Relationship between lignin contents and growth ages of Panax ginseng Quality identification of Hasak Bezoar in Altay of Xinjiang Determination of Anthranilic Acid in the leaves of Isatidis indigotica by First Order Derivative UV Sperctrophotometry Quantitative Determination of Saponins in the Root of Panax pseudo-ginseng var. A Comparative Study on the Contents of Levodopa in the seed of Stizolobium cochinchinensis from Different Producing Areas A Study on Extraction and Determina tion of Total Flavonoids in OrangeColour Chinese Cabbages Extraction and Characterization of Total DNA from Dendrobium Studies on dissolution rate in vitro of silymarin dropping pill Purification of totalirido idglyco sides and geni posidein Gardeniajas minoides with HP D 450 ma croporousresin Study on the Total Flavonoids Content in Leaves of Glyptostrobus pensilis Determination of Lipoxygenase Activity in Barley Grain by UV Spectrophotometry A Study on Extraction and Determina tion of Total Flavonoids in OrangeColour Chinese Cabbages Determination of Cephranthine in Its Tablet by UV Spectrophotometry Preparation and quality control of soybean isoflavone dropping pills