSE OF RADIAL GROWTH TO NEIGHBORING COMPETITION AND CLIMATE FACTORS IN TAXUS CUSPIDATA COMPOSITION, SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION AND SURVIVAL DURING THE DRY SEASON OF TREE SEEDLINGS IN A TROPICAL FOREST IN XISHUANGBANNA, SW CHINA EFFECTS OF SHADING ON THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS AND LIGHT USE EFFICIENCY OF PHELLODENDRON AMURENSE SEEDLINGS THE ROOT LONGEVITY OF ARTEMISIA HALODENDRON INHABITING TWO SANDY LAND HABITATS FLOWERING PATTERN AND PROTANDRY IN BOESENBERGIA LONGIFLORA INTERACTION BETWEEN TISSUE-CULTURED SEEDLINGS OF DENDROBIUM OFFICINALE AND MYCORRHIZAL FUNGUS (EPULORHIZA SP.) DURING SYMBIOTIC CULTURE REVIEW OF ADVANCES IN DENDROPYROCHRONOLOGY MONITORING LEAF DRY WEIGHT AND LEAF AREA INDEX IN WHEAT WITH HYPERSPECTRAL REMOTE SENSING MODELLING THE DISTRIBUTION OF FIVE CARAGANA SPECIES IN TEMPERATE NORTHERN CHINA QUANTIFYING THE EFFECTS OF NITROGEN ON DRY MATTER PARTITIONING OF STANDARD CUT CHRYSANTHEMUM ‘SHENMA’ IN SOLAR GREENHOUSE Combined effects of simulated nitrogen deposition and drought stress on growth and photosynthetic physiological responses of two annual desert plants in Junggar Basin, China A REVIEW OF ADAPTABLE VARIATIONS AND EVOLUTION OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC CARBON ASSIMILATING PATHWAY IN C3 AND C4 PLANTS REVIEW OF SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL VARIATIONS OF SOIL RESPIRA- TION AND DRIVING MECHANISMS Characteristics of mitochondria and cell death in roots of Malus hupehensis var. pingyiensis under NaCl stress Patterns and drivers of vegetation degradation in Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia, China Analysis of structures of permafrost wetland plant communities along environmental gradients in the Da Hinggan Mountains, China Drought stress reduces the carbon accumulation of the Leymus chinensis steppe in Inner Mongolia, China Characteristics of spatial variations in xylem sap flow in urban greening tree species Pinus tabulaeformis, Cedrus deodara and Robinia pseudoacacia in Beijing, China Simulation of soil respiration in response to temperature under snowpacks in the Changbai Mountain, China Review of response mechanism of soil respiration to rainfall Ecological adaptation of plants and control of rocky-desertification on karst region of Southwest China Responses of vegetation to climate change in the headwaters of China’s Yellow River Basin based on zoning of dry and wet climate Effects of nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide on induction of a defense response in the root tips and root border cells of soybean plants to Al toxicity Responses to drought stress of the biosynthetic and recycling metabolism of glutathione and ascorbate in Agropyron cristatum leaves on the Loess Plateau of China Soil nitrogen dynamics and productivity of snowpack Sanguisorba sitchensis community in alpine tundra of Changbai Mountain, China Simulating impacts of summer drought on forest dynamics in Dongling Mountain Estimating and screening of drought resistance indexes of peanut Dynamics of stem radial growth of Picea meyeri during the growing season at the treeline of Luya Mountain, China Seasonal dynamics in soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and microbial quantity in a forest-alpine tundra ecotone, Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China Dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and nitrate reductase and acidic phosphatase activities in Imperata cylindrica on copper mine tailings Selection of optimum quadrat size and number for estimating aboveground volume of cultivated cultivated Dipsacus asperoides Effects of 3,4-dihydroxy acetophenone stress on changes in the content of endogenous plant hormones during seed germination in Picea schrenkiana ssp. tianschanica Floral sex allocation and flowering pattern in the andromonocious Soranthus meyeri (Apiaceae) Responses of radial growth to climate warming in Picea meyeri trees growing at different elevations on the southern slope of Luya Mountain Improved method of obtaining micro-core paraffin sections in dendroecological research Effects of a winter wildfire on plant community structure and forage quality in subalpine grassland of western Sichuan, China Variability and association of leaf traits between current-year and former-year leaves in evergreen trees in Tiantong, Zhejiang, China Inoculation two azotobacter enhancing osmotic stress resistance and growth in wheat seedling Causes of decreasing mitochondrial respiration under light in four crops Effects of warming on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in tundra soil and leaves of typical plants Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and anatomical properties of stomata and xylem in poplars Morphological traits and physiological characteristics in drought tolerance in 20 shrub species on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on phloem sap composition and root nitrogen accumulation in oilseed rape