Influence of silts on growth and development of Acorus calamus and Acorus tatarinowii in turbid water Effect of Acorus tatarinowii Schott. on Gastrointestinal Myoelectric Activity in Rats Study of comparative anatomy on structure of seedlings of Acorus tatarinowii and Zantedeschia aethiopica Research progress on Acorus tatarinowii and its active ingredients in treatment of Alzheimer‘s disease Chemical constituents from rhizomes of Acorus tatarinowii Inhibitory effects of Acorus tatarinowii on algae growth Study on GC-MS fingerprint analysis in rhizome of volatile oil of Acorus tatarinowii Changes of amino acid content in hippocampus of epileptic rats treated with volatile oil of Acorus tatarinowii Study on chemical constituents from roots and rhizomes of Acorus tatarinowii Effects of alcoholic extracts from Acorus tatarinowii on defensive enzymes of tomato Allelopathic Effect of Acorus tatarinowii on Algae Growth Effect of Essential Oil Extracted from Acorus tatarinowii Rhizomes on Germination and Growth of Barnyardgrass, Eclipta and Rice(Oryza sativa) Preparation of Shichangpu Double Layer Tablets Chemical constituents from petroleum ether fraction of ethanolextract of Acorus tatarinowii

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