EFFECT OF DWARFING ROOTSTOCK ON CARBOHYDRATE TRANSPORTATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF APPLE A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SUPER-WEAK BIOLUMINESCENCE OF DIFFERENT MAIZE INBRED SEEDS AND THEIR DROUGHT RESISTANCE STUDIES ON MUTAGENIC EFFECTS AND MECHANISM OF WINTER WHEAT IRRADIATED BY PROTON Ⅱ.Unscheduled DNA Synthesis of Irradiated Wheat seeds OXIDATION DEOXIDIZE METABOLISM IN THE RICE ALTERED LATERAL ROOT MUTANT RM109 RECENT SPACE BOTANY RESEARCH IN RUSSIAN RELATION BETWEEN N ABSORPTION CHARACTERISTIC AND DRY MATTER PRODUCTION FOR VARIOUS HYBRID RICE STUDY ON PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF WINTER WHEAT IN DROUGHT LAND EFFECT OF IRRIGATING QUOTA ON WTEAT YIELD, TOPDRESSING EFFICIENCY AND ITS LOSS Effects of Different Phosphorus Concentration on Growth and Development of Moso Bamboo A Correction of the Scientific Name of Dryopteris bissetiana (Baker) C. Chr. vs Dryopteris setosa (Thunb.) Akasawa in Chinese Fern Flora Chemical Components from the Root of Scrophularia ningpoensis Effects of soil moisture on wheat grain yield and zinc utilization in zinc-deficient dryland soil Physical degradation characteristics and mechanism of orchard soil in Weibei Region Remediation effect of the combination of ditching drainage and agronomic managements on gleyed paddy field in Poyang Lake Region, China Nitrogen recommendation for dryland winter wheat by monitoring nitrate in 1 m soil and based on nitrogen balance Effect of glycine betaine on physiological characteristics of cotton seedlings under drought stress Enzyme activities responsible for nitrogen metabolization in different peanut cultivars Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on nitrogen concentration and enzyme activities in tobacco leaf in dryland and paddy field Relation of mineralizable N to organic N components Simulation and analysis of water balance and nitrogen leaching using Hydrus-1D under winter wheat crop Effect of Exogenous NaHS on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Tomato Seedlings under NO3- Stress Influence of Overexpression of 2-alkenal Reductase Gene on Drought Resistance in Tobacco Drought Resistance Evaluation and Leaf Anatomical Structures of Four Species of Malus Plants in Western Sichuan Plateau Analysis of vegetation and soil characteristics alongside trails in Yak Meadow Park, Jade Dragon Mountain QTL mapping and genetic analysis for grain weight in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under different water environments Effects of brassinosteroid application on osmotic adjustment and antioxidant enzymes in Leymus chinensis under drought stress Analysis of DNA methylation of tall fescue in response to drought based on methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) Relationship between grain filling and accumulation and remobilization of water soluble carbohydrates in leaf and stem of winter wheat during the grain filling in different water conditions Effects of salt treatments on the growth and ecophysiological characteristics of Haloxylon ammodendron Effects of drought stress on lipid peroxidation,osmotic adjustment and activities of protective enzymes in the roots and leaves of orchardgrass Comparison of drought resistance among three Calligonum in the Southern Fringe of the Taklamakan Desert Influences of biosolids on drought resistance of tall fescue Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on dry matter accumulation and yield in wheat/maize/soybean intercropping systems Effect of water stress and rewatering on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of Phalaris arundinacea Dynamic responses on anti-oxidative defense system and lipid peroxidation of Lespedeza davurica to drought stress and re-watering Research on screening of Stylosanthes mutants with enhanced chilling resistanceby a combination of DES mutagenesis and in vitro selection Exploring Flavonoid Biosynthetic Pathway Genes Based on Transcriptome of Ephedra intermedia Germinating Seeds Study on the Drought Resistance of Four Dwarf Ornamental Bamboos Responses and Evaluation of Gas Exchange