Simulation of above ground biomass in Larix olgensis plantation. Research on biomass expansion factor of chinese fir forest in Zhejiang Province based on LULUCF greenhouse gas Inventory Individual tree biomass model by tree origin, site classes and age groups Source Appointment of Differences in Biomass Estimates of Eucalypt Plantation Comparison of Several Compatible Biomass Models and Estimation Approaches Multi-scale biomass estimation of desert shrubs: a case study of Haloxylon ammodendron in the Gurbantunggut Desert, China Studies on the Biomass Models of the Tree Stratum of Secondary Cyclobalanopsis glauca Forest in Zhejiang Aboveground Biomass of Dendrocalamus latiflorus Plantation in South Fujian Path analysis of morphological parameters of Convolvulus tragacuthoiedes population and individual biomass modeling of subshrubs Above-ground Biomass Allocation and Relationship with Ramet Component of Oligostachyum lubricum Study on biomass estimation methods of understory shrubs and herbs in forest ecosystem Biomass comparison and estimation models for six dominant species of woody shrubs in the forest zones of the Tianshan Mountains Biomass estimation modeling and adaptability analysis of organ allocation in six common shrub species in Tianshan Mountains forests, China Bias Correction in Logarithmic Regression and Comparison with Weighted Regression for Non-linear Models Biomass and carbon fixation ability of typical larch- poplar and betula mixed forest in Mulanweichang Impact of topography on the spatial distribution pattern of net primary productivity in a meadow A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON BIOMASS OF WOODWARDIA JAPONICA COMMUNITY UNDER A CONIFEROUS PLANTATION IN SUBTROPICAL CHINA Models for biomass estimation of four shrub species planted in urban area of Xi’an City, Northwest China. Biomass Study on Pinus koraiensis Plantations in Eastern Heilongjiang Province Analysis of Crown Growth Characteristics in Natural Larix gmelinii Forests Forest Biomass Estimation Methods and Their Prospects STUDY ON ESTABLISH AND ESTIMATE METHOD OF COMPATIBLE BIOMASS MODEL Carbon dioxide sequestration of main shrub species in a natural secondary Pinus Tabulaeformis forest at the Huoditang forest zone in the Qinling Moutains Estimating Biomass and NPP of Larix Forests Using Forest Inventory Data (FID) Biomass Allocation Pattern and Estimation Model Building of Caragana korshinskii with Different Plant Heights Application of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in the Biomass Monitor of Two Grassland Types in Xilinhot Simulation of Foliage Distribution for Major Broad-Leaved Species in Secondary Forest in Mao‘er Mountain

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