Study on Characteristics of Constitutive Expression of GbLTP1 and GbLTP3 Genes in Land-cotton The influence of wind direction on pollen-mediated gene flow in transgenic insect-resistant cotton Effects of nitrogen fertilizer methods on the content of Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal protein and yield of transgenic cotton Effects of split nitrogen fertilization on physiological characteristics of leaves,dry matter accumulation and yield of cotton cultivated in the Yellow River bottomland Ecological risk of Bt transgenic cotton and its management strategy HPLC analysis of main flavonoid chemicals and their spatio-temporal dynamics in Bt transgenic cotton Drought Resistance of Cotton with Escherichia coli Catalase Gene KatE Analysis of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Plants Transformed with a Silkworm Fibroin Light Chain Gene Alterations of Root and Fiber in Transgenic Cotton Plants with Chimeric Ph/P-ipt Gene Expression Effect of salt stress on growth and development of Bt transgenic cotton mutants and their parent cultivars PROKARYOTIC EXPRESSION OF Wcor719 GENE FROM WHEAT AND FREEZING TOLERANCE OF TRANSGENIC TOBACCO AND TRANSGENIC COTTON Responses of photosynthetic physiological characteristics of two transgenic cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties to CO2 concentration Influence of ecological habitat on the occurrence and dynamics of Lygus lucorum Mayr and its natural predator Effects of transgenic cotton to development and enzyme activity of spider Erigonidium graminicolum Effects of transgenic and conventional cotton leaves on the growth and development of resistant to Cry1Ac near-isogenic Helicoverpa armigera A SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS OF Bt TRANSGENIC COTTON ON THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF COTTON BOLLWORM Genotypic variations of yields and nitrogen nutrition efficiencies in Bt transgenic cotton Advance on the biosafety assessment of insect-resistant transgenic cotton The Commelina Yellow Mottle Virus Promoter Is a Strong Promoter in Vascular Tissue of Transgenic Gossypium hirsutum Plants Progress of the studies on the pink bollworm,Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), resistance to Bt transgenic cotton Effect of the transgenic Bt cotton on laboratory population increasing of the beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua Hübner Effects of CpTI+Bt transgenic cotton and Bt transgenic cotton on population increase and preference of Spodoptera exigua Screening of new combinations of resistant hybrid cotton to insect pests and evaluation of heterosis Influence of API-transgenic cotton plants on growth and midgut proteases activity to Helicoverpa armigera larvae EFFECTS OF Bt (BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS)TRANSGVNIC COTTON ON THE DYNAMICS OF PEST POPULATION AND THEIR ENEMIES FIELD RESISTANCE EVALUATIONS OF BT TRANSGENIC COTTON GK SERIES TO COTTON BOLLWORM Bt Insecticidal Gene and Its Temporal Expression in Transgenic Cotton Plants Bt toxin distribution in transgenic Bt cotton and soil system Expression of CaMV 35S Promoter in Transgenic Cotton

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