Screening molecular markers for heat tolerance and its relation to summer tolerance in tall fescue single plants Effects of different application modes and rates of controlled release urea on fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield of summer maize. Effects of controlledrelease fertilizers on summer maize grain yield, field ammonia volatilization, and fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency EFFECT OF PLANT DENSITY AND FERTILIZATION ON HIGH YIELD OF MAIZE( Zea mays L.) STUDIES ON THE MECHANISM OF PROMOTING THE FLOWER BUD FORMATION BY ETHREL, PP333 AND SUMMER PRUNING Effects of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer on carbon and nitrogen metabolism of summer maize Application of different release duration controlled-release coated urea combined with conventional urea on summer maize Nitrogen loss and use efficiency of one-time basal application of cattle manure in autumn to a winter wheat–summer maize cropping system on the North China Plain Effects of nitrogen application patterns on yields of winter wheat and summer maize and nitrogen use efficiency Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of super-high-yield summer maize root YIELD LOSS MODEL DUE TO THE INFESTATION OF WEEDS IN SUMMER MAIZE Effect of Plant Distrbution in Population on Dry Matter Accumulation,Pantitioning and Yield in Summer Soybean Yield Performance and Resources Used Efficiency of Winter Wheat and Summer Maize in Double Late-Cropping System Effects of Different Nitrogen Regimes on Canopy Structure and Partial Phsiological and Agronomic Characters Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization of Summer Maize Hybrids with Different Plant Heights Effects of Ethylene-Chlormequat-Potassium on Leaf Nitrogen Assimilation after Anthesis and Early Senescence under Different Planting Densities Influence of density correction on latent heat, CO2 flux and energy balance closure in winter wheat/summer maize rotation fields Effect of long-term fertilization on photosynthetic property and yield of summer maize (Zea mays L.) Effects of seed dressing with imidacloprid on the seedlings growth and protective enzyme activities of high-yielding summer maize. Effects of row spacing on canopy structure and grain-filling characteristics of high-yield summer maize. Change trends of summer fire danger in Great Xing’an Mountains forest region of Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China under climate change. Effects of nitrogen application period on the nitrogen metabolism key enzymes activities and antioxidant characteristics of high-yielding summer maize. Sensitivity of local weather to different vegetation schemes using meso-scale model (MM5) In Situ Determination of Ammonia Volatilization from Wheat Maize Rotation System Field in North China Effects of different management patterns on uptake, distribution and fate of nitrogen in summer maize Studies on the Relationship between Canopy Apparent Photosynthesis Rate and Grain Yield in High Yielding Summer Corn(Zea may L.) Relationship between the Contents of N.P.K and Water Supply and Fertilizer in Summer Soybean Analysis of the Gene Effects for Some Important Agronomic Characters in Summer Soybean CONSTITUTION OF THE AUTUMN POPULATION OF RICE WATER WEEVILS IN DOUBLE CROPPING RICE AREA OF ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, CHINA Continuous-automatic method for measuring N2O emission from agricultural soil Applications of polymer coated urea with different release time and conventional urea on summer maize growth Effects of co-situs application of polymer-coated fertilizers on grain yield, root distribution and soil residual Nmin in summer maize Effect of waterlogging on nutrient uptake and transport of summer maize Effects of Planting Ways and Sowing(or transplanting)-date on the Boll Developm ent of the Summer Cotton in Wheat-Summer Cotton Double Cropping Research on climatic resources in Heilonggang summer early-maturing district Study on the developing characteristics of individual plant and yield formation in high and dwarf plant types of summer millet Ecoeconomic viewpoint on controlling weeds in the field of summer maize in the North China Study on fertilizer placement style for zero tillage summer maize STUDY ON TRANSFERENCE OF ASSIMILATE IN FILLING SUMMER MAIZE