Developing Restorer Lines Pyramiding Different Resistant Genes to Blast and Bacterial Leaf Blight by Marker-assisted Selection in Rice Evaluation on Effect of Resistance Improvement of Bacterial Leaf Blight and Brown Planthopper for Three Dominant Indica Restorer Lines Enhancing the Heterosis of Spring Rapeseed Varieties (Brassica napus L.) by Using Semi-Winter Rapeseed Varieties as Parents A restorer line‘011’for hybrid sorghum production developed by using somaclonal variation technique Identification of Indica-japonica Character and Analysis on the Yield Combination Ability for the New Germplasm Yihui 1577 Evaluation on Effect of Resistance Improvement of Rice Blast and Brown Planthopper for Three Dominant Indica Restorer Lines THE INFLUENCE of TEMPERATURE on BENTAZON INJURE in RICE SENSITIVE RESTORER LINE GLUTINOUS RICE RESTORER LINE NUOHUI 6211 WITH HIGH COMBINING ABILITY AND MULTIPLE RESISTANCE BRED BY COMBINATION OF IRRADIATION AND CROSS METHODS Development of a Indica Rice Restorer Line Fuhui838 and Its Derivative Lines with Strong Restoring Ability and Their Utilization Analysis on Combining Ability of Yield Traits Between China and South Asia in Rice Restorer Lines Evaluation of Improvement Effect of Restorer Lines on Pyramiding Genes Resistant to Rice Blast, Bacterial Leaf Blight and Brown Planthopper UTILIZATION OF AN ELITE RICE GERMPLASM-YANDAO 6 WITH HIGH COMBINING ABILITY CREATED BY ~(60)Co γ-IRRADIATION Analysis of heterosis, combining ability and heritability of cadmium content in brown rice of tri-line indica hybrid rice Inheritance of Fertility Restoration Ability of Restorer Line Ninghui 3-2 in Sinica Rice SOMACLONAL MALE STERILE LINE 54257/162-5 AND ITS MAINTAINER Reducing Amylose Content of ‘Xiang Qing‘‘ and Hybrid Rice Seeds by Introducing Anti-Waxy Gene Breeding of Male Sterile Restorer Lines Matching with cms-FA Lines of New Male Sterile Cytoplasm Genes from Oryza rufipogon Performance of Restorer Lines with Salt Tolerance in Whole Growth Period under Normal Irrigated Condition and Development of Hybrid Rice with Salt Tolerance Genetic Diversity of Restorers of Three-Line Hybrid Rice in China Breeding of the Restorer Line SWR78 with Wide Compatibility and Wide Restoring Ability Characterization and Genetic Analysis of Grain Filling Rate of Ludao and Restorer Line C-Bao in Japonica Rice(Oryza sativa L.)

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