Ontogeny and Metamorphic Patterns of Female Reproductive Organs of Ephedra sinica Stapf (Ephedraceae) Three Salts of Labdanic Acids from Andrographis paniculata (Acanthaceae) (in English) RAPD Detection of Pollen Contamination in Cross Breeding of Liriodendron (in English) Preliminary Analysis of Cytoplasmic Genome of Diploid Somatic Hybrid Derived from Fusion Between Rough Lemon and Hamlin Sweet Orange Effects of Dehydration and Rehydration on Photosynthesis of Detached Leaves of the Resurrective Plant Boea hygrometrica Effect of Light on Scavenging Capacity for Organic Free Radical in Leaves of Four Woody Plants A Comparative Study of Morphological Responses of Seedling Roots to Drying Soil in 20 Species from Different Habitats (in English) Construction of a Trehalose-6-phosphate Synthase Gene Driven by Drought-responsive Promoter and Expression of Drought-resistance in Transgenic Tobacco )Genetic Transformation of Tomato with Snowdrop Lectin Gene (GNA) VEGETATION DYNAMICS IN THE DRY VALLEYS OF YUNNAN,CHINA, DURING THE LAST 150 YEARS: IMPLICATIONS FOR ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION IMPACT OF EXTREME DROUGHT ON NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE FROM LEMUS CHINENSIS STEPPE IN XILIN RIVER BASIN, CHINA KRANZ ANATOMY AND C4 PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF TWO DESERT PLANTS, HALOXYLON AMMODENDRON AND CALLIGONUM MONGOLICUM ALTITUDINAL VARIATION OF ANTIOXIDATIVE SYSTEM IN LEAVES OF RHODIOLA QUADRIFIDA AND R. GELIDA INTERACIVE EFFECTS OF DOUBLED ATMOSPHERIC CO2 CONCENTRATIONS AND SOIL DROUGHT ON WHOLE PLANT CARBON ALLOCATION IN TWO DOMINANT DESERT SHRUBS AXIAL AND RADIAL CHANGES IN XYLEM ANATOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS IN SIX EVERGREEN BROADLEAVED TREE SPECIES IN AILAO MOUNTAIN, YUNNAN A Preliminary Study on the Reproductive Features of Veratrum Nigrum L. Along an Altitudinal Gradient Effects of Temperature on Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism,Yield and Quality of Wheat Effects of Gradual Drought on the Fatty Acid Composition of Polar Lipids, H+-ATPase and 5′-AMPase Activities in the Plasma Membranes of Two Spring Wheat Leaves Distribution of Soil Labile Carbon Along the Northeast China Transect (NECT) and Its Response to Climatic Change Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Release in a Mixed Forest of Cuuinghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodentron odorum(in English) Nutrient Cycling of N and P by a Mixed Forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodendron odorum in Subtropical China Effects of Endophyte Infection on the Growth of Lolium perenne L.Under drought Stress Effect of Phenolics on 15N Nutrient Absorption and Distribution of Cunninghamia lanceolata Seed Germination in Artemisia sphaerocephala I. the Structure and Function of the Mucilaginous Achene Dry-Season Dynamics of Soil Inorganic Nitrogen Pools in Primary Lithocarpus xylocarpus Forest and Degraded Vegetation in Ailao Mountain, Yunnan Province Effect of Light Intensities and Temperatures on Growth of Dendrobium nobile Lindl. Leaf Stomatal Densities and Distribution in Triticum Aestivum Under Drought and CO2 Enrichment Effects of Disturbance Type on Soil Seed Banks in a Debris-Flow Prone Dry Valley of Northern Yunnan (in English) Surface Flow in an Acacia mangium Plantation and an Orchard in Heshan, Guangdong Province, China Study on the Natural Population Dynamics and the Endangering Habitat of Liriodendron chinense in China Differentiation of Light Ecological Adaptability Among Populations of Liriodendron chinense in the Process of Being Endangered Growth of the trees and saplings in the lower subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Heishiding, Guangdong Province The Determination of Ecotone and the Characteristics of Biome on Ordos Plateau Potential Effect of Extracts of Roots of Malus pumila and Populus canadensis on Wheat Growth Research on the Restoring Succession of the Degenerated Grassland in Inner Mongolia I. Basic Characteristics and Driving Force for Restoration of the Degenerated Grassland Effect of Fertilization on Sensitivity of Abaxial and Adaxial Stomatal Resistance in Winter Wheat Leaves Under Dryland Conditions Changes of the Biological and Spectral Characteristics