USING ISOTOPE 14 C Canopy Characters Differences and Effects on Yield in Different Dwarf Type Zucchini EFFECTS OF RIDGE CULTURE ON GRAIN YIELD AND WATER USE EFFICIENCY OF WINTER WHEAT AND SUMMER MAIZE CYTOLOGY AND FERTILITY AND OVER-SNMMER ABILITY OF HYBRID PROGENIES BETWEEN LOLIUM MULTIFLORUM AND FESTUCA ARUNDINACEA Responses of contents of soil nutrient factors and water to stocking rates for yaks in Kobresia parva alpine meadow Ⅰresponses to contents of soil nutrient factors and water to stocking rates in summer pasture Effects of soil water stress on the regular degree of plant properties of summer corn Effect of irrigation on nitrogen uptake and translocation in summer maize Characteristics and effects of climate warming on winter wheat/summer maize cropping system in recent 50 years in the piedmont of Mount Taihang Path analysis of summer maize agronomic traits and yield in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain Effect of sowing date and density on sink/source relationship and canopy light transmission of summer maize (Zea mays L.) Effect of sowing date and rate on canopy intercepted photo-synthetically active radiation and yield of winter wheat Summer food habits of Mongolian Gazelle (Procapra gutturosa) in Dalai Lake area in the Inner Mongolia, China and in Eastern Province,Mongolia Long-period quantitative simulation and evaluation of summer maize potential productivity in Luoyang dryland Law of field soil ammonia volatilization in summer maize under different fertilizer patterns Effects of planting densities and modes on activities of some enzymes and yield in summer maize Feasible study on water-saving effect of wheat-maize rotation pattern The effect of wheat stubble treatment on the activities of microorganisms in the rhizosphere of summer maize(Zea mays L.) Effect of population distribution on yield and water use efficiency in summer soybean Effects of different fertilizers on soil enzyme activities and CO2 emission in dry- land of maize Effects of Nitrogen, Potassium and Glycinebetaine on the Lipid Peroxidation and Protective Enzyme Activities in Water-Stressed Summer Maize Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Summer Maize under Different Planting Densities Foraging Behavior of Oula Sheep in Summer Pastures of Maqu Gannan Synergistic Action of Plant Growth Regulators and Fungicides on Control Efficiency of Summer Patch in Kentucky Bluegrass Preliminary Studies on Etiology of Summer Squash Bacterial Soft Rot Disease Genetic Effect Analysis on Eight Agronomic Traits of Summer Squash A New Summer Squash Cultivar‘Heyuli’ FATE OF FERTILIZER N IN WINTER WHEAT/SUMMER MAIZE ROTATION SYSTEM ON HIGH-ERTILITY SOIL Effects of more plants per hill on population quality and yield of summer maize Effect of row spacing on nitrogen uptake, nitrogen utilization and yield of summer maize Research on exploiting wheat-maize grain yield theory and technology in the eastern low plain of Hebei Province Risk assessment and zoning of drought for summer maize in the Huang-Huai-Hai Region RZWQM simulation of nitrogen transport and loss under winter wheat/ summer maize rotation system in the North China Plain Preliminary Studies on Etiology of Summer Squash Bacterial Soft Rot Disease Genetic Effect Analysis on Eight Agronomic Traits of Summer Squash Effects of Different Mixing Rates of Controlled-release Urea and Common Urea on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency of Summer Maize Dry Matter Production and Photosynthesis Characteristics of Three Hybrids of Maize (Zea mays L.) with Super-High-Yielding Potential Effect of Postponing N Application on Yield, Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization in Super-High-Yield Summer Maize Effects of Controlled-Release Fertilizer on Yield and Nitrogen Accumulation and Distribution in Summer Maize Critical Nitrogen Dilution Curve and Nitrogen Nutrition Index for Summer Maize in North China Plain Effects of Shading on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Xanthophyll Cycle of Summer Maize in the Field Effect of Plant Density on Microstructure of Stalk Vascular Bundle of Summer Maize (Zea mays L.) and Its Characteristics of Sap Flow Effects of Different Row Spaces on Canopy Structure and Resistance of Summer Maize

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