Simulating impacts of summer drought on forest dynamics in Dongling Mountain Influences of different managements of winter wheat residues on seedling growth and grain yield of summer corn Study on C02 emimion from soil of typical farmland in North China Plain Effects of effective microorganisms (EM) compost on summer maize growth and development The initial study of the relationship between meteorological factors and agronomic characters of soybean in Beijing area Abundance distribution of virioplankton in Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent East China Sea in summer and winter. Effects of different cultivation modes on the leaf photosynthetic characteristics and yield of summer-sowing peanut. Effects of shading on dry matter accumulation and nutrient absorption of summer maize. Soil nitrogen mineralization and its prediction in winter wheat-summer maize rotation system Effects of nitrogen application on nitrogen balance and use efficiency and yield of summer maize in soil with high residual nitrogen Effects of nitrogen rate and planting density on grain yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency of high yield summer maize THE EFFECT OF LIMITED WATER SUPPLY ON THE YIELD AND WATER USE EFFICIENCY OF SUMMER CORN Analysis of Main Factors Influencing Summer and Autumn Feeding of Rhinopithecus roxellana in Shennongjia Nature Reserve Effects of Ethylene-Chlormequat-Potassium on Characteristics of Leaf Senescence at Different Plant Positionsafter Anthesis under Different Planting Densities Non-hydraulic root-sourced signaling regulates the response of maize gas exchange to micro-climate during soil drying Effects of Shading on the Growth Characteristics of Three Alfalfa Cultivars in Summer Agronomic characters and their correlations with yield in summer soybean varieties of different growth habits Climatic potential productivity of winter wheat and summer maize in Huanghuaihai Plain in 2011-2050. Effects of DA-6 on leaf photosynthetic carboxylase and protective enzyme activities and grain yield of high-yielding summer maize. Effects of planting density on the grain yield and source-sink characteristics of summer maize. Effects of cropping patterns on photosynthesis characteristics of summer maize and its utilization of solar and heat resources. The grey water footprint of the winter wheat-summer maize crop rotation system of the North China Plain Simulation of summer maize yield influenced by potential drought in China during 1961-2010 Effects of pre-sowing soil moisture and planting patterns on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of summer soybean Vertical distribution and its change of root quantity and activity of inter-cropped summer maize Study on balance of phosphorus and potassium in winter wheat and summer maize rotation system USE AND MANAGEMENT OF SOIL WATER AND NITROGEN RESOURCES Ⅲ The optimal management of soil water and nitrogen resources USE AND MANAGEMENT OF SOIL WATER AND NITROGEN RESOURCES Ⅱ-The simulation of use, loss and annual use efficiency of soil water and nitrogen resources USE AND MANAGEMENT OF SOIL WATER AND NITROGEN RESOURCESⅠ. Soil Water and Nitrogen Conditions and Root Development Continuous nitrogen supplying capacity of the fertile soil in the winter wheat/summer maize rotation system Biological effect of maize stalk return to field directly under different accretion decay conditions Effect of organic inorganic fertilizer on the growth and the water use of summer maize Study on spectral variation of LTN, CHL and LAI of summer maize The Sulfur Absorption and Spatio-Temporal Distributing in High-Yield Summer Ma ize Representative Test for Primary Core Collection of Summer Sowing Soybeans in Huanghuai Region of China Multivariate Analysis, Description, and Ecological Interpretation of Weed Vegetation in the Summer Crop Fields of Anhui Province, China Effects of nitrapyrin-nitrogen (N) fertilizer application rates on N utilization and N2O emission in summer maize field. Effects of summer fallow in Guanzhong irrigation area Flowering phenology and fruiting characteristics of summer peanut under different planting systems Use of integrated climatic index to determine high temperature damage to summer maize at florescence in the Huaibei Plain Analysis of the dynamics and characteristics of grain filling in summer maize under waterlogging stress Ammonia volatilization in winter wheat/summer maize rotation system of purple soil in hilly area of Central Sichuan Basin Exogenous GA3 influence on the development of summer cultivated carrot fleshy root on plateau Effects of application of organic fertilizer under different planting densities on dry matter production and yield formation of summer maize Cause and mechanism of winter wheat yield reduction under straw mulch in the North China Plain Critical period of weed control in no-tillage summer maize fields A summer maize dressing decision-making model based on effective accumulated temperature Studies on recommended fertilization methods of summer maize in different fluvo-aquic soil texture Effect of nitrogen application patterns on yield and grain-filling of summer maize Photosyntheticcharacterization and yield of summer corn (Zea mays L.) during grain filling stage under different planting pattern and population densities Effects of different summer catch crops planting on soil inorganic N residue and leaching in greenhouse vegetable cropping system Effects of colour shading on the yield and main biochemical components of summer-autumn tea and spring tea in a hilly tea field Effects of ridge planting on the photosynthetic characteristics and yield of summer maize in high-yield field Effects of soil tillage and straw returning on weed biodiversity in summer maize (Zea mays) field Effects of planting densities and modes on developmental characteristics of summer maize populations in two varieties Effects of Different Tillage Methods on Dry Matter Accumulation and Transfer Characteristics of Summer Soybean Effects of Tillage Managements in Wheat and Maize Rotation Crop System on Leaf Senescence Biological Characteristics During Grain Filling in Maize Thestudy of niche on main species of forestcommunity in Shanxi Huoshan Mt. A New Summer Squash Hybrid for Protected Cultivation ‘Yindie 1’ A New Summer Squash Variety —‘Jin xihulu 1’ Effects of Seasonal Moderate Grazing on Plant Community of Alpine Meadow Accumulating Characteristics of Dry Subtance and Active Component of Summer-planted Isatis indigotica Fort.Cultivated Populations Determination of tetrahydropulmatine content in treatment of winter ‘s diseases in summer path by HPLC Effects of Shading in Field on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Summer Corn Effects of Plant Density on Ear Leaf Anatomical Structure in Summer Maize Effects of Nitrogen Management in Wheat Season on Matter Production and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Winter Wheat–Summer Maize Rotation System Effects of Potassium Application Rate on Stem Lodging Resistance of Summer Maize under High Yield Conditions Effects of Integrated Agronomic Practices on Nitrogen Efficiency and Soil Nitrate Nitrogen of Summer Maize Effects of Coupling Controlled Release Urea with Water on Yield and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Summer Maize Effects of Plant Population on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield Components of Summer Soybean ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES in vitro AND MAIN EFFICACY COMPONENTS IN SUMMER MULBERRY LEAVES Genetic Diversity Analysis by SSR of Summer Sowing Soybean in Hubei THE EXPRESSION OF SOME CHARACTERS ON LOTUS UNDER THE CONDITION OF SUMMER-SOWING IN MODESTO, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES Numerical simulation on maize growth in a regular windbreak system in Huanghuaihai Plain Rational N regulation in wheat/corn high-yield farm ecosystem—Taking winter wheat-summer corn system in Hengtai county of Shandong Province as an example Effect of interplanting summer cotton on its ecological condition and development The Spatio-temporal Variations of Soil NO_3~--N and Apparent Budget of Soil Nitrogen Ⅱ. Summer Maize The effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on the water sensitivity and physiologica l parameters of summer maize AN ENDANGERED PRECIOUS AND RARE NEW OLD HUGE TREE FERN DISCOVERED IN YUNNAN CHINA ALSOPHILA PINGBIANICA The Characteristics of Canopy Photosynthesis of Summer Corn (Zea mays) and its Relation with Canopy Structure and Ecological Conditions

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