of the Pine Caterpillar-Damaged Red Pine Forest in the Spring The Potential Evapotranspiration (PE) Index for Vegetation and Vegetation-Climatic Classification (III)——An Introduction of Main Methods and PEP Program Studies on the Laws of Evapotranspiration in a Chinese Fir Plantation and Discuss on Rapid Current Spread Method Effects of Inorganic Nutrition on the Adaptations of Spring Wheat to Drought The Growth Rhythm of the Grasses Populations and their Adaptability of Environment in Kobresia humilis Meadow Studies on the Solar Energy Utilization Ratio in a Chamaecyparis obtusa Plantation (I) ——Community Productive Structure, Standing Crop, Increment and Solar Energy Utilization Ratio Chemical Constituents from the Bark of Cercidiphyllum japonicum The Mechanism of Pollination in Platycladus orientalis and Thuja occidentalis (Cupressaceae) Floral Syndrome and Insect Pollination of Liriodendr on chinense Effects of HCO3- on Surface Calcification and CO2 Fixation in Marine Emiliania huxleyi A Preliminary Study on Direct Regeneration of Flower Buds from Peduncle Calli in Dracaena fragrans cv. massangeana Inheritance if Chloroplast and Mitochondrial DNA in Chinese Fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata) Influence of K+ on the Coupling Between ATP Hydrolysis and Proton Transport by the Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase from Soybean Hypocotyls Chemical Constituents of the Root of Pimpinella thellungiana Ontogeny of Staminate and Carpellate Flowers of Schisandra sphenanthera(Schisandraceae) Experimental Measurement of the Water Relations Parameters of Nine Shrubs and Some Ecological Interpretations RAPD Comparison Study on Mitochondrial DNA of the D2 Cytoplasmic Male Sterile (CMS) Line with K-, V-and T-type CMS Lines in Wheat Studies on Chemical Constituents from Dendranthema morifolium (Ramat.) Tzvel.: Structure Elucidation of Two New Triterpenoid Esters Structure Elucidation of a New n-Pentyl Fructofuranoside in Dendranthema morifolium(Ramat.) Tzvel. Quick Response to Salt Shock in Willow Purification of the Specific Plasma Membrane Proteins from the Surface of Sperm Cells of Zea mays Calmodulin and the Regulation of Succinate Dehydrogenase Activity in the Mitochondria of Zea mays Ultrastructural and DNA Epifluorescence Observations of the Sperm Cells of Rhododendron-- with Emphasis on Biparental Plastid Inheritance Regeneration of Spheroplasts in a N2-Fixed Filamentous Blue-Green Alga Anabaena cylindrica Changes of Total Nonstructural Carbohydrates of Kobresia humilis in Alpine Meadow Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Specific Mitochondrial DNA Fragment Related to Wild Abortive Type Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Rice Mitochondrial Genome Fingerprinting in Hybrid Rice and Its Associated Lines Using the Primed Polymerase Chain Reaction The Cytological Mechanism of Biparental Cytoplasmic Inheritance in Pelargonium hortorum -Ultrastructural and DNA Fluorescence Studies of Male and Female A New Diterpene Glycoside in Aster ageratoides Turcz. The Chemical Constituents of Goniothalamus howii (Ⅱ) Injury of the MoFe Protein of Nitrogenase From Azotobacter Vinelandii By H2O2 Change of Peroxidase Activity in Wheat Seedlings Induced by Magnetic field and ITS Response Under Dehydration Condition Effect of Exogenous Cholesterol on the Fluidity of Mitochondrlal Membran from Rice Root Apex Isolation and Partial Characterization of a Protease from Agave sisalana Comparative Studies on Relation of Photosynthesis to Water Status of Two Species of Haloxylon Under Controlled Environments Seasonal Changes of Polyamine Concentrations and Arginine Decarboxylase Activities in Leaves of 4 Ecotyes of Reeds Deactivation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase by Light-Reduced Thioredoxin Morphologied Studies of Ctenozamites Drep A-Noides Chen ET Duan Sp. Nov Studies on Seed Development and Embryogenesis in Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.) Sarg Studies on the Alkaloids of Stephania lincangensis Chemical Constituents of the Seeds of Sabina vulgaris Antoine Futher Study of the Mefluidide-lnduced Chilling Tolerance in Corn Seedlings Separation and Purification of Chongzujueside The Chemical Constituents from Podocarpus fleuryi Hickle