Flavonoids Content of Rice Landraces with Different Seed Coat Color in Yunnan and Their effects on Seed Germination Analysis of Agronomic and Quality Traits in Peanut Landraces of Henan Province Comprehensive Evaluation on Drought Resistance of Different Soybean Cultivars at Flowering-Podding Stage Identification and Screening of resources with tolerance against drought stress in Brassica rapa during Germination Stage Cloning and Expression Analysis of AmDREB2C in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Genetic Diversity Analysis of Japonica Rice Landraces (Oryza sativa L.) from Shanghai Based on DUS Testing Comparative Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Landrace and Modern Rice Varieties in China The Study on Potato Shoot Tips Viabilities during Cryopreservation by TTC Staining MethodResources Preliminary Study on Relationship between Pigments and Flesh Color of Sweetpotato Based on the Characteristic Values of image RGB Molecular Detection of Rice Variant Lines Treated by Embryo-soaking of Alternanthera philoxeroides DNA Solution and Their Drought Resistance Evaluation Cloning and Expression Characterization of a SbDREB gene from Salicornia bigelovii Torr. Effects of Different Maize and Soybean Intercropping Patterns on Population Characteristics of Photosynthetic and Matter Production in Northwest Shandong Region Effects of Dry Matter Accumulation and Photosynthate Transporation of Stem and Sheath and Grain Production Under Different Water and Nitrogen Management in Rice Extractable Residue, Bound Residue of 14C-carbendazim Loaded by Hydrogel in Soil as well as Its Uptake by Oil Spiced Cabbage Processing Parameters Effect on the Moisture Diffusivity of Apple Slices During Explosion Puffing Drying The Sequence Variation and Expression Profiles of Dihydroflavonol Reductase in Red Flesh and White Flesh Radish Germplasm Effects of Growth and Physiology of Herbaceous Peony under Water Stress BARKED REGENERATION MECHANISM OF Phellodendron chinense var.glabriusculum SCHNEID BY USING ~(14)C-TRACER METHOD EFFECT OF DROUGHT ON GRAIN GROWTH AT MAIZE FLOWERING STAGE Effects of wind on hydraulic properties and growth of Artemisia annua Linn Flowering phenology and breeding system of Terminalia franchetii (Combretaceae) in the dry-hot valley of the Jinsha River, China Physiological effects and mechanisms of Pinus tabulaeformis seeds and seedlings by hydro-priming Effect of drought on leaf anatomical characteristics of four Artemisia species in the Loess Plateau Water sources of five dominant desert plant species in Nuomuhong area of Qaidam Basin Spatio-temporal characteristics of drought for soybean under climate change in the three provinces of Northeast China Bacterial community and its relation to environmental variables in a subtropical stratified reservoir for drinking water supply in autumn Landscape dynamics of medium- and small-sized cities in eastern and western China: a comparative study of pattern and driving forces Effects of AM fungi on the growth and drought resistance of Astragalus adsurgens Pall. under water stress Effects of vegetation rehabilitation on soil saturated hydraulic conductivity in Ziwuling Forest Area Variations of whole-tree transpiration at different diameter-classes in Acacia mangium during dry and wet seasons Modeling potential habitat for alien species of Dreissena polymorpha in the continental USA The response of soil enzymatic activity to PAHs contamination for four urban afforestation species Soil quality evolvement of farming-withdrawn grassland in hilly and gully loess regions Comparison on changes and theri driving forces of farmland in oases of middle and lower reaches: The case of Liangzhou and Minqin oases in the Shiyang river basin Application of stable isotope technique in the study of plant water use Effect of Brooding Temperature on Larval Quality of Mud Crab Scylla serrata Observation of ozone dry deposition in the field of winter wheat. Correlation analysis on |normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of different |vegetations and climatic factors in Southwest China. Dynamics of soil active organic matter in Chinese fir plantations The discussion on oxidized-gasified gas used for cooking An introduction about studies on the physiology of plant