Change of Cell Structure of Chlorella pyrenoidosa Grown under Different CO2 Concentration The Carboxylation Rate of Rubisco and Activity of Carbonic Anhydrase in Plants from a Subtropical Forest Grown at Different Light Intensity The study on Diurnal Variation in Greenhouse Gas Revenue and Expenditure Fluxes of Leymus chinensis Grassland of Inner Mngolia Comprehensive Evaluation of Co2+ Resistance and Enrichment Features of Italian ryegrass Accessions at Seedling Stage Extraction and isolation of 23-acetate alisol B from Alisma orientalis by supercritical fluid extraction and high-speed counter-current chromatography Comparison of photosynthetic characteristics between an endangered species Camellia pubipetala and its widespread congener C. sinensis Study on the effective constituents of Spirulina platensis with supercritical fluid extraction and separation Applications studies of the modified exponential model on photosynthesis—light response and CO2 response curves of Mirabilis jalapa EFFECT OF MULTI-EFFECT TRIAZOLE ON ABSORPTION OF PHOSPHORUS,NITROGEN AND DISTRIBUTION OF 14CO2- ASSIMILATES IN RAPE PLANT Effect of CO2 Concentration Doubling on Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Production in Different Growth Stages of Soybean Plant Effects of Soil Water and the Atmospheric COZ Concentration Increase on Evapotranspiration,Photosynthesis,Growth of Wheat,Maize and Cotton Changes of Antioxidative Ability in Leaves of Rice Cultivars Grown under Enriched C02 The Experimental Study of the Effects of CO2 Concentration Enrich-ment on Physiological Feature of C3 and C4 Crops Effects of the Starch Accumulation on Photosynthesis of Cucumber Leaves Under Long Term Elevated CO2 Condition Influence of Elevated CO2 Concentration and Nitrogen Source on Photosynthetic Traits in the Invasive Species Eupatorium adenophorum (Asteraceae) Effects of Free-air CO2 Enrichment on Root System and Yield in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Effect of Elevated CO2 Concentration on Growth in Lycium barbarum Relationship between stomata parameters of plants and atmospheric CO2 concentration change Effects of enhanced CO2 fertilization on phytoremediation of DEHPpolluted soil. Soil respiration dynamics and its controlling factors of typical vegetation communities on meadow steppes in the western Songnen Plain. Orthogonal experiment using SFE-CO2 in extraction of essential oil from fresh Houttuynia cordata and analysis of essential oil by GC-MS Effects of Artemisia gmelinii Shrub Patch to CO2 Exchange in the Grassland of Loess Plateau Carbon Exchange Characteristics of Fenced and Natural Grazed Grassland in Loess Plateau Soil respiration dynamics and impact factor analysis of a shrubland-grassland ecotone in the Eastern Qilian Mountains Optimization of extraction process for tannins from Geranium orientali-tibeticum by supercritical CO2 method GC-MS analysis and cytotoxic activity of the supercritical extracts from roots and stems of Zanthoxylum nitidum The Photosynthetic Characteristics of Wheat Ear Effects of elevated CO2 on the root growth and nutrient uptake in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants under different P application status The interactive effects of carbon dioxide enrichment and fertilizers on the dynamic changes of growth and C and N accumulation and C/N ratio in tomato seedling leaves Effects of CO2 concentration enrichment, nitrogen and water on soil nutrient content and nutrient uptake of spring wheat Study on CO2 emissions and its kinetics of soils with different fertilization systems Synergistic Effects of Doubled CO2 Concentration and Drought Stress on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Medicago sativa Effects of Elevated CO2, Drought Stress and Nitrogen Deposition on Photosynthesis Light Response Curves of Bothriochloa ischaemum Physiological Effects of Elevated CO2 on Loquat Trees (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)under Water Stress Effects of Different Mixed Organic Matter Application on the CO2 Concentration in Greenhouse and the Physiological Effects of Tomato Plants Growth Effects of CO2 Concentration and Phosphorus on Maize and Soybean under Different Cropping Patterns Physiological Responses of Pleioblastus kongosanensis to the Elevated Atmospheric Ozone and CO2 Alone and in Combination Effects of Doubled Carbon Dioxide and Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Growth and Rhizosphere Microorganisms in Soybean (Glycine max Merr.) AGRICULTURAL APPLICATION OF COAL ASH AND ITS RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION TO ENVIRONMENT APPLICATION AND PROSPECTS OF CO_2 IN TISSUE CULTURE Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Instantaneous Response of Four Poplar Clones to CO2 Effects of Molybdenum on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Winter Wheat under Low Temperature Stress Research on preparation technology of baicalein particles by supercritical CO2 antisolvent method Absorption characteristics in intestine of icaritin self-microemulsion via CaCO2 monolayer model Studies on Triterpenoid Constituents of Qiaocha (Catha exulis) Studies on Extraction of Artemisinin from Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia annua)by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Comparison between SEF-CO2 extraction and traditional methods for extracting essential oil components in myrrh

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