Cloning and Expression Analysis of an Adenylate Kinase Gene GmADK in Soybean Conditions of Co-Culture Affecting on the Efficiency of Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Cotyledonary Node of Soybean Cloning and Functional Analysis of GmNF-YC2 Gene in Soybean (Glycine max) Classification of Glutamine Synthetase Gene and Preliminary Functional Analysis of the Nodule-Predominantly Expressed Gene GmGS1β2 in Soybean Cloning and Analysis of a GmTTG1-like Gene and Construction of Expression Vector for Transformation in Soybean Evaluation of Soybean Germplasm in Resistance to Globular Stink Bug [Megacota cribraria (Fabricius)] Expression of the MADS-Box Gene GmAGL15 in Seed Development of Soybean Identification of QTLs for Glycinin (11S) and β-Conglycinin (7S) Fractions of Seed Storage Protein in Soybean by Association Mapping Association Analysis of Agronomic and Quality Traits with SSR Markers in Glycine max and Glycine soja in China: II. Exploration of Elite Alleles Association Analysis of Agronomic and Quality Traits with SSR Markers in Glycine max and Glycine soja in China: I. Population Structure and Associated Markers Inheritance and QTL Analysis of Submergence Tolerance at Seedling Stage in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Mapping QTLs of Resistance to Megacota cribraria (Fabricius) in Soybean Cloning and Analysis of GmCIL4 Gene in Glycine max L. Identification and Evaluation for Resistance to Sclerotinia Stem Rot in 44 Soybean Mini Core Collections

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