Inhibition of extracts from Hangzhou Chrysanthemum Flos, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, and Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma on formation of chloasma and their mechanism Studies on identification and anti-oxidative action of banana skin melanin Ef fects of TCM on tyrosinase act ivity Production of Melanin by the Fermentat ion of Auricularia auricula and Its Free Radical Scavenging Activity THE ESR STUDIES OF FUNGUS STAINED WOOD Effects of tricyclazole on the pathogenicity of Setosphaeria turcica Preliminary Studies on the Desmutagenic Mechanism ofWhite Silk Fowl‘s Melanin QTL Mapping for Anthocyanin and Melanin Contents in Maize Kernel Inhibition of extracts from Hangzhou Chrysanthemum Flos, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, and Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma on formation of chloasmaand their mechanism EXPRESSION OF GENES CONTROLLING PERFECT STATE AND MELANIN IN MAGNAPORTHE GRISEA Effects of galangin with different purity on melanin synthesis and related gene expression in hunman melanoma A375 cells Advances in studies on botanical inhibitors of tyrosinase Melanin Isolation from Zanthoxylum bungeanum Seeds and Protein Removal Studies on the Effect of TCM on Melanin Biosynthesis I.Inhibitory Actions of Ethanolic Extracts of 82 Different Chinese Crude Drugs on Tyrosinase Activity Effects of galangin with different purity on vitiligo mouse model induced by hydroquinone Obtaining and biologic characteristics of melanin-deficient mutants of Setosphaeria turcica Effect of Chinese herbal additive on growth performance and tissue melanin content in Taihe silky fowls Advances in study on regulation of hair pigment expression by natural products Antioxidant Properties of Melanin from Testae of Armeniaca vulgaris var. ansu