Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Root Organogenesis in Ipomoea batatas, Salix matsudana and Glycine max Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci for Yield and Drought Tolerance Traits in Soybean Using a Recombinant Inbred Line Population On the correct name for arborescent lycopsid Lepidophloios (Lepidodendraceae) Cloning and Characterization of the Gene for UDPGlc Dehydrogenase from the Cyanobacterium, Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB 905 Anatomical Studies of Regeneration after Ringing of Phellodendron amurense Rupr Composition of Phospholipids and Fatty Acids cf Mitochondria of Chilling-Sensitive and Chilling-Tolerant Corns A Preliminary Study of Late Triassic Plants from Qinghe of Yanbian District, Sichuan Province The Positive Correlations Between the Activity of Superoxide Dismutase and Dehydration Tolerance in Wheat Seedlings Changes of Photosystem Ⅱ and Respiratory Enzyme Activity in Transgenic Tobacco Enriched BADH Gene Effects of Periodical Soil Drying and Leaf Water Potential on the Sensitivity of Stomatal Response to Xylem ABA Comparison of Membrane Pluidity of Seedling Mitochondria of Chilling Sensitive and Chilling Tolerant Rice Two New Diterpenoid Alkaloids from Spiraea japonica L. f. var. fortunei (Planchon) Rehd. A Cytotoxic Neolignan from Schisandra propinqua (Wall.) Baill. New Taxa of Rhododendron from Sichuan and Xizang Materials for Chinese Phyllanthoideae Karyotype Analysis of Hydrilla A Taxonomic Study on the Genus Dryopteris Subgenus Erythrovariae (H. Ito) Fraser-Jenkins from Yunnan Regeneration and Characterization of Plants Derived from Asymmetric Protoplast Fusion in Citrus Structural Identification of Kupitengester 2, 3 and 4 Study on Leaf Anatomy and Photosynthesis of Cymbidium sinense The Relationship Between Temperature Stress Resistance and Changes of the Endogenous Scavengers of Activated Oxygen in Hybrid Rice Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Elsholtzia eriostachya Benth. Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl. EndEmic in China Effects of PVA and PEG Pretreatment on Development and Ultrastructure of Plumular Root Mitochondria in Soybean Seed During Low Temperature Imbibition Process Structural and Expressional Variations of the Mitochondrial Genome Conferring the Wild Abortive Type of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Rice Changes of Ability of Scavenging Active Oxygen During Natural Senescence of Wheat Flag leaves A Study on Comparative Morphology of Normal and Hyperhydric Stems and leaves from Sophora japonica Plantlets Cultured in Vitro Recent progress in polar metabolite quantification in plants using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry Early osmotic adjustment responses in drought-resistant and drought-sensitive oilseed rape Improved oxidative tolerance in suspension-cultured cells of C4-pepctransgenic rice by H2O2 and Ca2+ under PEG-6000 Response of Growth and Water Use Efficiency of Spring Wheat to Whole Season CO2 Enrichment and Drought The Phylogeny of Schisandraceae Inferred from Sequence Analysis of the nrDNA ITS Region Genotypic Effects on Androgenesis and Related RAPD Marker in Barley Genetic Transformation of Watercress with a Gene Encoding for Betaine-aldehyde Dehydrogenase (BADH) Genetic Diversity of Gli-1, Gli-2 and Glu-1 Alleles in Sichuan Wheat Landraces Compaitive Study on Liposoluble Compoands in Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides Isolation and Identification of Echinatin from Cultured Cells of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Studies on the Chemical Compositions of Isodon nervosus Increased Benthic Algal Primary Production in Response to the Invasive Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in a Productive Ecosystem, Oneida Lake, NY Effect of Elevated CO2 and Drought on Soil Microbial Communities Associated with Andropogon gerardii Production of Salidroside Through Biotransformation of Exogenous Tyrosol in Rhodiola sachalinensis Cell Suspension Cultures Effect of Changes of Temperature Around Roots in Relation to Water Uptake by Roots and Leaf Transpiration Evidence for the Younger Dryas Event in the Eastern Part of Nanling Region Comparison of Phycobiliproteins from Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyceae) and Its Pigment Mutants in Spectral and Molecular Respects Glycosides from Erigeron breviscapus Cloning of Glutamate Dehydrogenase cDNA from Chlorella sorokiniana and Analysis of Transgenic Tobacco Plants A Higher Plant Myosin in Luffa cylindrica: Electron Microscopic Visualization The Observation of Hydroxyproline-Rich Glycoprotein in Plant Cell Wall Under Tem Two γ-Methyl Biosides from Dregea volubilis (L.) Benth On Occurring of Sporangia of Protolepidodendron Krejci and Its Significance Ultrastructural Change in Sesbania Cann Abina Root Nodules During Their Developments A study on the Chemical Constituents of the Essential oil from Dendranthema indicum (L.) Des Moul Sesquiterpene Lactones from Carpesium abrotanoides The Structure of Dresgenin from Dregea sinensis var. Corrugata The HCN Potential of Chinese Sorghum and Sudangrass Varieties and the Changes of HCN Potential During the Growth of Seedling Bryoflora of the Alpine Tundra of Changbai Mountain and Its Floristic Relationship to the Bryofloras of Arctic Tundras Three New Steroidal Alkaloids from Pachysandra axillaris The Impact of Drought Stress on Physiological Indicators of Four Shrub Species on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Ecological reconstruction function and potential application of mulberry and mycorrhizal mulberry in the Three Gorges Reservoir area Analysis of stable isotopic composition and vapor source of precipitation at the Changwu Loess Tableland Responses of the photosynthetic system of drought-tolerance weedy rice to drought stress at the seedling stage Interceptive characteristics of lead and cadmium in a representative forest ecosystem in mid-subtropical area in China Seed size and germination strategy of Sophora davidii under drought stress RAPD analysis of genetic differentiation in the different hosts and geographic populations of Drosicha corpulenta Evaluation of leaf non-structural carbohydrate contents in typical forest ecosystems in northeast China Effects of combined elevated temperature and drought stress on anti-oxidative enzyme activities and reactive oxygen species metabolism of Broussonetia papyrifera seedlings Quantitative analysis of the factors driving evolution in the Yellow River Delta Wetland in the past 40 years Correlation between the regularity of abnormal fluctuation of sea surface temperature and rain and drought disasters in the Lancang River Basin Review of research on coastline changes Causes of difficulties with natural regeneration of a Bombax ceiba population in Hong-He dry-hot valleys (DHV) Spatial distribution of the root system of Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa in response to a natural drought gradient ecotope The spatial distribution of soil microbes around a desert shrub of Haloxylon ammodendron Influence of Cd2+ or Cu2+ stress on the growth and photosynthetic fluorescence characteristics of Hydrilla verticillata Stress effects of simulated drought by polyethylene glycol on the germination of Caragana korshinskii Kom. seeds under different temperature conditions Effects of warming onmineral element contents in leaves of dominant species and in soils in Changbai Mountain tundra Spatio-temporal patterns and driving factors of vegetation growth anomalies in Xinjiang over the last three decades Effects of drainage on soil organic carbon stock in the Zoige peatlands, eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Geographic variation in growth and reproduction of Rosa soulieana in the dry valleys of the Hengduan Mountain region Reconstructions and simulations of nutrient evolution in Poyang Lake over the past 300 years Agricultural multi-pond systems and their hydrological processes: a review