Taxonomic Relationship Between Chinese Kale and Other Varieties in Brassica oleracea L. Chromosome Number Identification and Generation of Monosomic AlienAddition Line in the Triploid Interspecies Hybrid of Flowering ChineseCabbage–Chinese Kale Chromosome Number Identification and Generation of Monosomic AlienAddition Line in the Triploid Interspecies Hybrid of Flowering ChineseCabbage–Chinese Kale A New Chinese Kale Cultivar‘Qiusheng Jielan’ Studies on Main Nutritional Components of Chinese Kale Among Different Organs Generation and Cytological Research of Four Primary Trisomics in Chinese Kale(Brassica alboglabra L. H. Bailey) Studies on Changes of Reactive Oxygen Species and Glucosinolates in Chinese Kale Infected by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Construction of an AFLP-based Genetic Linkage Map Using a Doubled-haploid(DH) Population Der ived from a Cross between Chinese Kale and Broccoli Composition and Con tent of Glucosinolates in Leaves and Bolting Stems ofChinese Kale Quantified by HPLC Generation and Cytological Research of Four Primary Trisomics in Chinese Kale(Brassica alboglabra L. H. Bailey) A New Chinese Kale Cultivar‘Qiusheng Jielan’ Studies on Changes of Reactive Oxygen Species and Glucosinolates in Chinese Kale Infected by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Composition and Con tent of Glucosinolates in Leaves and Bolting Stems ofChinese Kale Quantified by HPLC Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Chinese Kale via Isolated Microspore Culture Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Chinese Kale via Isolated Microspore Culture Studies on Main Nutritional Components of Chinese Kale Among Different Organs A New Chinese Kale Cultivar‘Xiacui Jielan’ A New Chinese Kale Cultivar‘Qiulü Jielan’ Effects of cadmium on lipid peroxidation and ATPase activity of plasma membrane from Chinese kale (Brassica alboglabra Bailey) roots Studies on the Karyotypes and C-Banding Patterns of Chinese Kale (Brassica alboglabra ) and Cabbage ( B. oleraca var.eapitata)