Activation of Plasma Membrane NADPH Oxidase and Generation of H2O2 Mediate the Induction of PAL Activity and Saponin Synthesis by Endogenous Elicitor in Suspension-Cultured Cells of Panax ginseng Plasma Membrane NADPH Oxidase in Tobaccotobacco mosaic virus Interaction Change of Nitric Oxide and NADPH-diaphorase During the Generation and the Development of Adventitious Roots in Mung Bean Hypocotyl Cuttings Mechanism of Oxidative Burst in Tobacco Leaves and Cells Induced by Palmin from Phytophthora palmi Cloning of Glutamate Dehydrogenase cDNA from Chlorella sorokiniana and Analysis of Transgenic Tobacco Plants Molecular Cloning,Subcellular Localization and Expression Analysis of NADPH Oxidase Gene from Tea Plant Mechanism of Water Stress-induced Apoplastic H2O2 Accumulation in Maize Leaves Drought-stimulated Activity of Plasma Membrane NADPH Oxidase and its Catalytic Properties in Rice Molecular and Functional Comparisons of Reactive Burst Oxygen Species Gene Family in Arabidopsis Photosynthetic Features of Transgenic Rice Expressing Sorghum C4 Type NADP-ME The Activities of NAD Kinase and NADP Phosphatase and Some Characteristicsof NAD Kinase in Strawberry during Fruit Maturation The Activities of NAD Kinase and NADP Phosphatase and Some Characteristicsof NAD Kinase in Strawberry during Fruit Maturation Research Progress in Plant Rboh Genes Function and Activity Regulation Mechanism Soil Amelioration of Saline-alkali Lands Influences on the Pigments and C4-Photosynthesis Related Enzymes in Leaf, Bark and Branch Chlorenchyma of Yinzhong Poplar Extracellular H2O2 and NADPH Oxidase are Involved in the Copper-Induced Cell Death NaCl Effect on Plasmalemma NADPH Oxidase Activity of Wheat Roots Molecular and Functional Comparisons of Reactive Burst Oxygen Species Gene Family in Arabidopsis The effect and the mechanism of drought, salt and temperature on NADP-malic enzymes in plants Advances in studies on anti-oxidant mechanism of curcumin based on signal transduction pathway Effect of BA upon the Amount of Pchlide and NPR protein and the Activity of NPR in Cucumber Cotyledons THE ACTIVITY CHANGES OF NADP-MALIC ENZYME AND ITS REGULATION IN THE TRANSFORMATION C_3 TYPE PHOTOSYNTHESIS INTO CAM TYPE CALMODULIN-DEPENDENT NAD KINASE AND ITS FUNCTIONS IN PLANTS Photosynthetic Characteristics of Transgenic Wheat Expressing Maize C4-Type NADP-ME Gene Excessive Copper Induces the Production of ROS, which is Mediated by Phospholipase D, NADPH Oxidase and Antioxidant Systems UV-B Activates Different Sources of H2O2 and Induces Stomatal Closure in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaves Effects of Taxus polysaccharide on myocardial NADPH oxidase mRNA, and SOD, and MDA in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury model of Beagle‘s dogs The NADPH Oxidase Is Likely Involved in ABA-Induced Stomatal Guard Cell Movement in Vicia faba H2O2-NOX System: an Important Mechanism for Developmental Regulation and Stress Response in Plants Research Progress in the Control and Regulation of Plant Growth and Development by Reactive Oxygen Species Catalpol protect diabetic vascular endothelial function by inhibiting NADPH oxidase NbRbohB is required for resistance to Phytophthora pathogens in Nicotianaben thamiana Effects of Taxus polysaccharide on myocardial NADPH oxidase mRNA, and SOD, and MDA in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury model of Beagle’s dogs Relationship Between NAD Kinase and Active Oxygen During Ripening and Senescence of Postharvested Tomato Fruit Relationship Between NAD Kinase and Active Oxygen During Ripening and Senescence of Postharvested Tomato Fruit