Stamen movements in hermaphroditic flowers: diversity and adaptive significance The Plant Mitogen-activated Protein (MAP) Kinase Neuroprotective effect of curcumin to Aβ of double transgenic mice with Alzheimer’s disease Control Effects of Applying Nosema Locustae Bait Mixed with Cascade Bait on the Populations of Rangeland Grasshopper Effects of Cascade on the Rangeland Predatory-groundbeetle Pterostichus gebleri Impact of cascade hydropower stations on suspended particulate matter in Xiangxi River Interrelationship between Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Cascades and Signaling Moleculars,Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitric Oxide in Plants Expression of the inactive ZmMEK1 induces salicylic acid accumulation and salicylic acid-dependent leaf senescence Nitric oxide(NO) is a signaling molecule of plant irritability response to environment Impacts of hydroelectric cascade exploitation on river ecosystem and landscape: A review. Preventive effects of Emodin on cerebral ischemia injury and expression of the inflammatory factors in rats with cerebral ischemia Effects of consumer diversity on food web structure and ecosystem functioning: current knowledge and perspectives Roles of Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Cascades in ABA Signaling Regulation of Plant Development Advances in Biosynthesis and Regulatory Cascades of Plant ta-siRNA Recent Advances of Herbivorous Insect Induced Resistance in Plants Screening and Verification of PtMPKs Interacting with PtMKK4 of Populus trichocarpa

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