drought resistance The effects of no-tillage with maize stalk mulched on soil environment in dryland Relationship between eucalyptus resistance to eucalyptus dieback and defense enzyme system Effect of salicylic acid on antioxidant enzymes of Chinese fir seedling under drought-stress Effect of calmodulin antagonist W7 on antioxidant systems of roots of cucumber seedlings under hypoxia stress Selection of drought resistant materials and drought resistant index for maize in South China Pollen morphology of Androsace (Primulaceae) and its systematic implications Is the pollination biology of Bathysa and Schizocalyx consistent with their segregation? A first approach for two sympatric species in southeastern Brazil Pollination systems, biogeography, and divergence times of three allopatric species of Schisandra in North America, China, and Japan Investigation of genome structure of a cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase locus in a basal angiosperm hardwood species, Liriodendron tulipifera L., reveals low synteny A floral organ moving like a caterpillar for pollinating A fossil-calibrated relaxed clock for Ephedra indicates an Oligocene age for the divergence of Asian and New World clades and Miocene dispersal into South America Phylogenetic analysis of Toxicodendron (Anacardiaceae) and its biogeographic implications on the evolution of north temperate and tropical intercontinental disjunctions Molecular bases for parallel evolution of translucent bracts in an alpine “glasshouse” plant Rheum alexandrae (Polygonaceae) Genetic evidence for the multiple origins of Pinghua Chinese Genetic affinity between the Kam-Sui speaking Chadong and Mulam people Phylogeographic analysis and environmental niche modeling of widespread shrub Rhododendron simsii in China reveals multiple glacial refugia during the last glacial maximum Demographic history of the Tibetan antelope Pantholops hodgsoni (chiru) Research Progress in Androgenesis and Haploid Breeding of Gramineous Forage and Turfgrass Plants Environmental heterogeneity and mechanism of stoichiometry properties of vegetative organs in dominant shrub communities across the Loess Plateau Investigation on the Growth Rule of Root System of Winter Wheat in Semiarid Red Clay Soil Hills Identification of Functional Genetic Variations Underlying Drought Tolerance in Maize Using SNP Markers Exploring the Transcriptome Landscape of Pomegranate Fruit Peel for Natural Product Biosynthetic Gene and SSR Marker Discovery Ectopic Expression of FaDREB2 Enhances Osmotic Tolerance in Paper Mulberry Characterization of Three Homoeologous cDNAs Encoding Chloroplast-targeted Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase in Common Wheat Involvement of Polyamine Oxidase in Abscisic Acid-induced Cytosolic Antioxidant Defense in Leaves of Maize UV-B-induced Oxidative Damage and Protective Role of Exopolysaccharides in Desert Cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus Involvement of Protein Phosphorylation in Water Stress-induced Antioxidant Defense in Maize Leaves The Response Difference of Mitochondria in Recalcitrant Antiaris toxicaria Axes and Orthodox Zea mays Embryos to Dehydration Injury The OsDHODH1 Gene is Involved in Salt and Drought Tolerance in Rice Dehydration Kinetics of Embryonic Axes from Desiccation-sensitive Seeds: An Assessment of Descriptive Models Molecular Characterization of a Dehydroascorbate Reductase from Pinus bungeana Hydrogen Peroxide in Plants: A Versatile Molecule of Reactive Oxygen Species Network Nitric Oxide Reduces Hydrogen Peroxide Accumulation Involved in Water Stress-Induced Subcellular Antioxidant Defense in Maize Plants Rapid Inactivation of Chloroplastic Ascorbate Peroxidase is Responsible for Oxidative Modification to Rubisco in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) under Cadmium Stress Effect of Salicylic Acid on Salinity-induced Changes in Brassica juncea Trehalose Biosynthesis in Response to Abiotic Stresses Capacity of Old Trees to Respond to Environmental Change Carbon Monoxide-induced Stomatal Closure Involves Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide in Vicia faba Guard Cells Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wheat Seed Germination and Alleviates the Oxidative Damage against Copper Stress