New Taxa of the Genus Rhododendron from China A Study on the Genus Rhododendron L. Subsection Neriiflora Sleumer in China New Taxa of Leguminosae from S.-W. China Two New Species of Melandrium (Caryophyllaceae) from Inner Mongolia Materiae ad Floram Rhododendri Sinici A Study on Seed Characters in Chinese Blyxa Notes on the Genus Prismatomeris Thw. (Rubiaceae) of China A New Species of Dryopteris from Shandong Two New Species of Draba L. (Cruciferae) from China Wheat genotypic variability in grain yield and carbon isotope discrimination under Mediterranean conditions assessed by spectral reflectance Phenotyping for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Maize Senescence-specific Alteration of Hydrogen Peroxide Levels in Arabidopsis thaliana and Oilseed Rape Spring Variety Brassica napus L. cv. Mozart Effects of Gibberellic Acid on Primary Terpenoids and Δ9 Tetrahydrocannabinol in Cannabis sativa at Flowering Stage A New Species of Hydrangea from Gansu Chromosome Numbers and Karyotype Analysis of 9 Species in Hydrocharitaceae Chromosome Studies of Subgenus Gymnaconitum Endemic to China and Beesia (Ranunculaceae) A Supplement to the Chloranthaceae of China New Taxa of Moraceae from China and Vietnam Phytochemical Evidence Related to the Phylogeny of Aconitum gymnandrum Maxim. Two New Species of Rhododendron from China A Supplement to the 《Flora of Xizang》 (2) New Taxa of Moraceae from China and Vietnam Phytochemical Evidence Related to the Phylogeny of Aconitum gymnandrum Maxim. Two New Species of Rhododendron from China A Supplement to the 《Flora of Xizang》 (2) New Taxa of Umbelliferae from China Notes on Santalaceae from China Notes on some subtribes of the Orchidaceae Dendrolobium rugosum (Prain) Schindler (Leguminosae), a new record to China A new species of Rhododendron from Jiangxi, China A new species of Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) from China Two New Species of Dendrocalamus Nees (Bambusoideae) from China New Plants of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi of China (Cont. I) On Some Problems of Methodology of Bamboo Classification with Special Reference to the Circum-scription of Dendrocalamus Micromorphological features of the seed surface of Schisandraceae and their systematic significance Three new synonymies in the genus Rhododendron Peliosanthes pachystachya,a new species of the Liliaceae from Yunnan,China Pentamerous flowers in the genus Phytolacca have been derived from trimerous flowers—New evidence from the floral organogenesis of Phytolacca dodecandra The utility of mitochondrial nad1 intron in phylogenetic study of Oryzeae with reference to the systematic position of Porteresia Microsporogenesis and meiotic behavior in nine species of the genus Pinus Genetic relationship between parasitized and non-parasitized Haloxylon ammodendron in the Alxa Desert A Study on the Pollen Morphology in Trochodendron, Tetracentron and Euptelea Materials for Chinese Magnoliaceae Close Relationship Between Shaniodendron and Parrotia (Hamamelidaceae), Evidence from ITS Sequences of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA Micromorphological Characters of Seed Coats of Chinese Hydrocharitaceae and Their Systematic Significance Morphological development of the spikelet and the floret in Dendrocalamus ronganensis (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) Megasporogenesis and embryo sac development in Excentrodendron hsienmu (Malvaceae) with reference to the systematic affinities of Excentrodendron Chromosome numbers of four genera in the Dryopteridaceae Phylogenetic analysis of Dryopteridaceae based on chloroplast rbcL sequences Floral organogenesis of Handeliodendron bodinieri (Sapindaceae) and its systematic implications Pollination ecology of Aconitum gymnandrum (Ranunculaceae) at two sites with different altitudes Dracaena impressivenia, a new species of Dracaena (Agavaceae) from Yunnan, China New Taxa of Bamboos from Guangxi The Latest Cretaceous Flora of Heilongjiang Province and the Floristic Relationship Between East Asia and North America (Cont.) A New triterpenoid in the fruits of Phellodendron chinense Schneid Studies on Isolation and Characteristics of a Sugarcane Cell Line Resistant to Hydroxyproline (HYP) The Chemical Constituents in Dacrydium pierrei Physiological Effects of Hydration-Dehydration Treatment on Soybean Seeds to Enhance Its Resistance to Imbibitional Chilling Injury The Change of the Sulfhydryl Group and the Peroxidation of Membrane Lipids in the Cotyledons of Cucumber Seedlings Under Low Temperature Studies on CCC Increasing the Drought Resistance in Peanut Seedlings The Isolation and Structure of Cordatanine from Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd The Diterpenoid Alkaloids of Aconitum nagarurn var. lasiandrurn W. T. Wang and Its Chemotaxonomic Significance A Study on Mechanism of Expansion of Cell Wall of Cucumber Cotyledon The Structure of Triptodihydroxy Acid Methyl Ester and wilfortrine Studies on Triterpenoid Constituents Isolated from the Roots of Sabia schumanniana Effect of ABA on the Activity of Mitochondrial Membrane Bound Na+-K+ ATPase Effect of ABA on the in Vitro Induction of Floral Buds of Dendrobium candidu Wall.ex Lindl. Studies on Dryophyllum Complex from China and Its Geological and Systematic Implications Study of a Hydridoma Cell Line Producing Monoclonal Antibodies Against Spinach Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase and Its Application The Pollination Syndrome of Pedicularis rex (Scrophulariaceae) and Its Biogeographic Significance phbB, phbC Gene Expression in E. coli and Their Transformation and Identification in Potato Effect of MGBG on Growth of the Callus Tissue, Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis of Alfalfa and Their Ethylene Biosynthesis Differential Display of Rice mtRNA in HL Type Cytoplasm Male Sterility (CMS) Line and Maintainer Line and Analysis of Differential Fragments Three-stage Transformation of Chlorophyll Transient Fluorescence Pattern Under Sustained Dehydration and the Discovery of Critical Water Content in Seaweeds (in English) ISSR Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of the Endangered Species Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Royle) Ying from Western Sichuan Province, China Calcium-Mediated Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Involved in Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Apoptosis in Tobacco Protoplasts Involvement of Hydrogen Peroxide Generated by Polyamine Oxidative Degradation in the Developmentof Lateral Roots in Soybean Climate Signals from Tree Ring Chronologies of the Upper and Lower Treelines in the Dulan Region of the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Screening Landraces for Additional Sources of Field Resistance to Cassava Mosaic Disease and Green Mite for Integration into Cassava Improvement Program Drought-stimulated Activity of Plasma Membrane NADPH Oxidase and its Catalytic Properties in Rice