Parameters and Fluorescence Parameters of Aspen and Crossbreed to Drought Stress and Their Evaluation A Study on Climatic Adaptability of Dalbergia sissoo Nutrient Diagnosis on Young Stands of Slash Pine by DRIS Technical Measures for Cultivation of Water and Soil Conservation Forest in Yuanmao Dry-hot River Valley in Yunnan Province and Its Preliminary Result A Preliminary Study of Topdressing in Young Plantation of Populus chifengensis No.36 THE REPLICATION OF DENDROLIMUS PUNCTATUS CPV BY HELIOTHIS ARMIGERA RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASE ANALYSIS OF HYPHANTRIA CUNEA NPV STUDY ON THE UTILIZATION OF TRICHOG RAMMA DENDROLIMI TO CONTROL THE MASSON PINE MOTH DENDROLIMUS PUNCTATUS AT LONGSHAN FOREST FARM STUDIES ON BESAIA GODDRICA (NOTODONTIDAE,LEPIDOPTERA) THE PHPR OF THE PINE CATERPILLAR (DENDROLIMUS TABULAEFORMIS TSAI ET LIU) Ⅲ.AN EXPLORATION OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF CRITICAL PHOTOPERIOD THE INSECT FAUNA AT JIANFENGLING IN HAINAN ISLAND DREPANIDAE STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MAJOR AND SECONDARY DEFOLIATORS AS WELL AS THEIR NATURAL ENEMIES IN PINE PLANTATION PINUS MASSONIANA LAMB. Impacts of Tree Species and Tissue on Estimation of Nonstructural Carbohydrates Storage in Trunk Characteristics of Male Flower and Its Pollen of Schisandra sphenanthera Simultaneous Determination of 13 Flavonoids in Bamboo Leaves by HPLC Construction of Engineering Escherichia coli Strains Used for Isobutanol Production from Poplar Hydrolysate Fermentation Gene Cloning and Protein Structural Studies of a Glycoside Hydrolase Family 5 Enzyme Gene from Inonotus hispidus Effect of Rolling-Press Pretreatment on Drying Rate and Pit Structure of Oak(Quercus mongolica)Lumber Order Degree Calculation and Optimization on Forestry Industrial Structure of Heilongjiang Province Based on Markov Quadratic Programming Model Optimization of a SRAP-PCR System for Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Liriodendron Effects of Three Soil Moisture Conservation Measures on Dynamics of Mineral Nutrition Elements in Ziziphus jujuba ‘Linyilizao’ Leaves and Its Yield Dynamic of Physiology and Biochemistry during Wild Rhododendron scabrifolium Cutting Propagation Chemical Characteristics of Hydrological Processes in a Primeval Picea likiangensis var. linzhiensis Forest in Nanyigou of Tibet Effects of Different Hormone on the Flowering of Two Nobile-Type Dendrobium Cultivars Electroantennogram Responses of Dendrolimus superans to Six Volatiles of Larix gmelinii Genetic Diversity of Liriodendron chinense in China THE POPLAR INTERCROPPING WITH CROPS IMPROVING ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE FARMLAND INDUCED CHEMICAL DEFENSES OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS Carr. TO DENDROLIMUS SPECTABILIS Butler On the Rapid Propagation Technique of Stem Segments of Dendrobium officinale Construction of a Recombinant Strain Producing High-yield Dihydroxyacetone The Research of an Improved Method for Protein Staining in Electrophoresis with Coomassie Brilliant Blue Involvement of Antioxidant Defense System in Drought and Chilling Comprehensive Resistance Formation in Different#br#Resistant Varieties of Tobacco Seedlings Relationship Between Heterosis and Endogenous Plant Hormones in Liriodendron Effect of Sound Stimulation on the Lipid Physical States and Metabolism of Plasma Membrane from Chrysanthemum Callus Analysis of the Constituents and Antisenile Function of Achyranthes bidentata Polysaccharides Evidence of Hydropassive Movement in Stomatal Oscillations of Glycyrrhiza inflata under Desert Conditions Isolation and Characterization of a Mitochondrial atp6 Gene from Soybean (Glycine max) Molecular Cloning the Gene of Small Heat Shock Protein in the Mitochondria and Endoplasmic Reticulum of Tomato Organogenesis of Staminate Flowers in the Genus Schisandra and Its Systematic Significance Effect of Seed Moisture Content on Seed Storage Longevity Genetic Diversity of Gli-1,Gli-2 and Glu-1 Alleles Among Chinese Endemic Wheats A New Antioxidant Cyclic Diarylheptanoid from the Rhizomes of Zingiber officinale