Simulation of the factors influencing N2O emission in summer corn farmland Effects of nitrogen application and irrigation on grain yield, water and nitrogen utilizations of summer maize Nutrients utilization of integrative ridge planting system of winter wheat and summer maize Effects of long-term fertilization on growth and photosynthesis of summer maize in fluvoaquic soil Effects of reducing and postponing nitrogen application on soil N supply, plant N uptake and utilization of summer maize Spatial variation of soil water and salt and microscopic variation of soil salinity in summer in typical area of the Yellow River Delta in Kenli County Relationships between summer drought and strong typhoon events and pine wilt disease occurrence in East Asia. Spatial distribution and lipid related energy-consumption strategies of Calanus sinicus in summer in the southern Yellow Sea and East China Sea Analysis on the limiting factors to further improve yield of summer maize in Heilonggang River Valley Effects of Nitrogen Treatments on Dry Matter Production and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Summer Maize (Zea mays L.) under Super-high Yield Conditions Effects of Nitreogen Patterns on Nitrogen Use and Yield Benefit of Summer Maize STUDY ON THE ASCENDENT CRABGRASS‘‘ ECO-ECONOMIC THRESHOLD MODEL AND ECO-ECONOMIC CONTROL THRESHOLD MODEL IN SUMMER GROUNDNUT FIELD THE APPLICATION OF B.T.EMULSION AGAINST COTTON BOLLWORM AND ITS PRESERVING EFFECT FOR NATURAL ENEMIES TO SUPPRESS SUMMER COTTON APHID STUDY ON THE ECO-ECONOMIC THRESHOLD PERIOD FOR CONTROLLING DIGIT ARIA SANGVINALIS IN SUMMER MAIZE FIELD IN NORTH CHINA ON THE COMMUNITY STRUCTURE OF MAJOR INSECT PESTS AND NATURAL ENEMIES IN SIMMER CORN FIELD INLAID IN COTTON AREA Effects of Squash Silverleaf on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Chloroplast Ultra-structure of the Summer Squash Leaves Effects of High Temperature on PSII and Antioxidant Enzymes Activities in Heat-Tolerant Scallion Effect of base nitrogen application depth on summer maize yield, nitrogen utilization efficiency and nitrogen residue Effect of slow-release fertilizer and tillage practice on grain yield and nitrogen efficiency of summer maize (Z. mays L.) Dynamic analysis of dry matter and NPK accumulation with time in summer maize Effects of long-term fertilization on potassium uptake of summer maize and potassium dynamics of fluvo-aquic soil Effects of nitrogen levels on the morphology characteristics of grain and plant of summer maize (Zea mays L.) under super-high yield conditions Characteristics of dry matter, accumulation and distribution of N, P and K of superhighyield summer maize Effects of potassium application rate on yield and potassium use efficiency of summer maize under high yield conditions Effects of nitrogen application dates on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of summer maize in super-high yield conditions Application of relative SPAD values for nitrogen fertilizer management of different cultivars of summer maize Effects of nitrogen application on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of summer maize under super-high yield conditions Morphology and Life Cycle of Kurisakia onigurumi (Shinji) Diagnosis of N nutrient status of corn using digital image processing technique Summer Ornamental Plants and Their Landscape Application in Guangzhou Effect of Ethephon and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Nitrogen Uptake, Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Yield of Summer Maize Effects of Subsoiling-Seeding on Root Physiological Indices, Water-Saving and Yield-Increasing Behaviors in Summer Maize (Zea mays L.) in Haihe Lowland Plain Adaptability Evaluation of GECROS Simulateing Summer Maize Growth in the Yellow-Huaihe-Haihe Rivers Effect of Strip Subsoiling on Population Root Spatial Distribution of Maize under Different Planting Densities Yield and Lodging Resistance of Summer Maize under Different Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Tillage Systems Effects of Nutrient Expert Recommend Fertilization on Yield and Fertilizer Efficiency of Summer Maize in Fluvo-Aquic Soil Effects of Leaf Removal on Canopy Apparent Photosynthesis and Individual Leaf Photosynthetic Characteristics in Summer Maize under High Plant Density Characteristics of Senescence and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Leaves at Different Plant Parts of Summer Maize with the Super-high Yielding Potential after Anthesis Yield Performance Characteristics and Regulation Effects of Plant Density and Sub-Soiling Tillage System for High Yield Population of Summer Maize Dynamic Responses of Nitrogen Accumulation and Remobilization in Summer Maize Organs to Nitrogen Fertilizer The Effect of Sheep Rotational Grazing Intensities on Forage and Animal Production of Qinghai-Tibet Alpine Rangeland in the Summer and Autumn Effect of the Previous Crops on the Initial Stage of Establishment of a Mixed-Sowing Grassland

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